@Portland Trail Blazers

We’re really getting a crash course on the DA experience

We’re really getting a crash course on the DA experience

by butterflyhole


  1. RipCity56

    been aprehensive about this dude since we got it and this interview isn’t doing him any favors.

    i hope things change, but i fear we’re stuck with a dude that has a poor attitude and blames others.

  2. jimjamjibjab1

    Tbh, I was expecting worse from looking at these comments first. Not great but it is hard to get into a rhythm with 4 fouls in 2 quarters

  3. healthy_as_a_hearse

    I actually don’t think this is as bad as the comments make it out to be. He’s obvisouly very frustrated with the foul trouble. Is he handling that frustration perfectly? Not really. But his frustration is understandable at least.

  4. EvanTurningTheCorner

    I guess we’ve chosen our new whipping boy

  5. toadtruck

    What exactly is people’s problem with his answers?

  6. ReflectionGloomy8851

    He was frustrated with being called for light fouls which made him timid for the rest of the game, he said he was even afraid to set screens cause they might be too hard. Which I have seen Nurk get called for hard screens just cause the dude fell down.

    There will be growing pains but I think a factor that you can’t quantify or put on any stat sheet is when you have someone like KD or Chris Paul that are veteran superstars that can get into the refs ear and say “hey that last call you had on DA you didn’t notice he got elbowed in the ribs” I think we all know when young guys complain to the refs they get squat and the veterans can actually bend the refs a bit.

  7. If the fanbase turns on him after one game, it’s not going to help him or things longterm. Arguably one of the toughest spots to be in, getting saddled with taking fouls when teammates are letting wrecking balls like Westbrook drive the lane, etc.

  8. puggington

    You guys are really getting in his ass over this? He complained about poor officiating affecting his ability to play, and complemented our guys and said he looks forward to figuring things out. Jesus, and y’all wonder why no one wants to play here. Maybe it’s cause we eat our own as soon as things don’t go our way?


    FYI. There are people hoping that Ayton fails.

    You know how people are on social media. Some people need a whipping boy, same people are desperate to attack people on social media.

    One thing I was really hoping after we traded DA to you guys is we wouldn’t have a dozen threads about DeAndre Ayton every day… Only three yesterday, so it’s getting better…

    After one Suns game people decided that the Suns won the trade. One game is all it took. All Nurkic had to do was show up and I’m confident they would have said the same thing.

    And after one Portland game people are drawing definitive conclusions there too.

    Hold these receipts Portland fans. DA’s going to have great games this season, be sure to talk about those as well as the others, and don’t take these exaggerations seriously. These are people motivated to see you fail, and even more motivated to kick you when you’re down.

  10. spittafan

    My issue with him is that I have not seen an interview where he really takes any responsibility for anything. Anytime Phoenix comes up he avoids the topic or shifts the blame. Here he blames the officials for weak calls, which may be fair, but ultimately it’s not the mindset I would like to see from a veteran player

  11. ImipolexB

    Dude got 13 rebounds 3 steals and a block. Was playing solid defense besides the fouls.

  12. I really hate the “see if we can annoy him enough to get a juicy sound bite” approach to sports journalism.

  13. Eh he’s not happy it’s cool. Glad to see he’s pissed off.

    Should you have been more aggressive?

    “I had 4 fouls how aggressive you want me to be?”

    Lol good answer I like that. I rooted for Nurk when he was here but he could be frustrating. Rooting for Ayton too and at least he is going to get hella reps to improve.

  14. MmmBop6-6-6

    I see a lot of people talking smack about Phoenix getting the full nurk experience but I think it won’t be long until we’re getting the full da experience.

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