@Golden State Warriors

[95.7] Steve Kerr told @WillardAndDibs that he regrets taking Moody out last night and the challenge: “Both kept me up last night for sure… I deserve all the heat I’m taking today. I can tell you that.”

[95.7] Steve Kerr told @WillardAndDibs that he regrets taking Moody out last night and the challenge: “Both kept me up last night for sure… I deserve all the heat I’m taking today. I can tell you that.”

by NokCha_


  1. A little humility abd self awareness/reflection goes a long way.

  2. HeirKuminga

    It’s bad when fans could see plain as day that those were bad moves as they were happening but the head coach didn’t. Hope coach actually learns from this.

  3. Jannik0433

    He’s gonna say the same thing when he does it again in a week

  4. AdComprehensive7879

    2 years ago, i vowed to never question kerr and bob myers’ decision ever again, when they somehow delivered championship with that squad. Not gonna lie, its getting harder and harder for me to keep that promise

  5. Pootahtoo_Man

    Sure talk the talk Kerr. But I’ll start listening when you walk the walk.

  6. j3xperience

    I bet he doesn’t take out moody, but he also wouldn’t sub wigs in for klay. That was the real atrocity. Klay is beyond cooked.

  7. imminentjogger5

    let’s see if he recycles this statement or if he actually adapts

  8. Shocker, it’s almost like every single person watching the game at the time knew that it was the wrong move

  9. ButGodOwnTheBuilding

    Until he cuts Klay’s minutes and gives them to Moody fuck him. Shit maybe Looney’s minutes even.

  10. FuzzingBugHunting

    Probably Kerr just loves the old 🦤. Old and slow and chubby.

  11. Ok then, let’s walk the talk. Commit to starting Moody, also giving fair minutes to the talented bench and more importantly sticking with him for rest of the season. Even if our season doesn’t start to improve, we will have given the talented bench enough opportunities to learn and prove themselves next season. The waiting on the bench for them should be over.

  12. He’s done this multiple times, time for Moody to ask to be traded. His career is not going to go anywhere here.

  13. Downtown_Weird6823

    Just shut the fuck up and play moody at least 24 minutes everyone game!

  14. EnthusiasmBright1495

    Klank meanwhile counting 4 rings and laughing.

  15. julezy696

    Yet you get heaps of people in here that will say “I will trust the head coach EVERY time over a random redditor”

  16. Successful_Priority

    I don’t believe this I’ve seen Kerr ride the hot hand on offense or defense before (outside of not trying to overtax his older stars). The shots Moody were hitting got harder and harder yet weren’t chucks or bs shots. Klay gets tired in the 4th quarter his shot gets worse.

  17. Far_Celebration197

    He should stay up thinking about how they built a 24pt lead and then let a 24pt lead evaporate. Moody getting pulled and the challenge are just two examples of larger problems endemic to this team.

  18. TheScienceNamesArgon

    Kerr: “To make up for it, I’m going to give Moody as many minutes as he can handle… In the G League”

  19. spaldingmatters

    The Moody part I agree with, but I feel like the challenge was fine. It’s a natural shooting motion for players that the refs for whatever reason assessed differently, coupled with Steph having no landing space.

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