@Boston Celtics

The Celtics are SCARY and the Grizzlies are TERRIBLE…

Will the Celtics win the East and can the Grizzlies recover?

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  1. Being from Boston and a Celtic fan with Smart being my favorite player I am now following the Grizzlies as well now. The Grizzlies are missing two starters who are a big part on how they work and I have been a fan of Clarke since his rookie year and I think will be out all season. It's kinda sad, because I was interested in their season.

  2. This might sound like Im hating, but this year just reinforces to me how much Smart was holding this team back. I havent seen the Celtics take a single bad shot all year. I honestly feel like if you took Smart off this team the last two years they win at least one of the finals. Without even adding another player, just let the other guys have more control of the offense. I do miss Grant, Rob and Malcolm but this team is nearly perfectly built. Could use a better backup big and a wing, but so far it's working.

  3. Assuming that the Celtics stay healthy, this team could easily win 65-70 games this year.

    This team is looking like Larry Bird Era Celtics. Not to compare Tatum or anyone else to Larry Legend.

    The compliment is to say the team is playing that level of dominance.

    As good as the Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett teams were, you could see some flaws. Something missing from the role players and even from the big three that always had them in the really damn good category, but not legendary category.

    This team looks right now that it has that chance. To just be incredible. I can't see who can beat this team in a 7 game set in the playoffs. I am not sure anyone in the Western Conference can do it either. This is not to disrespect any team either. It is only to say…holy shit…they just look like a team ready to take the hearts out of their enemies good.

  4. Are the Celtics good or lucky. Pacers didn’t have Haliburton or their back up 5, and couldn’t hit a 3 at all which isn’t gonna happen that bad again probably. Actually it’s wild they won by 50 when the pacers only had 10 turnovers. Like if you look at everything but FTAs and 3s made you’d think this was a shoot out that maybe late became a double digit loss for the Pacers. Wtf

  5. The second i saw the grizzlies lose to Washington, i knew their season was in jeopardy. If they go 5-20 or worse before ja comes back the season is over

  6. A champion isn’t determined by their first four wins… they’re determined by their last 4 wins… in the finals

  7. I think grizzlies win 25 games out of 82 even when Ja comes back cuz fuck them and their roster looks weak ( warriors fan here speaking )

  8. If the Celtics stay healthy and continually improve their chemistry they could have.a historic regular season,,,,,75 wins.

  9. White & Holiday have earned the nickname “The Stock Exchange”, for all the stocks they’ve been getting on defense

  10. When the Celtics traded Smart, I thought, daaaamn, we're going to rely so much on DWhite on defense now. I love DWhite but there are a lot more intangibles Smart does on the court. And then we got Jrue and I went, "oh we're winning this year" lol

  11. Idk why ppl are overreacting it’s the first 4 games of the season and they Celtics did the same thing last year at the beginning they were at an incredible offensive pace then they slowed down but still ended up with a top 2 seed they are a very good regular season team the questions are can they get over the hump in the playoffs

  12. Grizzlies have lost all depth and their best consistency guys in Clarke, Anderson, Jones, Adams off of the bench (injuries, FA, trades) the last few years and now it’s showing.

    The team doesn’t have any type of consistency off of the bench, very poor playmaking off of the bench nobody to keep the continuity going that made them successful the last few years

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