@Boston Celtics

Game Thread: Boston Celtics (21-6) at LA Clippers (17-11) Dec 23 2023 3:30 PM

#Boston Celtics at LA Clippers Arena- Los Angeles, CA




|Time Clock|
|Q4 7:22|

|BOS * * * * (Bonus)|28|40|38|13|119|
|LAC * * * |21|30|30|10|91|

###On the court

**Boston Celtics**

|J. Brown|29:06|24|9-17|3-6|3-4|3|3|6|2|1|0|3|2|28
|A. Horford|26:49|6|2-6|2-5|0-0|0|7|7|5|1|2|0|2|23
|D. White|26:17|14|4-11|2-9|4-4|0|3|3|3|0|3|2|1|22
|N. Queta|19:50|12|3-6|0-0|6-8|5|5|10|2|0|0|1|4|11
|P. Pritchard|18:22|3|1-5|1-3|0-0|1|2|3|1|0|0|0|2|6

**LA Clippers**

|N. Powell|25:01|7|3-9|1-3|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|5|-9
|D. Theis|13:48|10|3-3|1-1|3-3|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|2|0
|K. Brown|18:00|6|2-2|2-2|0-0|0|2|2|4|1|0|0|3|-9
|B. Boston Jr.|5:50|3|1-2|1-2|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|5
|B. Hyland|:26|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-2
###Team Stats



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  1. GiannisDameGOAT

    Anyone know how Prime Pierces midrange stats compared to Jaylen’s

  2. Theis getting a call? This is BULLSHIT where was that for us all those years ref?

  3. bkilpatrick3347

    Time to take Derrick and JB out come on now

  4. Ienjoymyself

    Theis getting a superstar whistle AGAINST us….

  5. Queta shoots layups like he plays at the Y for a living😂

  6. BurnerAcct42105

    Man if Queta could score, he’d be a beast for us

  7. AlecHutson

    Queta is the first athletic 7 footer I’ve seen who can shoot free throws but can’t dunk

  8. DubbleDribbler

    The clippers have really good commentators I just realized I’m watching the clippers broadcast.

    Felt like I was watching a nationally televised broadcast

  9. Don’t let him cooking Queta right there fool you, Westbrook is washed.

  10. 7 footer energy guy who can rebound and shoot fts? How’d the NBA miss this guy?

  11. I’d say the war on Theis continues…but that was just a dumb foul

  12. timeknife91

    Ok I’m slightly behind live how did Scal not know Derrick is the Buffalo???

  13. bkilpatrick3347

    I don’t know if Joe understands how much we’d all hate him forever if JB White or Al got hurt in a situation like this

  14. Don’t worry guys. Clippers are just trying to get everyone Chick-fil-a to make up for their performance.

  15. Jordanwolf98

    D White getting those numbers up for all star discussion

  16. This game will never end if there’s a foul every possession.

  17. Is Derrick White the best bald headed bearded player in league history?

  18. Noblevillain1997

    Why are they having a full blown analysis of the Buffalo’s forehead lmao

  19. NotLow420

    Clippers determined to make this an hour long 4th quarter.

  20. bedroom_fascist

    This is like a buffet of offensive options.

  21. aja_ramirez

    Lol, clipper announcers clowning d whites old hairline

  22. Georgia4life

    If we win a championship, Derrick White could go down as one of the greatest Celtics role players ever

  23. Plastic_Database_645

    Woke up 4:30am in here. Watching while on threadmill.


  24. bedroom_fascist

    OK, I’m beginning to get hard for running the Lakers out of their own building on Christmas.

  25. iLikeTrees2020

    White still managed to have a decent game without shooting well… MAX him

  26. Ngl we’ve had a good whistle this game all things considered.

  27. bedroom_fascist

    Is that Hubie Brown on the call for them? Fratello?

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