@Chicago Bulls

[K.C. Johnson] LaVine was strong on what’s at stake if Bulls continue to look this disjointed: “It’s our third year here together. We know how this business is. We all love each other. DeMar is one of my best friends. We talk all the time. But we have to figure out how to make this thing work”

[K.C. Johnson] LaVine was strong on what’s at stake if Bulls continue to look this disjointed: “It’s our third year here together. We know how this business is. We all love each other. DeMar is one of my best friends. We talk all the time. But we have to figure out how to make this thing work”

by moogie413


  1. Atrain175

    I’m glad they get along but the Bball fit isn’t there. DeMar Zach and vuc are offensively minded players with below to average playmaking. I don’t know how Zo made it work but unless we get a serious playmaker from Coby this trio is a done no amount of roleplayers will fix it. Move DeMar before the season ends, and just blow it up at the summee

  2. SolidSilver9686

    We need a playmaker, floor general, facilitator, whatever you want to call it. I’m all for someone being moved for James Harden. If we’re going to try to compete for a playoff spot, we might as well make it somewhat interesting. Right now it’s just ugly.

    Demar and Vuc are over the hill, Zach struggles defensively and as a playmaker, our young dudes look awful, we need a shakeup at the very least.

  3. CallofJuarez23

    Oh shut the fuck up already, Zach. Everyone knows

  4. AnselLovesNuts

    Glad to know these players are self-aware. None of our players are “divas”, the basketball fit between our big 3 was questionable from the start.

  5. Fire billy and atleast see what someone can do with with roster before the trade line. We know billy can’t do anything

  6. Definitely gives some “deteriorating marriage that neither side is eager to end”. Everyone realizes that this opportunity/relationship is shot, but we’re just going to tough it out… because we don’t want to deal with the short term consequences of ending the opportunity/relationship

  7. MisterxRager

    Two starters scoring 0 points is unacceptable, but Donovan does not help when their struggling. Coby and Zach are prototypical guys you should run off screens but you just don’t see it, It’s constantly iso ball and there’s no emphasize in cutting to the basket he just seems out of his depth in the modern game and it’s evident by his “shoot more threes” bullshit, what good is that if you can’t design a play to get guys open to do that?

  8. Safe-Register-3479

    This is the beginning of the blow-up AK needs to make us younger and more competitive, we have assets use them

  9. Please trade lavine. No one wants demar and this team is going nowhere. Get rid of one of them for picks

  10. Vooch has echoed the same thing in the offseason. Everyone knows this is the last run for this core. Really the only positive since Lonzo has been out is that everyone gets along and there’s no drama 😂

  11. DatAspie2000

    You had all of last year and all off-season to make it work and you haven’t.

  12. Neat_On_The_Rocks

    We’ve been reading these headlines for 3 years. THREE FUCKING YEARS of the EXACT SAME SHIT.

    Madness. I’ve been waiting to fully join this bandwagon, but I’m done, fire AK

  13. My guess is that if the team still looks like this after 20-25 games then they will make the Lavine and DeMar moves. Hopefully to stockpile some picks.. don’t really care who we get back if we have picks involved. Develop our young players properly.

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