@Miami Heat

I asked Jimmy Butler if the cutting/finishing/passing of Duncan Robinson slides under the radar at times: “Not to me. Maybe to the untrained eye.”

I asked Jimmy Butler if the cutting/finishing/passing of Duncan Robinson slides under the radar at times: “Not to me. Maybe to the untrained eye.”

by tomgreen99200


  1. anIlliterateIdiot

    Duncan already has the answers to the test

  2. EdboiDecoi

    “Is there a locker room beef in the Heat?”

    Meanwhile Jimmy is quoting Spo..
    Sometimes we need to chill out on panicking so quick

  3. I remember listening to an interview where Duncan said he thought it was the focus on these aspects of his game that led to the decline in shooting numbers. I assumed this year he’d come back with everything pared down going back to living beyond the arc. Thankfully that hasn’t been the case.

    This Heat offense has been brutal but I’m loving what Duncan is doing out there. I know they have to start Herro but at times I wish we’d see more Duncan with the starters. Let Herro cook the backups while Duncan provides a little structure to this starting unit.

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