@Golden State Warriors

Warriors/Wizards Postgame, Steph, Klay, TJD, Kuminga, Kerr Reactions | Dec 22, 2023

Warriors/Wizards Postgame, Steph, Klay, TJD, Kuminga, Kerr Reactions | Dec 22, 2023

We asked you about Trace last game but just like what what new dimension and having a center like him what does that bring to your team yeah Trace is um fantastic I mean he’s controlling the uh the glass he’s 15 rebounds tonight and um you know he’s a lob threat you saw a

Couple plays there where um you know he Dove to the rim and guys found him and even when he doesn’t get the ball on those plays he’s pulling the defense in opening up um other people so he’s really giving us a a different look at that spot and he compliments U Lon and

Dario really well over the past really since you’ve been here you’ve never been a team centered around a center really plays a lot through a center can you think of anyone that you’ve had on your rosters that might have looked like trace or is he just really just

Something new for you I think people forget we used to have five centers on our team for a few years everyone wondered why we had so many centers and now they all ask why we don’t have any but um you know my first couple years we

Had Andrew bogot um and we ran a lot of our offense through him at the top of the key and he was the master of you know dribble handoffs and Diving to the rim um that’s pretty high praise you know I mean he’s got a long way to go

Trace does to to become Andrew bogot but it’s a similar threat Trace is also a very good passer like Bogues was um but just being able to um to run those dribble hand off and Dives and um you know that’s the guy that I think of I

Think uh you know all three of your guards threw threw him a lob tonight what does it do for them U you know when he when you have a lob threat like that yeah just it just creates um uh another uh possible play you know and when they’re coming downhill and he’s behind

The play then that becomes an option um but um it it it just it also pulls the defense in from the weak side side and so now you know the the pass out to the perimeter is usually more open as well saw you had a nice hug and long talk

With Jordan after you’re saying you you you happy to see him was it even a little emotional you know going through it seeing the video and seeing him play against you and then obviously the moment afterwards it was wonderful the the video and the uh Ovation Jordan got

Was to me the the highlight of the game um so welld deserved um for what he did for our organization and for our f and and players and coaches just the U the work that he put in and obviously becoming a key member of a championship team uh Jordan deserved that uh that

Ovation it was wonderful to see Chris was plus 26 I think just seemed like every time he went in you picked up the lead was this kind of the game for him you know unorganized game maybe things were a little loose and then did you just see CP3 just kind of

Take over yeah I mean you know they they play at the fastest pace in the league and that that was the the message before the game was you know don’t get caught up in a track meet um you know we need to make them guard and and get great

Shots um not just decent ones and you know the first five minutes we took a bunch of ill advised shots and they raced out to a lead so um Chris came in immediately and the game settled down but that’s um that’s what he does that’s

Who he is he’s you know one of the great point guards of all time and seems like every game you look at the stat sheet he’s got or 10 assists and one turnover and you know he’s plus whatever 27 tonight so um Chris is um he’s a he’s a

Genius point guard and we’re lucky to have him uh Stefan and a couple others got some extended rest at the end how important is that given the the load that they had it last yeah and and playing tomorrow at 5:30 um we were really hoping not to to have to put

Steph back in and um he heard me at the beginning of the fourth quarter I said to the other coach coaches you know it’d be great be great to not have to put Steph back in and and he kind of poked in the Huddle and said no I want to play

And uh that’s who Steph is he always wants to be out there but um it was good nobody nobody played more than U you know 29 minutes and um we need our our legs for tomorrow Portland’s coming in they’re the team a little bit like um

You know Washington in terms of pace um but more talented and and obviously capable of coming in here and beating us so we gotta be ready for tomorrow I think that’s eight straight double digit games from kaminga um what are you seeing from him from a consistency

Standpoint right now the the plays that Jonathan is making that are really make me smile are the extra passes he had another one tonight where he hit clay for a three um he wasn’t seeing those those plays um over the last couple years and now he’s really starting to

Feel and see uh the extra pass um especially when it’s to Steph or clay I mean you know you’re playing with maybe the two greatest Shooters of all time like get them to the ball quickly um when the ball is swung because the defense can’t uh can’t recover fast

Enough so he’s starting to see those plays and then he’s also recognizing when to attack and um you know how to get to the rim so JK’s been fantastic I think this is the best stretch of basketball he’s he’s ever played Steve you guys have won four in a row now and

