@Minnesota Timberwolves

It’s starting…

It’s starting…

by Material_Book_8280


  1. He actually said that 💀💀💀 what the literal fuck man

  2. twinberwolf

    Might find himself in the Lou Williams role in a year or two or some point. I don’t have anything against him but you live or die by his success when he’s on your team and it’s just not sustainable for a winning basketball culture.

    Best of luck D’Lo, learn to defend at a passable level so you can sustain your career.

  3. Rich-Information-793

    “I want to be Derrick White”-Dlo

  4. organized_meat

    I mean, he’s always said this, pretty much.

  5. “There is no do, only try.” I think that’s the phrase – DLo probably

  6. Typical-Gold-29

    Pepperidge farm remembers when lakers fans delcared dlo was HIM and gloated in how dumb the wolves are.

  7. yourloudneighbor

    Such a loser. So glad he’s off, team continuity is 10 fold better

  8. ReDevilShin

    What is it that he does tho? Throw wild passes and shoot pull up 3s on a fast break?

  9. trekinbami

    Getting rid of him might be the best move TC made.

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