@Indiana Pacers



by Protothea


  1. That-Corner

    Hmmm…it’s almost like when he gets lays better, he gets more minutes.

  2. Jumpy_Efficiency7015

    Its hilarious to see the mathurin haters

  3. Interesting-Bite-468

    I’m team Benn all the way. And Yes and I could look at another fun fact.

    Last year at this same time after 16 games, the pacers were 10-6.

    Now they are 9-7… and yet everyone feels they are much more improved this year. So much better. Big FA signings over the summer. Better skilled. One of the best offenses ever. Tyrese is putting up video games numbers and yet… we’re not winning more games…



    The team is better skilled but softer… way softer. We don’t draw fouls…

    Who was #5 a drawing fouls last year in the ENTIRE LEAGUE at one point… but now doesn’t barely draw anymore fouls this year as he is buried in the corner 3, never getting the ball?

    Who was averaging almost 19 ppg in that first month last year… when the team was 10-6?

    I wonder who?

  4. JtTheLadiesMan

    I’m a Mathurin fan but why not use a real statistic like win shares, PER, or VORP.

  5. Easypakboxkit

    Lol, oh look, it’s you again. The guy who posted a video last night that showed you very clearly have no idea how basketball works. Man, you love to come out of the woodwork to post shit and then disappear until something else controversial happens. Literally the worst type of fan.

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