@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers rotation data against Nuggets

Lakers rotation data against Nuggets

by BrianC_


  1. Original website link [here](

    It’s just the first game of the season so I don’t think a ton can be gleamed from this, but I’m posting it because of a lot of the reactionary posts here and some of the discussion about LeBron’s mic’d up moment about also being a PG.

    In many pre-season discussions about potential rotations, a sticking point that I often saw was that most people wanted at least 1 of LeBron, D’Angelo, and Reaves on the floor at all times. Ideally, maybe 2 of them. Against the Nuggets, the three were staggered well and 1 or 2 were always on the floor together. If we throw AD into that mix, at least 2 of the 4 were on the floor for almost the entire game. The only player from those 4 that saw signficant solo time was D’Angelo. I think this makes sense since other than LeBron, he’s the best at running some semblance of an offense. His solo stint wasn’t good, but I don’t know how much of that blame is on D’Angelo.

    I think what does stand out a bit is that LeBron and D’Angelo’s minutes almost overlap completely. Amongst the team’s guards, D’Angelo is the most ball-dominant. Throughout the pre-season he looked great when being ball-dominant. Perhaps there is a bit of an adjustment phase here in terms of balance since LeBron did miss a lot of the pre-season. It’s not like D’Angelo can’t play the 2. He’s a combo guard. I also think D’Angelo would happily defer to LeBron.

    There are some posts that criticize the team for playing too small. I think the opposite was true. I was surprised by how many minutes 2-big line-ups got. Reddish also got a lot more minutes than expected. While we did get some dreaded 3-guard line-ups, it was played with 2 bigs.

    Overall, I don’t think the rotation was that bad for an opening night. The general frame-work for a regular season rotation is there. With some minor tweaking, it’ll be fine. This isn’t that surprising since it’s not far off from the rotations the Lakers have ran since acquiring AD and LeBron — yes, that includes under Vogel.

    Some of the complaints I’m seeing is that the game-time rotation adjustments were not good and that the rotation should’ve been heavily adjusted for this specific match-up. Honestly, I think that’s dumb as fuck. I think the priority right now is to work out a general regular season rotation and not treat the 1st game of the season like G2+ of a playoff series.

  2. EveryShot

    Now this is a quality post my dude. Really interesting data here

  3. Tdg_Jglo99

    We shouldn’t have nomore reaves dlo starting lineup when we play Denver. Size and coaching is the reason we are losing and will continue against that team.

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