@Golden State Warriors

jaylen browns never doing this celebration again 😭

jaylen browns never doing this celebration again 😭

by violetpiano


  1. hawaiian209

    Never celebrate too early. Night Night X2. Ouch.

  2. I would accept a Too Small for a Night-Night every time.

  3. Nessmuk58

    With any luck, he retires without EVER doing the ring-finger celebration!



    I always thought you do this taunt/celebration over players who are actually bigger than you.

  5. Any-Cupcake-7883

    About third time he fucked around and got son’d by Wardell. When will he learn?

  6. Just2Flame

    Jalen Browns missed shots kept us in that game highkey.

  7. guesswhodat

    Never disrespect the great ones. You’d think they’d learn this by now….

  8. JKbHyperizin

    I mean.. are we really going to fault JB for one taunt after Stephs ring meme and the countless night nights? That shit will only grow in legend

  9. I thought the too little taunt was a technical foul….

    …but I’m glad it woke up the petty king

  10. bigricebag

    Lol how you do that celebration against the dude that beat you in the finals and got 4 rings? Fucking dumb.

  11. scrambled_cable

    Jaylen Brown when he fucked around and found out = Surprised Pikachu

  12. Dogesneakers

    It’s crazy how curry switched after this. For someone as competitive as him sometimes they just have something that switches

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