@Indiana Pacers

Game Thread: Mad Ants vs Skyhawks, Dec. 21st, 2023. 1:30 EST

Watch on an ESPN2 stream. Let’s cheer on Jarace, Sheppard and the rest of the Mad Ants.


by AccomplishedFront563


  1. What the hell is a College Park Skyhawk? Atlanta affiliate, maybe?

  2. EddieMunsterSr

    Is everyone watching Trae Young and Doris right now?

  3. AccomplishedFront563

    Walker relying a lot on that midrange today

  4. EddieMunsterSr

    All of these guys have an actual skillset. It’s a sign of good scouting. It’s not just a team full of ATHs waiting to get a seat at the end of a pro bench. These guys each could fill a role if a team needed what they do well.

  5. Nice little lob there from Payton to Kendall Brown

  6. AccomplishedFront563

    I can see that as an improvement area for Jarace, he could have moved Lundy out of the way there and forced a foul like Giannis does

  7. Wong, apparently, is “slithering” to the goal

  8. Kendall looked like he was floating in the air, just waiting for that shot to come off of the rim.

  9. AccomplishedFront563

    Walkers passing looks much better this half, good work by Tschiebwe too

  10. AccomplishedFront563

    I’d love if tchiebwe could work out in the NBA, we need a rebound merchant

  11. newmandn311

    Tshiebwe about to get a double-double. Currently at 16 points and 9 rebounds

  12. MySabonerRunsOladipo

    It’s so odd to watch a Pacers affiliated team that’s decent from 3 but absolutely dominates inside.

  13. MySabonerRunsOladipo

    “Cannot connect to Zcam3”


  14. Jarace has had a rough 2nd half, looks completely out of gas.

  15. AccomplishedFront563

    I can’t believe how that happened hahahaha

  16. Little odd that Kendall and Oscar rode the bench during that entire quarter pretty much. They are each over +20 today.

    Blowing a 10 point lead in less than a minute is impressive though.

  17. EddieMunsterSr

    I love that the announcers are patting themselves on the back for this OT, but they’ve been calling them the Indiana Mad Ants all day.

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