@Miami Heat



by sublime_272


  1. sublime_272

    why do they even include our names anymore? it’s embarrassing at this point

  2. hshshahsbss

    I am ready to get my hopes up and be disappointed yet again!

  3. Desperate-Ganache195

    Why would yall do that, herro better than him😭

  4. SudTheThug

    i’m putting all my money on sixers

    we know damn well we ain’t trading for anyone

  5. The amount of players I’ve seen photoshopped into a heat jersey is just comical at this point

  6. altruisticdisaster

    What would it even look like? Lowry’s expiring and a pick? Can we get Caruso for another first? I’m not high on him personally but maybe P Will for another wing? Probably nonsense regardless. You’d think after years of being favorites to land a player but never doing so, they’d take our name off the list lol

  7. … why would we even do that? He doesn’t move the needle for us at all. And he can’t playmake at a high enough level.

    Unless they’re taking like expiring contracts, I just don’t get it

  8. This has nothing to do with them being interested, this is just talking about odds, yet another unnecessary post

  9. What are the odds that we do not land him? I’ll bet everything on that.

  10. finessefuego

    y’all know that aint happening😭even though this would be amazing i definitely love the sound of lavine on the heat

  11. SAVEUS_23

    Anyone else getting tired of our team & hearing trade talks/rumors & trade favorites.

    After this Summer I just don’t care anymore if it happens cool, but this just comically annoying at this point.

  12. nschaef93

    Now all we need is Levine to come out and say he only wants to play for us

  13. Desperate-Ganache195

    Sure it’s good, it still doesn’t move the needle to me, it doesn’t make u the favorites, especially given the fact that u have to move pieces for him on top of him being inconsistent. Maybe you’re confused, when I say inconsistent take harden as an example great stats, wasn’t gonna step up when it mattered..

  14. Id be more than willing to trade for him if caruso is attatched. He would be his best version in Miami.

  15. jperez09r

    I can’t do this anymore… I just can’t… please stop…

  16. msizzle344

    We didn’t get the guys who begged to come here, but we’re definitely getting this guy..sure

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