@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson is super frustrated right now. Kicks a chair, throws two towels down the sidelines and heads to the locker room as the first half ends – Dalton Johnson on X

Klay Thompson is super frustrated right now. Kicks a chair, throws two towels down the sidelines and heads to the locker room as the first half ends – Dalton Johnson on X

by BaseUncultured


  1. Cooltrainer_Nick

    Is he mad at himself for jacking shots? lol

  2. Kristoferson_Allan

    He needs to put that frustration into his defensive effort.

  3. Steph had a kicked chair moment that started a 9 game win streak in January of the 21-22 season. This is Klay’s kicked chair moment to balance out the Splash Bros do everything together mojo

    Edit to add: the Warriors had gone 3-6 just before Steph kicked that chair mid-game in frustration

  4. george_costanza1234

    Time to accept that this is the new normal with him

    Good games are the exception, not the norm anymore

  5. hamsterfolly

    Klay needs to have personal journey montage where he gets his head right and finds his mojo

  6. NArcadia11

    I’m glad he’s mad. Hopefully he breaks this funk soon and gets back to being himself

  7. BlueberryOGSuperGlue

    Missed tons of open shots and missed them short to. By open I mean non contested. His legs aren’t the same shirt every time. Still first ballot HOF tho but he’s done

  8. yanansawelder

    I really think it’s time to consider trading him

  9. beezybreezy

    He is washed up. inb4 he gets one good game out of ten and that stupid apology letter meme gets reposted.

  10. onewander

    Do not go gently into that good night

    Rage, rage against the dying of the light

  11. zer01zer08

    He can do all that childish shit, but the fact remains he’s probably got the lowest IQ on that team. The fouls, the shots, and the lack of getting back on defense when he does Jack up a shitty shot.

  12. Revisiting this post now that the game is over – shoutout to Klay for his 6 assists this game, which is a huge for him and also tied with Steph this game. He also, despite going into the half extremely frustrated, came out in the 2nd half and didn’t try to shoot his way out of his frustrations. He took two shots in the entire 2nd half and was a +9 in the half and +7 for the game, good for 3rd on the team behind CP and Saric.

  13. loneshark8801

    He’s slow and rushing shots. 33 years old and 2 major injuries. Might be time to retire

  14. Klay is a legend for everything hes done for the team. But he is too many years and injuries deep and clearly not the same caliber of player anymore.

  15. No-Astronomer139

    Klay: [shoots ill-advised shots and plays mediocre defense]

    Also Klay:


  16. stephencurry2046

    Hate to say this, but time to bench Klay and control his minutes, question is: does Kerr have the guts to do that?

  17. Ok-Roof-978

    Why is he mad??

    Can’t be his “green light” and not making shots. He’s been up and down since coming back . Lot of ppl expect that now

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