@Chicago Bulls

Derrick Rose x Neutral Milk Hotel

Derrick Rose x Neutral Milk Hotel

by Luvkip_OW


  1. RuralJuror7

    Unexpected but enjoyed! Aeroplane over the sea is a top album for me.

  2. My first reaction was “why the fuck would you do this” but the lyrics fit surprisingly well lmao

  3. i mean yeah this is literally made for me, i’m also extremely fucking confused that any single person thought to make this, well done

  4. ArchangelZero27

    I hate to say it but truely was my fav era of basketball. Man this kid got me excited to be a bulls fan his game the way he played, I was hyped. I miss that electricity from the stadium, we need it back. F you Jerry blow it up and build a team that can play out of its mind like this and have the hunger to win. I swear Rose was a champion he backed up everything he said, I remember the media interviews he talked his game, his team, backed down from nothing and scary thing was he was GETTING better, didnt even reach his peak. I hate that chicago water that derails a lot of bulls players

  5. DavidManque

    Nothing like a song about Anne Frank to put you in the mood for some vintage bball highlights

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