@Milwaukee Bucks

All good guys, Horst gonna cook and get caruso by the end of the year either way.

All good guys, Horst gonna cook and get caruso by the end of the year either way.

by IDivineChaos


  1. Competitive_Quiet179

    I know we call him Jon Hiesty, but there is no chance we can even squeak out a package for Caruso

  2. We have nothing to offer them, we’re getting outbid in a heartbeat by any other contender. This isn’t the Dame situation where we came out of nowhere, because Jrue was still a majorly positive asset. We don’t have shit anymore.

    Philly could casually toss multiple 1st round picks for him and there’s nothing we can do about it.

  3. Blackmalico32

    Just tell the team to watch Caruso on film. It’s cheaper and instills hard work.

  4. Big-Suggestion3053

    Marjon, Pat, and picks . But idk if that even works salary wise

  5. Blindeafmuten

    Fuck Caruso, that bald fuck!

    I mean, I don’t have anything against the guy, but I hate seeing his photo in this sub every time we lose as if he’s some kind of Messiah Superplayer that would solve every problem this team has!

  6. stevenomes

    Are you willing to trade marjon? Bucks have no assets and only matching salary would be pat who has no value. If they traded bobby and don’t get a big back then there is a hole there too. I doubt Chicago would do it even for marjon and pat.

  7. Giannisisnumber1

    Chicago would NEVER trade him to us. Get over it.

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