@Los Angeles Lakers

The Los Angeles Lakers have a Nikola Jokic problem | The Athletic NBA Show

The Athletic NBA Show discuss the Los Angeles Lakers’ potential.


  1. He is not a lakers fun, he is never right about his predictions, why everybody call this guy as the lakers top insider is bigger than Bigfoot or Nessie..

  2. It’s a long, difficult season. Nuggets aside (and I’m a long time fan), I think people love to jump on the Lakers bandwagon in the media and aren’t really looking at the truth. Neither Bron, nor AD has made it all the way through a season since Bron has been a Laker (no, the bubble doesn’t count, what with 3 months off in the middle and all). I tend to go with that truth over “they have a lot of talent”. By the end of the season, things will be true to form and they’ll be hurt. Love Bron, but hey, Father Time eventually gets us all…

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