@Golden State Warriors



by BJ_Gamer101


  1. MrNotSensitive

    WE care a lot. That’s why KLAY, DRAY, WIGGS, JK and CP3 need to go.

  2. WSJinfiltrate

    oh I know we are truly playing like fcking ASS when this corny pic gets posted

  3. cai_tao_kueh

    my life depends on this man


  4. Hard same. Wiggins and Klay seem like they have mental hurdles to overcome.

  5. Who_knows-_-

    I am so of having to complain about thr ref….but come on. That challenge was beyond a joke and they looked defeated after that.

  6. I_am_Bruce_Wayne

    IMO these are actually the most fun time to be a fan. Struggling team to edge out wins making games exciting. Losses sucks but oh wells, onto the next one!

  7. Last season we couldn’t win on the road. Now we have a better road record than at home. SMH

  8. EggNCh33se

    B. Podz scored more than Wiggs and in less minutes! 😭

    Wiggs and Klay need to do something other than brick a jumper and foul on the other end! 😟

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