@Denver Nuggets

8 years ago today, Michael Porter Jr. played his first game of his junior year. He had 45pts, 14reb and 7ast in 3 quarters

8 years ago today, Michael Porter Jr. played his first game of his junior year. He had 45pts, 14reb and 7ast in 3 quarters

by JakGrealish


  1. Awesome, I have heard tales of his HS athleticism but never seen any highlights. Thanks for posting.

  2. LonePeasant

    Imagine having to guard MPJ right after math class

  3. boydivision30

    Back injuries suck. 3 back surgeries suck even more.

  4. Bleppingheckk

    I remember recently, someone on this sub compared insinuated that he MPJ sucks cause CB has better movements, as if this man didn’t go through 3 back surgeries that probably would be career ending for most.

    On one hand, his injuries landed him on the Nuggets and I’m grateful to have him on this team. On another we can only imagine the kind of player he’d be right now without those injuries 🥲

  5. ShowdownValue

    I remember watching hours of highlight reels of mpj after we drafted him.

  6. mrCrumbSnatcher

    He’s playing against people like me when I was in high school.

  7. strumthump

    It’s incredible that even with 3 back surgeries, he’s been able to have a career that if ended today would still be respectable all things considered. The amount of physical and mental hurdles for him to be where he is now is admirable

    Thinking of guys like TMac, or Blake Griffin, that “what if injury never happened” etc. Porter has never and likely will never hit peak that he could’ve without injury and be the #1 guy, but being a SOLID starting SF on a championship roster is something he can hang his hat on and fans should appreciate.

  8. DevilsAdvuhcate

    I could imagine throwing down 10+ dunks a game would be stressful on your back

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