@Philadelphia 76ers

Another thing about Tobi is that in all of the seasons Tobi had a “positive on off”, the teams on off was still higher without him. Sixers have been better without Tobias every year.

I don’t even know how much Tobi will get paid on his next contract in Free Agency next summer. I’ll be shocked if he gets over half of what he’s getting now. What do you guys think?

by Master-Extreme5244


  1. I think he’s probably going to get 20m per year or so in the free agency market.

  2. Scottsm124

    He just needs a good coach like a Nick Nurse and then he will be fine

  3. This can’t go on. Worst contract in recent NBA history. Embiid has been paired with headcases his entire career.

  4. BrightGreenLED

    Again, stop with the on/off spam. Get some help.

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