@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic laughs at Kris Dunn for getting heated and pointing in Luka’s face

Luka Doncic laughs at Kris Dunn for getting heated and pointing in Luka’s face

by ChazNBA


  1. I’m still heated about this tbh, that’s such a BS double tech

  2. botebote77

    refs always think a double tech is the most fair call but it’s actually not

  3. pot8odragon

    Luka getting the tech is bs, he did nothing wrong

  4. whatapleasantspot

    Whole thing looked dumb but like to see everyone on the court running over to stand with Luka. WTF was Sexton’s issue with Seth though

  5. AshyCheekss

    This tech will/should get rescinded by the league.

  6. geloong41

    Luka went to the locker room after the 3rd quarter to wipe his ass from shitting too much on Dunn the whole game.

  7. The one time Luka is actually really mature and doesn’t react and he gets punished. Great precedent to set there!

  8. snarlmane

    Luka did the absolute best thing you can do in a situation like this, “laugh and walk away” and he still got tech’d. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets rescinded tomorrow.

  9. Vonbonnery

    Everyone is saying that Luka didn’t react but he did grab the ball and not give it back after a made basket so could the tech be for that? I know usually it’d just be delay of game warning but maybe the ref thought it went further than that

  10. cornbreadsdirtysheet

    Kris tried to eat a booger off Lukas nose….just being a Good Samaritan…..then everybody got so upset.

  11. FinancialRabbit388

    I said this on the game thread, did none of y’all see Luka elbow Dunn in the back? I get being a homer, but it shouldn’t make you blind to reality. Also, Luka literally just held onto the ball after the shot. There wasn’t a timeout. So there’s the reasons why Dunn got mad, and why Luka got the tech.

  12. Powpowpowowowow

    The most amazing thing about all of this is that Kriss Dunn is even still in the league and not in China.

  13. ChristBKK

    BS double tech Luka had himself under control… Luka doesn’t deserve all Techs lol

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