@Boston Celtics

In-Season Tournament New Court Design

In-Season Tournament New Court Design

by MotNodrog


  1. luke_workin

    A little too Bucks for my taste but I love the idea of having different court designs for the tourney games

  2. Design looks really nice I like it. Some of the other courts look like 2k created MyTeam courts which is pretty cool as well, just hope it doesn’t really affect the players vision.

  3. Tatum-Better

    NGL I kinda love it. I know we are the ” traditional ” NBA team but I love these modern style courts that aren’t just hardwood with a splash of color.

  4. PrincessK8-

    I wonder if a change like this would screw with the players and the stuff they do on the court.

  5. itspizzathehut

    I really wish we had done something like this for last year’s city edition jersey

  6. If the center stripe gold was clear parquet flooring instead then this would have my support, otherwise I’m feeling a real Fuck This attitude towards it

  7. NoBozosonthebus

    So, the Celtics will not play home games on the parquet floor.

    How is this acceptable?

  8. sully9614

    Awful, idk why were using the Bucks color scheme for this. Bet it’s gonna look bad on broadcast too

  9. MarquisJames

    This is fucking terrible but it looks like the NBA is forcing this design on all teams.

  10. Jegagne88

    I wish the middle wood grain was parquet then it would be legit

  11. Trophy is way too generic and clip art looking to be that big in the middle of the court

  12. efshoemaker

    I generally like the idea of having special courts for the in season tournament, and the basic layout they’re using league wide is kinda cool I think.


    Why do they keep using the wrong green?

    Why isn’t the wood parquet?

  13. ajaxtheangel

    at first glance, this is legitimately the only new court that I think looks good. I think some of the quiet blue courts will be okay too but idk. I hope the workers got paid a lot to make these so fast

  14. DoomdUser

    Once again, I don’t love it, but it’s WAY better than some of the embarrassing designs a lot of the teams have. The Mavs looks terrible, and I have no idea what the Nuggets’ obsession is with the elevation numbers. It looks fucking terrible.

    Also, I had an epiphany: a lot of people will say this is “Bucks green”, but over the past two years it honestly looks like they are trying to make a shift toward “recycling bin” blue, and leaving the darker green as an accent color only. I think it’s ok for us to step in there, like our city unis last year, if Milwaukee is going to abandon it.

  15. So they decide to put a trophy for a bullshit tournament but took the iconic trophy off the court for the finals?

  16. Tone_Deaf55

    As long as it’s not slippery I really don’t care

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