@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Timberwolves fans loudly booing Josh Giddey the second he touches the ball

[Highlight] Timberwolves fans loudly booing Josh Giddey the second he touches the ball

by asapshrank


  1. pollinium

    our announcers are NOT acknowledging it, which I think is certainly a good business decision but makes for a very strange elephant on the court

  2. Mundingburrasaurus

    I know the entire situation is terrible innocent or guilty but this is funny as fuck and I feel awful for laughing about it. But it is funny as hell.

  3. thechemistrychef

    Almost as funny as booing Westbrook for shooting 3s

  4. Expensive-Buy1621

    Knick fans booing bridges, Minnesota fans booing giddey. W night for fans.

  5. Wembantonio

    So much for that most people dont know about it theory.

  6. asapshrank

    not ready for the chants if this man goes to the line tonight lol

  7. Puzzleheaded_Fox4684

    Was not expecting to have the boos be this clear.

  8. Man wtf they gonna do when he gets on the line lmao gonna be some wild shit

  9. ginobilislefthand

    Giddey x Primo backcourt would be elite tho

  10. BigDaddyJuno

    Mob mentality is wild. 1 randoms tweet is enough to make a whole stadium thing you’re a pedo

  11. humandignitybloc

    Bridges getting booed every possesion at the garden right now, Giddy getting Minnied, good job NBA fans.

  12. ThatMoKid

    If it turns out he’s innocent this is shit he’s gonna deal with for years. If he’s guilty… Well fuck him, who cares what he’s got to deal with. Odd season to be a thunder fan at least.

  13. Ill_Celery_7654

    I hope everybody is prepared for nothing to come of this. That’s exactly the direction I see this heading in.

  14. gregmango2323

    Just curious, the only meaningful evidence is still the tweet, right?

  15. Dang Giddey is already guilty in the public’s eye. Idk how he recovers from this.

  16. FallacyFrank

    Obviously if Giddey did it, he deserves all this shit.

    But if he’s been falsely accused of this shit and is being to subject to all these accusations, it’s incredibly fucked up.

    Guess we’ll know eventually

  17. john61020

    Yeah, people will never understand the presumption of innocence.
    Just like Manchester City’s Benjamin Mendy, people were shitting on his head until he was acquitted and acted like nothing happened.

  18. fittedsuit2018

    Don’t boo guys, be better than that – coach Pop somewhere

  19. mystonedalt

    They weren’t booing this man! They were saying, “KangaROOOOOOOOO.”

  20. It’s time to create the “White Mamba” persona and become a GOAT.

  21. goingtothegreek

    Probably why the refs are hosing us- booing giddey without a fair trial

  22. edwardsscreenname

    Funny as hell kids on this subreddit are surprised the gen pop has this info. You guys know millennials are 40 fucking years old now, right?

  23. Charliebitme1234

    remember that thread were OKC fans cheered giddey on his first home game back and some lame ahh okc redditor tried to claim they were just cheering him because hes a player and that nobody actually knew about all the allegations

  24. WowGreatWebsite


  25. yolocr8m8

    A minor distraction…. maybe…. something he would struggle with?

  26. Schneeetzil

    Where else would people run with opinions, and make uninformed decisions based on social media post? ‘Merica

  27. Our society really has fully embraced the whole innocent-before-guilty principle, haven’t they.

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