@National Basketball Association

[Haynes] After practice, Harden arrived at the fixed-base operator airport to board the team flight, but he was stopped by a security official who notified him that he was not permitted to accompany the team, sources say.


> Initially, staying back was interpreted as a suggestion rather than a mandate, sources say. Harden proceeded to participate in portions of the session with the intention of joining the the team on the flight to Milwaukee that afternoon.

>After practice, Harden arrived at the fixed-base operator airport to board the team flight, but he was stopped by a security official who notified him that he was not permitted to accompany the team, sources say.

by lopea182


  1. Huh. Anybody else more knowledgeable?

    Edit: well.

    > General manager Elton Brand and head coach Nick Nurse spoke to Harden to explain that the organization prefers he accepts and follows their workout plan, which includes staying at the practice facility while the team is away, sources say.

  2. VoidTyrant

    Maybe they are close to a trade ? Or they are just sick of the dude and don’t want to see him at all.

  3. Damn getting security checked by your own team. The vibes are great in Philly rn

  4. nowhathappenedwas

    > General manager Elton Brand and head coach Nick Nurse spoke to Harden to explain that the organization prefers he accepts and follows their workout plan, which includes staying at the practice facility while the team is away, sources say.
    > It was expounded that the workout program includes monitoring his measurables and speed with their tracking system, which is located at the facility.

    “We want to document how out of shape you are so that we can use it later when this inevitably ends up in arbitration.”

  5. cardcollection92

    Lmao if there is no deal in place than wtf are the sixers doing

  6. RyanBlackburn

    This will make Harden like Morey even more. Great job, Morey!

  7. NovaxRangerx

    The new CBA is going to make keeping James Harden away a lot harder for the Sixers going forward. If they keep trying to play these games the league will intervene at some point

  8. So Harden doesn’t want to play for the 76ers. The 76ers won’t let him travel to away games.

    Seems like Harden is winning this one. Weird stance from the 76ers.

  9. AutographedSnorkel

    r/nbacirclejerk Christmas morning right here

  10. danger_zones

    Daryl Morey went back on a handshake deal with Harden, refused to trade him in the offseason and is now stopping him from joining the team for away games.

    Every step of the way the Sixers FO put the blame solely on Harden when he’s been cooperating with them. Why would anyone ever sign with the Sixers ever again after this?

  11. RVAIsTheGreatest

    Well, it is true that Harden was away for 10 days, showed up late to camp, didn’t participate in more than a few scrimmages at the most, no preseason games and had other absences in camp. So wanting to ensure he’s truly in game shape and ready to play live NBA game and not risk injury is a legitimate consideration.

    Of course, it is also something embarrassing/angering from Harden’s perspective. The Sixers are putting their foot down and not allowing him to pull strings. But doing that also risks him really going off. It’s such a volatile situation. Gonna be fascinating to witness the twists and turns.

  12. 1birdtwoStones

    I don’t see why the Clippers or other teams would be interested in that nest face. He’s nothing but a disease to a team.

  13. Imagine being such an incompetent organization that you don’t tell him to not travel with the team before he shows up at the airport ready to board?? Like c’mon man.

  14. TheBballs

    Not giving Harden a chance to show off his value lol. League might have to step in

  15. JustCallMeMichael

    Yea so much for 76ers wanted Harden to “ramp up” right?

  16. hotterpocketzz

    Imagine saying your GM is a liar, burning that bridge, and then thinking you’ve been wronged

  17. Bucketsdntlie

    Good. Anytime these dudes who think that everyone should bow down to their every whim get knocked down a peg, I’m a fan.

  18. mrnailed4

    When you act like a child, you get treated like a child.

  19. EdwardVayne

    Sorry but I think this tweet should’ve included more details about the type of airport

  20. Proximity_Intel

    Hey Chris Haynes: It’s just called the FBO.

    No one calls it the “fixed base operator airport”

    Source: I do shit for rich people who utilize FBO’s for private jets

  21. dubnessofp

    I just hope this circus continues because it’s hilarious

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