@Miami Heat

Haywood Highsmith moving and sitting very gingerly in locker room, due to the bruised tailbone. And hearing it from teammates who joke he “broke his —-“” But he says he will be ok.

Haywood Highsmith moving and sitting very gingerly in locker room, due to the bruised tailbone. And hearing it from teammates who joke he “broke his —-“” But he says he will be ok.

by tomgreen99200


  1. readndrun

    Alas, all of their asses broken after back to back losses.

  2. He says that because he’s such a warrior and wants to be out there to help this team, we’ll see how he feels Wednesday.

  3. Lowry telling him how his own ass could’ve taken the fall with no issue.

  4. This team just gets more and more beat up. Not looking forward to the next week or two with people saying “see the heat are trash, the win streak was a fluke”. Don’t want to deal with that bullshit. Doesn’t matter how many people are injured they’ll ignore it just to shit on us

  5. That shit even when not broken is so god dang painful.

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