What do you think of your defense during this period and what do you think it needs to do to get to the next step Next Level I guess well we gave up a lot of little stuff in the first half um we were late on box outs late on switches

And that led to fouls and so they shot 18 free throws in the first half and uh we cleaned up a lot of that in the second half and that’s why they didn’t go to the line much so that’s the big thing is just being being the aggressor

Um seeing plays before they happen seeing the box out seeing the switch uh getting there early and when we do that we’re a very good defensive team you mentioned yesterday about the need to so if you want to increase the pace you got to pick up better defense as the schedule gets

Tougher and it will very soon is that something you still want to want to see from your guys yeah I mean if we can turn defense into offense that’s that’s the best offense right you get out you know get a stop and get out and transition and then the defense can’t

Set up and we’ve got obviously a lot of really talented players who now have space to to make a play so that’s what we’re looking for Steve what would be your advice to Someone Like Jordan who’s just trying to figure out you know how to lead a young team like this right now

Um I don’t I don’t feel like that’s my place you know to say publicly what I think he needs to do Jordan’s a great young guy um you know we we had a great relationship while he was here and um you know he um I figured out how to

Coach him it took a couple years but I I sort of learned how to coach Jordan and I think we really um connected and and he’s just in a different role now um you know playing for a young team that’s rebuilding it’s it’s a totally different experience but he’s got good people

Around him and uh good coaches and they’ll they’ll help him find the way you started Looney both halves and you know that’s the only minutes he played is that important to you just to have him be at the start of the game uh and maybe plot the rest of the minutes

How they’re going to go yeah we’re we need Lon we’re going to need him um and there there will be games where he plays a lot more than he played tonight or last game um but right now we’re in a good Groove um with Trace playing um and

Dario coming off the bench and uh so we like the the rotation but uh you know there there’s a game coming soon where where lon’s going to be out there a lot more and um so I want him to keep his rhythm and his conditioning and and um

Everything always shifts in this league uh things change quickly and and uh you know Lon will will find his way back into the groove and and definitely be playing more minutes but right now I mean you know Trace is Trace is really playing well and so we’ll keep giving him

Minutes thank you Jonathan kaminga with his eighth straight game scoring to double figures at a monster first half 16 points overall he’s our guest tonight hopefully he can hear us JK good evening do you feel like as a team you guys are playing the best basketball of the Season thus

Far I think we’re playing great basketball Bon I think my efficiency has been great there it is there we go JK take the towel off your head we got to get the towel off your head there you go JK we got to get the towel off so you

Can hear us a little bit better do you feel like you’re playing the best basketball of the Season thus far I mean so far it’s been great you know uh just knowing my role for this team uh knowing certain people I’m on the floor with uh and just watching film every single day

Learning a game uh so far I feel like I’m I’m actually trying I’m actually doing better JK is d right man it looks like the game is finally slowing down a little bit for you you you’ve been putting some great games together tell us a little bit about how you’re feeling

Out there how you’re approaching the game now but for my eyes it looks like the game is slowing down for you I mean it’s definitely slowing down uh even most of the time when I go back and films uh like I say uh me and been watching the film every single day and

Like no one went to attack went to pass the ball what angle we should attack from so just things like that you know and it feel like it’s becom even more easier now JK great game you’ve been playing great basketball your efficiency numbers off the charts you mentioned

Watching film I want you to talk about your shot selection and you and Brandon psky in the starting lineup looks like the pace is much faster you guys are really putting a lot of pressure on the the opposing team’s paint opening up shots for your teammates I mean definitely uh just

Having me out there MVP uh two young guys we got fresh legs you know uh we coming out here bringing the energy every single day and that’s that’s God ass rolling every single day so it just me and him being more focused on what’s

Going to keep us on the floor and I feel like so far we doing what we need to do we’re definitely doing your thing JK another double Digger double figure night for you uh 22 points all 9 of 11 the efficiency numbers through your last eight man shooting over 60% get some

Rest have a quick turnar around for the Portland troubler tomorrow for sure all right guys all right Jonathan kaminga here on postgame live he’s playing phenomenal basketball right now taking advantage of the opportunity and just to think bully he was out of his rotation a couple weeks ago against a Portland tril

