@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Haliburton pretends a screen is coming, as Malik Beasley is frozen

[Highlight] Haliburton pretends a screen is coming, as Malik Beasley is frozen

by sewsgup


  1. NoAcanthisitta9198

    He needs to be out of the starting lineup he can’t guard anybody

  2. prancingpony777

    I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it.

  3. lonny__breaux

    This the type of shit Rondo used to do and it pissed every opposing fan off.

  4. AvailableAd9487

    Just absolutely cooked him

    I haven’t seen somebody caught that flat footed in a while!

  5. rostron92

    Malik Beasley playing defense used to drive me insane

  6. The_Assassin_Gower

    He was standing there looking at his dusty silhouette, looney toons style

  7. BobbSaccamano

    The blow by from Haliburton is great but the finish by Mathurin is just *chef’s kiss*

  8. JackDangerUSPIS

    Straight up committing fraud on National TV, Haliburton is a real one

  9. This and yelling “out!”, then faking a pass from the post and going straight up with it are my two sneaky old man at the Y moves.

  10. BhangRaas

    As a Nugget, I knew Bucks starting lineup was cooked when I saw Beasley starting

  11. WaterIsNotWet19

    Why didn’t number 2 shoot it? Looks like he was wide tf open. Looks like Hali was like wtf shoot that

  12. Pale-Letterhead-9503

    Lmao in my 30 years of watching basketball I don’t think I’ve ever seen this. This rules

  13. Level_Ad_6372

    Ok but why is dude passing up a wide open corner 3?

  14. xandraPac

    Someone spilled a whole buncha nachos on the baseline.

  15. rumblegod

    Ohh his BBIQ is BIG lmao.
    Man I know Malik will be mad during film

  16. SpinJitsu259

    I used to think I was good at basketball. Then at pickup one night, I got the opportunity to play against the 2nd string PG on the high school team. He did this exact same thing to me and that’s when I realized I’m not that good at basketball.

  17. rubixqube

    I don’t think is so much pretending there’s a screen as it is calling for a screen and then going before the screener arrives because Hali saw an opening

  18. NefariousNeezy

    He pointed and talked to a non-existing teammate gahdamnnn I’d be perplexed too

  19. Hefty-Lobster-5513

    Haliburton used the time stop on his ass 🤣

  20. RyanPelley

    This made me laugh out loud. Hali is so romantic of play making.

  21. NuggsBurgh

    That’s actually a really smart play to pull on a low IQ defender. Hali so fun to watch

  22. Putrid_Ad_2256

    That’s one way to expose the zone defense. This is what irritates me about a lot of current basketball players, they don’t communicate at all with each other. One of his teammates could just say, “It’s all you!” and that would let him know that there’s no pick coming.

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