@Golden State Warriors

We FINALLY Know What’s Wrong With Draymond Green

Draymond Green is officially in counseling to deal with whatever his mental health issue might be. It’s too bad the Warriors didn’t see the signs before his 19th ejection but better late than never! This is a look at how far the NBA has come in treating a-holes with thoughts and prayers.


  1. Finally someone is telling the truth….The warriors wanted his behavior while they were winning…Dray and the organization have gone too far.

  2. Take his kids away if he really have "mental illness". Lets see how that trash person reacts

  3. Golden state as an organisation has encouraged and in cases incentivised this kind of behaviour,with zaza in the past and now Draymond

  4. By "mental illness," psychopathy has been documented to be most prevalent among CEO's, Surgeons, and Lawyers, but they are rewarded for their ruthless and complete lack of empathy.

    Compared to that, Draymond is far more tame and brutish because he affects far fewer lives societally (globally). However, he isn't that different from other enabled star players who feel that the rules don't apply to them (i.e. LBJ or Harden). The difference is that they break the rules with flopping, traveling, (alleged) P.E.D.'s, and not honoring contracts instead of physicall attacking other players.

  5. You do not need to have a mental health illness to need psychiatrics help, all he needs is anger management.

  6. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 you look like the highest level of education you've achieved is high-school, or maybe junior college, yet you feel qualified to diagnose another black male as crazy? !?!???? This channel is a joke.

  7. We don't pardon psychopaths and send them out of prison because they have mental illness..
    Draymond Green's condition doesn't absolve him from all the BS he's been dishing out over the years.
    Trash behavior is Trash behavior.

  8. Shaq is right.. not everyone and everything is needing to be made out to be more than is seen. I'm sick of the culture looking for excuses for everything. Green is an idiot. Simple as that.

  9. IMO if the warriors organization were really aware and wanted to push draymond to get help, why now? this has been going on for a decade. any of those years and they could've sent draymond for counseling. this is just a PR stunt and them being fed up with draymond's antics. Shaq is right. nothing is wrong with draymond. this is who he is. a dirty player. a villain. a bad guy. he knows what he's doing and he uses it to his (and his team's) advantage. is it plausible that he does have mental health issues? for sure. anger management for one. but lets not act like he just got these mental health issues recently and nothing could've been done about it for a decade.

  10. this video is hilarious. Draemon is so bad that he doesn't know how to do anything else. Mental health hahahahahaha im dying

  11. Just because you're a tough enforcer, not letting guys mess with your team, doesn't mean you have mental health problems. Does Steven Adams? Not likely.

  12. Two things really seem to trigger Dray. First is holding him when he wants to move, not sure if that is a mental trigger, but he did it with Sabonas, Nurkik, etc. The second is a perception of being seriously disrespected, as happened with LeBron, Poole, etc. The problem s that people are figuring that out and using it to their advantage against him.

  13. there is no mentall illness that could justify his violent outburst. Even Iraq Veterans Despite the Tons of PTSD they have arent this violent around people. Shaq is right

  14. I wonder if Kerr getting punched by Jordan in practice colored his opinion on Green punching Poole.

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