@National Basketball Association

Chuck on Zion: “He’s not in shape. He doesn’t run, he plays the game strictly on talent”

Chuck on Zion: “He’s not in shape. He doesn’t run, he plays the game strictly on talent”

by SerialRapper


  1. They’re not wrong. At this point though, I think what you see if what you get with zion

  2. remotecontroldr

    I can’t imagine having access to all the best trainers and dietitians and chefs and being like, “nah.”

  3. Zion just doesn’t care he’s good enough to get minutes and get his money and just doesn’t care enough to be anything more than that.

  4. he’s gonna get injured again putting so much force on those ankles and knees

    he moves so fast, guys that big generally aren’t supposed to be moving that fast. and he’s already got a fairly lengthy injury history

  5. Sweatytubesock

    Not like he’s wrong. Barkley on his worst day was in far better shape than Zion.

  6. He’s played good defense all game tonight at least

  7. Otherwise-Tale9671

    Not everyone wants to be the best at their job. They just show up, collect checks, and do enough to stay employed. Their true cares in life are outside of their job. This is just human nature and happens in the NBA sometimes as well

  8. Rationalknicksfan

    Zion had 22 points in the first half against the kings just two weeks ago. unfortunate for him having a slow start on a nationally televised game

  9. runthepoint1

    I think there’s a problem with his gait. Watch how he waddles when he walks – that’s not just heavy weight, there must be a muscular imbalance there because that’s not normal walking.

  10. Talk to the waiters in Nola. Dude loves his king burritos. Double order of soufflĂ© from commander’s palace. He’d be 400lbs without basketball.

  11. N0rTh3Fi5t

    Barkley is perhaps the most qualified guy to comment on Zion’s situation you could come up with. Might have been him without Moses and Dr. J to get him to treat the game professionally.

  12. Pels bout to be 3-0 against the Kings this season, Zion slow offensive game (had 22 in one half against the kings barely 2 weeks ago), played one of his better defensive games, come to reddit and they making fat jokes.

  13. When Chuck says you are not in shape, you are NOT in shape, pal.

  14. I have to disagree. Zion might be the most basketball shaped player in the league.

  15. opkpopfanboyv3

    Nothing will change coz he dont have a Moses Malone with him like Chuck had

  16. arealPointyBoy

    the best player in the world is jokic and at one point was harden. does this era have more fatty all nba players than before?

  17. ClassicNukaCola

    His career will be looked back on as a “what it”. All young people think their knees are gonna hold up forever, then joints are gonna be gone by 25 carrying all that weight.

  18. TonyTonyChopper

    Just to have a different take, I like that he’s actually on the floor and not injured. His team is winning and his assists are up compared to the beginning of the season.

    Also, I’m pretty sure Chuck hasn’t been watching NOLA on the reg so he hasn’t seen Zion drop 20+,10+ games.

    That being said he was dragging ass today.

  19. tominNOLA

    This some bullshit. My man has had several dominant games this season where he’s been at his best closing out in the 4th quarter. He’s still too muscular but he’s neither fat nor out of shape. Watch more than one fuckin Pels game Chuck

  20. Rationalknicksfan

    Zion has his worst scoring game and this happens to be the only game chuck has watched lol

  21. Zion had been playing really well, defense improving, dishing the ball, still dropping his usual 25 on great efficiency. Didn’t miss a shot against the Sixers – Reddit loved him a week ago. He has an “off” game (missed one shot from inside the arc, 6 assists, 6 boards, 3 steals) on national TV and Chuck (who admitted he hadn’t watched him at all this season LOL) makes a comment, and Reddit flips the switch.

    Like clockwork. Nobody can think for themselves in this nephew-ridden sub.

    EDIT: all of this in a WIN when his teammates all had hot hands, can’t wait for him to drop 30 on Thursday and this sub to flip flop again when he looks skinnier in a different color jersey lmao

  22. InNOutBergers

    He had one bad game…. it’s not the end of the world.

  23. bearded_mischief

    Honestly I don’t know why chuck cares so much, if Zion plays on just skill enough and collets his checks that’s better for him.

  24. WobbleKun

    yall need to send him out of the country to get right. let me recommend somewhere up north.

  25. Nothing better than Chucks brutal burn on an out of shape Zion “looks like Shaq and me had a baby!”

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