@Golden State Warriors

Steph on the media, fans, etc. always searching for something or someone to pick apart within the context of the narrative re: Wiggins


by taygads


  1. BeetLover1111

    I hate it when people are constantly looking for someone to blame even when we win. With that being said, Wiggins is not getting even half of the slander Klay got after a few preseason games.

  2. RecognitionSouth

    That’s our leader! As much bullshit warriors fans have seen.. (he told us he would personally change it) that’s the fucking dude that leads us now… from the literal bottom of the sports world to 1.1 billion more then the kicks are worth… that’s our fucking leader man!!!! As much as you love the bay. Steph we love you more!!!

  3. TylerDurdensAlterEgo

    Who should we target next? We could get creative and start targeting an assistant coach this time. Ahem

    Fucking Kris Weems didn’t schedule Moody to stay in longer otherwise he would’ve had another incredible block!

  4. Necroassassin32

    TELL ‘EM GOAT! Bunch of casuals in this sub lol.

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