@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] As Harden brings the ball up the floor late in the 4th quarter, Reggie Miller says “And if you’re wondering why… The Harden trade is for situations like this.” Harden then proceeds to miss an open layup.

[Highlight] As Harden brings the ball up the floor late in the 4th quarter, Reggie Miller says “And if you’re wondering why… The Harden trade is for situations like this.” Harden then proceeds to miss an open layup.

by Askesl


  1. It was so funny watching the influx of Harden stans into the clippers sub commentating “hE cAnT dRiVe” because he had 3 total drives against, checks notes, Jokic and Nnaji.

    Gaining half a step on two bigs is an incredible accomplishment man.

  2. Smekledorf1996

    That was a good look tbh

    My god that court looks awful

  3. No_Stay4471

    You’ve got to realize he didn’t have a training camp and isn’t in “James Harden Shape.” How’s he supposed to be the system?

  4. VeniceRapture

    How many games are left since he said he needed 10 games to get good

  5. Numerous-Cicada3841

    To be fair he did get straight to the rack which is something the Clippers do desperately need late in games.

    I think the big problem that the Clippers have is they have zero size. Theis will help. But they’re just way too small and their stars are too ball dominant.

  6. NoTransportation888

    > dribbles the ball for ~17 of the available seconds on the shot clock while PG and Kawhi sit on the wing and in the corner motionless

    Yup, that’s a James Harden offense alright

  7. Tristin707

    They missed at least 10 open layups or dunks that night. They could’ve won on these alone

  8. ClickElectronic

    It was just a sneaky push in the back by Jokic right when Harden was jumping to make the layup strong. Dirk used to do this all the time because he couldn’t block shots either.

  9. Yinanization

    I think you probably take that possession 10 out of 10 times, right?

  10. ToronoRapture

    It saddens me so much that the ball isn’t in Kawhi’s hands. Instead he’s just sat in the corner.

  11. Reefthusiast

    I feel like no one watched much harden last year on the sixers, the dude misses bunnies at the rack like it’s his job. Maybe it’s a lifetime of expecting the whistle and not caring if it goes in, but dude doesn’t finish like he used to

  12. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    He played well most of the game. Even in this play, he got a decent look near the rim, just missed the layup. Their main problem is Russ. Whenever he’s on the floor commands no respect from opposing defenses and throws their entire offense off.

  13. ephemeralfugitive

    Isn’t it a foul by Jokic with that little elbow push? It shouldn’t be considered an open layup if it was contested with a foul attempt or foul.

  14. Izanagi___

    He got pushed by Jokic. Refs missed an obvious foul

  15. cjmaguire17

    This possession was basically a 30 second timeout for 8 of the 10 players on the court

  16. BodybuilderLivid

    Never realized how strong the hate was for harden lol

  17. CO_PC_Parts

    I can’t wait for his excuses after 10 games. “Better make it 20”

  18. Honestly non-sense hate, good look for Harden.

    But I´ll gladly jump on the Reggie Miller Commentator hate train – what a nonsensical sentence. “for situations like this.. to play alongside Paul George and Kawhi Leonard!”.

    Feels like you could put any 3-and-D in the corner, let those two cook, space the floor, get a good look. Harden makes much more sense as insurance for when the injuries limit their options.

  19. ThreeStoogesFan

    Harden is the new CP3. Before, any team that had cp3 wasn’t gonna win a championship. Now it seems any team with harden won’t win the championship.

    At least harden got his bag. He’ll never be a champ, but at least he’s rich.

  20. Jgusdaddy

    Why are old heads the last to realize dudes are washed? I remember Barkley said the Clippers would be at the top of the west last season with Kawhi, PG, and John Wall.

  21. He looks so damn slow out there, has to hold off defenders with his fat body and arms

  22. its so annoying to play with someone like that my God

  23. ElderGoose4

    Ima catch heat for defending Harden here but here it goes, dude used the possession to switch on to Jokic which is a mismatch, he just missed the layup. This is still good process, he got an open lay he just missed it. I know Reddit hates him but that’s about a high percentage play as you can get.

  24. feel32own

    that was Clippers offensive set in a crunch time? everyone just standing still lol

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