@Golden State Warriors

How Is This Ref Still Allowed In The NBA?

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  1. All I have to say is, if you made a name for yourself by flopping or drawing cheap fouls, you don't get to complain about someone flopping and or drawing cheap fouls against you. imagine complaining about things that you do every game thinking you're the only one that can do that? Entitled much?

  2. Scott Foster is a criminal, and a egoistic diva. Considering how much the NBA tries to protect its imagine, seriously, how is this son of a B still officiating?

  3. We as viewers and fans and lovers of the sport should come together somehow and act as one and send the nba a massage and stop watching if this doesn’t get fixed!
    What about the lakers warriors last season?
    How long do we put up with this!?!?!

    But not much the little man can do. And it is almost impossible for people to stand together on this??

    This video is well done and great. But it makes me mad! How can he get away with this?

    Please hoops… make more of these videos. Expose the referees! And we can only hope that other will follow then. And maybe that could be the start for us to come together and demand a change – if they want that new TV deal !!! They need us!!!

  4. Yeah…hoop reports
    💯% agree with you….
    how do this “” IDIOT “”….
    still in NBA business ⁉️
    he should be long gone….

  5. oh trust me nothing will be done.

    refs are protected hard from post game interviews, investigations, etc.

    unless someone confronts Adam Silver on camera, on the spot… nothing will ever happen

  6. English Premier League and Champions League is just like the NBA. The have famous refs for their good bad and ugly calls just like this.

  7. Scott Foster was never charged but was implicated in the illegal gambling NBA REFS were doing. Tim Donaghe went to jail, but his best friend, who he weirdly called up to 150 times a day, Scott Foster. was swept under the rug by then NBA Commissioner David Stern. It's not like I'll call my gambling buddy to place bets or worse yet carry out bets for me. Hmmmm??? SMH

  8. Based on this information, the NBA needs to have an investigation and make an example of Scott Foster. There is no doubt he is corrupt, petty, and biased. He absolutely should not be allowed to referee Warriors games.

    On a side note, I believe that the NBA referees have a union, and if anyone has ever been in management and if you’ve ever had a problem employee who somehow slipped through the cracks and gotten seniority, it is virtually impossible to fire them, unless they do something really really bad and it’s well documented. Some unions are really strong, and as their #1 purpose (Unions) is to protect workers from potentially abusive and bad management practices, unfortunately, the double edged sword is that while good employees are protected from potentially corrupt managements, terrible employees are also protected and good managers can’t fire them.

  9. Watching last week’s 9ers game, I realized the NFL should ref NBA games. NBA refs screw up more calls in one game than the NFL does for all games all season.

    And you can actually see NFL refereeing getting better every year. NBA refs are getting worse. Random foul calls are expected and no one can speak up for fear of fines or worse.

  10. This is total bullshit! How does the NBA let this happen at this point? They just want him to be in the league so he can screw players over. I'm confused. If I was Chris Paul I would be irate about this.

  11. Yeah, we aren't supposed to know their name but the Warriors crapy tv announcer always tells us their name and how great they are and gives them tv time who want to see refs.

  12. The NBA has a real issue with referees. They are too flamboyant and want to be recorded for infamy. Can't have that in any real sport. NBA is like wwe right now.

  13. Changes must be made period. As fans we shouldn’t have to endure an emotional referee while watching an forced emotionless game. No celebrations, no taunting, no hyping the crowd up. The game is dying because of these officials!

  14. This is how I know them want to be gangsters in the nba ain’t on nothing. Imagine working you whole life staying out the way just to be disrespected on live tv for absolutely no reason

  15. Part of my brain tells me they couldn't get rid of him because he's got dirt on the NBA. Probably for a prior "official" match-fixing to get more revenue. Makes sense right?

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