@Golden State Warriors

At least we’ve got this guy

At least we’ve got this guy

by QuoteMasterLT


  1. CarryOnUptheMorning

    If we ain’t going to be a serious basketball team and make moves to improve. I’ll just sit back and enjoy the greatest player we’ll ever see put up 30 a night on teams. It’s the only way I’ll enjoy warriors basketball this year now.

  2. tetsuomiyaki

    … it’s slow mo and i still fell for the shot fake, it really did look like he was getting into a gather. damn.

  3. Goodisworthfighting4

    Dude is the only part of the franchise that still operates at a championship level.

  4. AtreusIsBack

    If GSW management had any courage at all, they would have disbanded the core, kept Steph and rebuilt around him. But no, gotta keep the other two happy. In all fairness, Steph probably wants them to stay as well, so yeah, they’re all delusional in their own way.

  5. Dar8_Vader

    I so badly want him to win his 5th but OP you made me realise Warriors basketball is Curry. Hell I don’t care about the wins no more, I want him to go nuclear and do what he does best, give his opponents trauma.

  6. One day this man will retire. Please stop wasting this man’s prime while it’s still here.

    He’s clearly but gradually been slowing down every season since 2021. He’s just been so godlike in his conditioning and strength that he’s still improving as a player.

    I hope he wins one last one. Cement him in the Top 5 where he deserves to be.

  7. Scorecard2721

    The look of recognition on Westbrook’s face is hilarious – “Damn, this MF just cooked our asses again”

  8. sonegreat

    He won that game yesterday! And then the team just blew it.

    The team is Steph, I know he would not be happy with major changes. But you got to shake the roster in some way. That man is dropping 29 on 47/43/93 right now. Still getting doubled at half court. You can’t screw this up around him.

  9. Torn because I don’t want him to run away to another team like Bron did, but I want to see him actually compete for chips.

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