@Houston Rockets

Why not play Whitmore?

The bench is getting destroyed and that’s the only reason we’ve lost the last couple games. How much worse could the bench be with him? He’s not going to shoot worse than Bullock has, and he’s way more athletic. I propose every game we have a 4 minute “Cam Time” and if it goes well he stays. Even if he goes full bull in a china shop at least someone is attacking.

by Able_Gap918


  1. Because it has been only 3 games and they haven’t landed on pulling that lever yet. If we take a step back, the last two games had competitive points and although it may have been appropriate to throw him out there for his energy and scoring especially without Tari, they’re probably prioritizing getting this core rotation off the ground before tweaking further unless it is ruled ineffective.

    Edit: added Ime’s response that reinforces the above outcome:
    > I asked Coach if there could be a shakeup with the bench rotation specifically more minutes for Cam.

    >“We looked at that and what we done a lot is try and bring certain guys back in with the bench unit”


  2. I love that we as a fan base are hungry, but we are not a good team (yet?). I hate saying it but we just gotta trust in Ime and Sengun. And also hope everybody else can get it together.

  3. theAlphabetZebra

    We already have to deal with Sengun fans we don’t need this too.

  4. lambopanda

    New coach. New team. It takes time for coach to determine the right rotation

  5. Coach Udoka needs to have his trust earned. Even Amen is not getting as much run because he is making rookie moves at times which flip games.

    Although I do think he will get his chance eventually, just got to earn the trust. Unlike previous seasons we are limiting the numbers of player projects we are giving minutes to.

  6. Coach Udoka needs to have his trust earned. Even Amen is not getting as much run because he is making rookie moves at times which flip games.

    Although I do think he will get his chance eventually, just got to earn the trust. Unlike previous seasons we are limiting the numbers of player projects we are giving minutes to.

  7. NoneMoreBLK

    I like what I’ve seen from Cam so far, but I’m not in a rush to put him in a somewhat similar situation that Jalen and Bari were in — getting too much playing time during their rookie year.

    I recognize that it’s not the exact same scenario because we have Coach Udoka and more experienced players on the team that’s going to hold him accountable, but I want him learning what’s expected of him from the bench. Let’s not play him this early in the season before our core group begins to click.

  8. I sweaaaar i wna c a bench line up of Amen, Cam, samuels,tari and bari. Mifht be enough to get Bari into a better level

  9. wreckitcabs

    There’s no reason Cam shouldn’t be getting some bench time at least. In my opinion he’s needs to earn the time though. JG is on the hot seat this year. He might be coming off the bench if he doesn’t take that next step.

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