@Toronto Raptors

Pascal Siakam Trying to Carry the Team That Doesn’t Even Want Him Around To Victory

Pascal Siakam Trying to Carry the Team That Doesn’t Even Want Him Around To Victory

by CazOnReddit


  1. slicksonslick

    Bless this man, only one that came to play tonite

  2. EarthWarping

    Front office is a joke that they don’t believe in him

  3. Zealousideal-Cold246

    This team is not it bruh.

    Dick needs more plays drawn for him and a lot less for precious.

  4. Scottie playing absolutely atrocious… our whole starting squad other Siakam doing horrible. Our bench is actually doing better than our starters lmao

  5. mxgicjohnson

    Not even gonna comment on this cause everyone here changes their standpoints on players day to day

  6. Barnicus53

    Stupid take. Is he playing for the front office or the other 14 guys that ride or die with him?

  7. Separate-Score-7898

    Once again pascal wakes up and beats up on a mediocre team. Of course everyone eats it up including the FO. We’ll flame out in the play in again. Make some dumb trade because we’re definitely just 1 piece away. Rinse and repeat.

  8. OddEast8836

    Usually it’s Scottie carrying them! Pascal carries against bad teams

  9. Pascal played great but the Wiz didn’t even put in Gafford in the 4th to try and stop Pascal from destroying them in the paint all 2nd half

    we pulled out a win and they tanked successfully

  10. Winter_Purpose8695

    haha you can always count certain users on what they’ll post lol

  11. Hey Raptor fans! It’s okay to like more than one player on your team at a time. Fans of other teams do it that way and find it quite fun.

  12. efmanrulz

    This is a result of the 2019 chip. We inherited a load of Leaf fans that need to hate on a player so they have an excuse when their team loses. They also want to fire the coach and gm when the team struggles. It’s been very tiresome.

  13. readit883

    Pascal has 2 good games and you’re ready to annoint him king with like 80 games to go right? He’s lost us more games than hes won for us. He has stepped up but he was playing like trash for most of last season and the beginning of this season. And he is still a leader, you expect him not to step up? Then dont call him a leader then so he wont step up. Also raptors kept passing him the ball, they didnt have to. The team does want him around, if they didnt they wouldve traded him or threw him out of the rotation already.

  14. Man_Without_Nipples

    Siakam is fine during the main time. He’s just not the guy to close out a game.

    So yes, he’s an important part of the team, just don’t give him the ball when the game is tied in the 4th with seconds left on the clock because he 9/10 times he’s gonna miss.

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