@Milwaukee Bucks

This is textbook overreaction.

My brothers, sisters, deers and doe.


We have played sub par, we have been dumb and we have been sloppy.

We beat the number one seed, and are matched with the celtics.

How many of us were cursing the name of AG. How many overreacted. How many gave up and made claims 5 games into the season.

Its a long season, and these standing might change. But if this is our team at its worst, i dont dare dream about what we could be at our best.

Lets simmer down a bit, take it in. And lets snatch the number one spot and never let it go. Go bucks.

by RyanJStories


  1. Saying we are doomed was an overreaction

    I don’t think being worried about the defense is an overreaction though, I mean Dame and Beasley is not ideal defensively.

    I’m not sure why griffin won’t start Marjon and atleast try it.

    I’m not sure what kind of contract he’s on but I wouldn’t mind trying to get Thybulle from Portland. He’s a great defensive player, could kind of play the PJ Tucker role for us

  2. Blindeafmuten

    Do we look like the favorite to win the championship, at the moment?

  3. starter-123

    Well, overreaction is needed and inevitable when you constantly see the dumb performance of the team and the coach.

  4. Tamrielseptus314

    We’re Bucks fans, freaking out then chilling out then getting hyped, then freaking out again is all we do 😅

  5. theconfuserx3

    we need to trade for caruso or smart by the deadline and we’re set

  6. Kevin_Jim

    We played pretty much only playoff teams, and if we were in a close game, we won it.

    There are definitely some growing pains, but AG is trying a ton of things, especially on defense, and the pair defense has solidified with BroLo in his natural habitat.

    The trapping/switch still has breakdowns, but nowhere near what we had at the first few games.

    Not only that, we have deployed:
    – Drop
    – Switching
    – Aggressive trapping/hedging
    – Zone (usually 2-2-1, 2-1-2, and 3-2)

  7. Livid-Pen-8372

    The league is more fun when the Pacers are good. Otherwise the Central is a snoozefest. Bucks, Pistons, Cavs just don’t have it.

  8. tathariel

    My worry was less so about will we be able to *turn it around* (couldn’t watch the last two games(not being from us and all) so would not know how we played) but the fact that we were blown out twice to start the season.

    These kinds of losses are terrible for the morale when you’re not an “established” team, and coach can lose players easily especially a rookie one. Look at David Blatt, who was a genuinely great coach that lost the locker room and got canned quickly. Lebron and Lue being a good coach saved their season but why go through the hassle, right?

  9. TheLegendofLior

    Actually, this right here is the overreaction. We’re 7 games into the season. We’ve been blown out twice and the rest of the games have been very close. We could just as easily be 2-5.

    Just relax. It’s ok to be concerned about a rookie coach, poor defense, or the fact that we are the oldest team in the league. The Bucks aren’t worse just bc some fans aren’t convinced yet. Let’s give it 20 games before we start flexing.

    (It’s great that we’re winning close games though. That’s usually the sign of a good team.)

  10. Dischucker

    I still remember how just two weeks ago, celtics fans were clowning us for almost losing to the sixers. They’ve folded against any tough competition. Team on shrinkers

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