@Chicago Bulls

Billy Donovan on Bulls needing more resiliency + postgame locker room conversation

Billy Donovan on Bulls needing more resiliency + postgame locker room conversation

by moogie413


  1. Murimadness

    I know people all last night were beating the drum on how a players-only meeting spells disaster if it happens in game 1 of the season but I actually agree with Billy here.

    It seems like not many people here have played on highly competitive teams. Sometimes you need people to get in others’ ears when they don’t play to the standard that’s been set. I’m happy that others already feel like the standard is different.

    I would rather see this than an apathetic team that walks through the 1st half of the season and then gets angry enough to be mad about it. If your expectation is to win often then you need to let people know that executing only half the time won’t fly anymore.

  2. PROFsmOAK

    Billy please figure it out, this middle of the pack stuff is not worth it.

  3. Bleachighost

    Man can say the same bullshit and still keep his job. Most people performing that poorly would be fired in an instant

  4. CaptainNipplesMcRib

    Ultimately, a players only meeting means nothing. Even if this roster is playing at 100%, we’re still middling. The Bulls are quickly losing any trade value that this roster has left by keeping them here and playing under Donovan. Maybe some locker room drama helps accelerate things.

  5. Doesntcheckinbox

    My wife threw all of my stuff out on the lawn but it’s actually a good thing because she’s being open about communicating & showed a lot of passion in doing so our relationship hasn’t seen in years. Last year she would of just muttered to herself & gone to bed!

    Also anyone who doesn’t think this is a good thing clearly has never been in a highly competitive serious relationship & just doesn’t understand.

  6. turkmileymileyturk

    OKC fan here. Not a big BD fan. Never was. But he’s 100% right and he made the right coaching move to let the players hash it out.

    He isn’t known as the most crafty coach in regards to lineups or X’s and O’s, but he is known for getting players to gel. And if he can’t do it with this squad then they can’t be saved.

    Also, I think too many people are making a bigger deal out of a 20pt loss than it really is. The modern NBA is like that. It’s either a competitive game or it’s a 20pt loss — 20pts isn’t a blowout anymore.

    Both of these teams struggle in the first game of the season. OKC just happens to have the type of players who turn it on when the clock dwindles down. And they both played like middle of the road teams with something to prove. This is a good sign. It just looks different coming from different sides of the coin of a rebuild window.


    Ex-Chicagoan/Current Okie

  7. spicyfartz4yaman

    They’re having a players meeting because you won’t hold them accountable and didn’t have them ready for game 1!!!!!!!!

  8. Obi7kenobi

    “If you are having players only meetings…it’s fucking over.” – JJ Watt

  9. Plug-From-Oaxaca

    I honestly wish they would have tried replacing Donovan by now,

  10. HogMolly69

    Billy Donovan’s time as an NBA coach is slowly coming to an end. He’s done absolutely nothing in the pros. I do think if he went back to college he’d be a great coach. But he’s made no impact whatsoever. Doesn’t adjust, runs the same stagnant offense, always runs with stupid ass lineups that make no sense. Time to move on

  11. MillenialsRCuntz

    In other reality, there’s 81 minimum games left, stfu delusionals. Who knows who get’s injured on any team?, who knows who gets traded, relax ffs. Go get Rodman though…could do more D than anyone here now let alone the last 15 /20 years . Chill.

  12. Imhere4thejokes

    Never wanted him, saw him ride Russ/Durant then CP3 to inflated records but always knew he was a fraud…good job signing him to that extension in secret /s smfh…

  13. chilloutman24

    Ask any okc fan what they think of Billy Donovan and tell me y’all still think nothing is his fault.

  14. MuelDaddyLongLegs

    I noticed a lot of “them, they” player blaming from Billy and didn’t hear a lot of “we”…he’s not taking any accountability. It sounded pretty toxic tbh, like he was trying to separate himself from this dumpster fire of a team.

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