@Toronto Raptors

Not really a raptors fan myself, but i like the coach. Want to know what do the fans think about him

Not really a raptors fan myself, but i like the coach. Want to know what do the fans think about him

by EnvironmentalGold861


  1. CazOnReddit

    Darko is doing what he can with the current roster and I will say the actual product, the offense, is much more watchable/enjoyable even if the shooting is still rough from outside

    As a personality, he’s very likeable and he seems to be great at getting players to buy it because I was never expecting him to get Siakam to take as few shots as he has in some games, that’s a legit impressive skill and it bodes well for potentially keeping Anunoby if he’s also bought it/enjoying his new role

    Him telling them they aren’t going to win when down 20 at half is…baffling but I can kind of understand the mindset of “let’s try not to dig our selves this big a hole next game” since this has been a big problem the past few games

    It’s not good to make a habit out of being down that bad and doing this so consistently

    EDIT: One other thing – His development or at least ability to connect with the younger players on the roster seems to be working? He may have singlehandedly saved Malachi Flynn’s career. Sure, I don’t expect Flynn to become a future All-Star but turning him into a defensive PG to bring some energy off the bench? That’s impressive given how many people expected Flynn to be out of the league come season end.

  2. slicksonslick

    I like Darko, the positivity thing is refreshing when it comes to pro sports. Team sucks tho.

  3. StGermain1977

    I’ve been impressed.

    The true testament of his success this season won’t be wins and losses, but the development of his young players.

    So far it’s looking promising with Scottie, Malachi, and to a certain extent og, but I’m also expecting to see tangible growth in precious and gradey throughout the season.

    We’ll see how it goes.

  4. KingOfWeTheNorth

    Good attitude, but we have very little to rate him on so far.

  5. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Very early to get a read, especially with such poorly constructed roster.

  6. idkytm7419

    He sux , didn’t think in his feet , too technical , no real feel for the game didn’t even kno his own players strengths n weaknesses

  7. roundhousekix

    Keeping this team at .500 is a great accomplishment

  8. ButterscotchObvious4

    He’s looking promising as a coach. He’s doing what he can with the roster he has, so let him cook.

  9. Eastern-Technology84

    He seems to have a great attitude, has the team buy-in, encourages teamwork, and is executing at an NBA level.

    But like Nick Nurse, he is set up for failure because our roster is fundamentally flawed- with way too many forwards and zero shooting.

  10. DistributionNo9968

    I like him a lot. I do think that vibes matter, even if they don’t necessarily result in winning consistently. He’s doing his best with a fundamentally flawed roster, and the Raps have had a brutal schedule thus far. I’m eager to see how the team fairs after playing Boston tomorrow, they’ll finally have an extended stretch of theoretically winnable games for us to judge them on.

  11. Spurs_in_the_6

    Seems like a good guy. I am pretty concerned that we’ve gone behind by 20+ points at some point in more games than not. Seems like things get out of hand too often/he can’t keep the group focused throughout the entire game. The roster isn’t great, but its not blowout every game bad

    Very small sample size though

  12. godofhammers3000

    Too early to tell

    The rah rah stuff could ultimately be corny BS or genuine confidence building hype. Gonna have to see what happens

    Strategically, I like the lineups and his style of play. The switch to zone defence against the bucks recently was a good twist and shows a willingness to try things

    Doesn’t seem like a terrible hire and has a potential to be a great one

    I do feel like the slow starts is potentially a red flag tho .. gonna have to see if it gets fixed. This is a team that did come out playing hard under Nurse

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