@Golden State Warriors

Kirk Goldsberry’s “The Efficiency Landscape” (Small Samples Edition) – GSW #5 Net, #10 Offense, #4 Defense

Kirk Goldsberry’s “The Efficiency Landscape” (Small Samples Edition) – GSW #5 Net, #10 Offense, #4 Defense

by NokCha_


  1. Realnonamer1

    I think the offense can mesh a bit more as well, we havent been shooting great yet and still figuring out our lineups.

  2. Euphorialism

    We have potential for a top 5 offense and top 5 defense. 🫡

  3. BeetLover1111

    Our offense is still coming together but we are in a great shape after game 5!

  4. Dynasty_30

    Once the offense hits its stride, we will be truly elite. Defense is already back to contender form

  5. KnotSoSalty

    As always health is our #1 opponent. Fast forward this team to April and we can take any team to 7.

  6. SummerGoal

    Defense wins championships. As long as we stay healthy and have Steph the offense isn’t an issue. Continuing to improve on the defensive end over the course of the year will make or break this team

  7. StinkmeanerIV

    As long as the defense holds we’ll be good because the offense will catch up. Guys are still finding their shot & rhythm, it’s early but these are good signs!

  8. Kdog122025

    And Klay, Draymond, and Wiggins aren’t even in game shape 🥲

  9. McCawyCulkin

    University of Michigan floundering yet again. They should move the team to Seattle and bring back the Sonics.

  10. It’s a fucking waste not to call the bottom right quadrant “The Antoni Quadrant”.

  11. bayelrey888

    Not bad considering we just got Draymond back and Wiggs hasn’t hit his stride yet

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