@Toronto Raptors

We’ve been spoiled with success for the past decade…this is why a .500 team is particularly hard to watch

We’ve been spoiled with success for the past decade…this is why a .500 team is particularly hard to watch

by lil-quiche


  1. UjiriWatcher

    More so the fact that we’ve lost our entire championship core for nothing and are trading FRPs still trying to compete while also playing the ugliest basketball in the league


    I think people would be okay with a 0.500 team that has a direction and upward trajectory.

  3. thenewoldschool55

    It wouldn’t be hard to watch if the FO would just rebuild instead of screwing over the franchise long term.

  4. .500 ball can be fun, we just play a very unfun version of basketball that’s miserable to watch. No shooting, no spacing, nobody is going off, everything is bad pretty much.

  5. Rockin_Zombie

    We are more like a.200 team this year. All teams got better, we got worse.

  6. People wanted a tank. People here don’t mind losing

  7. henry_why416

    I mean, distribution of wins means something too. Better to lose super hard in one season and then take lots of wins in another than to constantly win 40ish games a year.

  8. KrayzieBoneLegend

    It’s like no one remembers the first 20 years of existence

  9. GeneralLou15

    Wow! That’s awesome! Since 2013, huh? What are the win rankings before that?

  10. I seriously have no clue what Masai and his crew are trying to build. It’s like he’s building the perfect team at the Y, but that’s it. He’s absolutely clueless.

  11. passiveparrot

    damn that stat got carried by the golden years

  12. TayOs1998

    Exactly! People who just hopped on the bandwagon when we were good have only ever known us to be good. Unfortunately we aren’t the Lakers or Celtics who can have sustained success throughout every decade. That’s why we need to rebuild.

  13. Sr_Raisin_bran

    Lol Can’t win where it counts. Regular season means dick if you don’t get a ship

  14. What wild to me is that over that decade, the Raptors record is 0.547. That’s second best in the NBA.

    The Jazz are 0.508. Denver is 0.497. So basically 22 out of 30 teams are below 0.500 over the last ten seasons.

    I know it’s not the intent of the post, but it’s crazy to see, and hopefully also puts things into a tiny bit of perspective.

    It’s probably important to keep in mind that every team in the league has basically had crap years over the course of a decade, and also we could probably stand to do a little bit of STFU about how awful things are. We could be (and were for a couple of decades) the Pistons or Magic. Also, we’re literally 4 games into the season.

  15. The ticket prices are of a team who should be top. 10 in the league. The payroll until this year was also similar.

    For a team that has a huge fanbase we should be expecting to win a lot more. This isn’t Detroit or Minnesota.

  16. ChampagneAbuelo

    Being a .500 team isn’t the problem, it’s that they’re a .500 team that hit their ceiling a long time ago

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