@Indiana Pacers

One of many reasons we lost the game.

Imo this was the reason we were trailing the entire time. The reason that 9-0 run was to break away and not comeback.

by HeyItsChase


  1. The-Wylds

    When the team that normally shoots and makes a lot of threes doesn’t make a lot of threes…gotta live and die by it.

  2. MattyIce260

    We shot like shit and bricked a lot of open ones. It happens, just a shitty game for it to happen in. They were always going to dominate us in the paint, our only chance was to overcome their 2s with 3s and it wasn’t our night

  3. Human-Still-6949

    Our FG% was terrible. We missed so many shots…

  4. Previous-Doubt4954

    Heild has played like trash the last 2 games. Should have kept Tj magic out there with Haliburton at the 2. Honestly, the pacers could have won this. Poor personnel management by the coaching staff.

  5. Gonna lose a lot of games when Obi is our best 3 shooter.

  6. Ok_Wealth3098

    The foul calls really disrupted the pacers flow

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