Blazers yeah and I like D’s question when you’re playing a decisive basketball your shot selections on point your efficiency numbers are there not only you’re comfortable it tells me he’s playing with the right combination of players and I think not only for JK but I think with psky in the starting lineup

The game is much faster now when you play small you have to play fast and then you space the floor to drive the basketball to put pressure on the opposing teams’s defense to collapse them obviously if you have the layup take it but more importantly all of a

Sudden last you what 10 15 games Klay Thompson’s on a roll because of that uh the pace in the space that the Warriors are playing with and something I really believe in fellas is when you know those minutes are going to be consistent uh you don’t have to be what they say

Thirsty you can let the game come to you you know you’re going to get your shots you know you’re going to get your minutes and that’s what it looks like with JK he know he’s going to be out there for 20 plus minutes so that’s making him relax and understand the game

Will come to me I will get my moments I’ll get my my shots and Bonte you mentioned it uh pregame you know not fouling but playing solid physical defense playing the opposing teams one of their best offensive players and they’re not turning the ball over the

Warriors had 12 turnovers as a team but that to me gets back to with the ability to play with Pace but also making good decisions so that that gets back into spacing timing uh I just really like the way this team is jelling uh and the

Young plays I think had have had a huge impact on that but you think about if you have this this the athleticism and the speed Stephen Clay going to get more open and we saw tonight Steph didn’t have to get off to a dynamic start right

Feel the game out let your teammates get feeling good about themselves Steph’s always going to be able to get out there and get 30 points no doubt well JK became the first Warrior this season with a 20 point game on 80% shooting from the floor he’s on some heater right

Now but also Steph Curry he’s at 13 30-point nights three the last four games Stephen Curry has scored over 30 points and you see what he’s done over the course of his career against the Washington Wizards there’s something about that logo where his eyes lights up

And he lights up the scoreboard he did it again through three quarters tonight of course he scored 14 to the last 16 points in the first half Brandon thanks for joining me big win tonight being able to win win in non- clutch minutes allowing your starters to sit a little bit the first

Thing I noticed 33 assists the ball was flying around tonight what was it that was contributing to your ability to get the ball movement going so well yeah I think uh going into the game coach did a really good job of stressing how they don’t like to play defense they’re not a

Really good defensive team so um if you turn it into an up and down match they probably had the advantage uh I think they remember one in Pace in in NBA so um you know just trying to get great shots U we had a lot of shots where we

Open and we swung one more and got a even better shot um and I think that started with Jonathan’s pass to to Klay in the first half and that kind of really set the tone and then uh you know the second unit with Chris he’s always

Going to you know find open man which makes it super easy for for who’s ever in there um but then defensively we just you know try to make them shoot half court shots or not half court shots but play in the half court uh most of the

Nights and they kind of struggled in the third fourth quarter I appreciate you humility you added five assists yourself all right so it wasn’t just them but definitely contributed yourself thinking about the defensive end you noticed in the second half the fouling got a lot cleaner what was the adjustment there

Yeah I think it kind of started me in the first half uh you know not playing uh great defense on Jordan and he got some shots to fall so just really took uh pride in the third and fourth quarter of you know kind of limiting him and uh

If you limit their best player it’s kind of makes it hard for them so uh I think he finished 7 for 21 so I just Tred to do my part in that aspect and then you know everybody else just follow through and we were able to play in transition

Speaking of Jordan was there like a Milwaukee touch there right there were yall talking about during the game yeah we were just talking about how many you know just people on both Sidelines are from the state of Wisconsin uh I think they got three or four over there we got

Two players and a couple coaches so um just happy to see them I got to talk to Patrick uh we played Au together so it was a you know you know fun experience um but all in all we got the win which is the most important that’s huge and

Then last thing I want to say you tweeted last game you were talking about your boy 32 mhm and and you were talking about him just showing up and doing the thing tonight another double double consecutive double double talk to me a little bit about what you thought about

His game tonight I think he’s something we need um I kind of saw it when I got to play with him in Santa Cruz and the summer league for that short stint um you know he brings something different that we don’t have and you know we got

Three different type of bigs um which is good depending on the team we play and you know gafford’s a Above the Rim guy so you know Trace matching up with him with his athleticism was crucial and I think for guards like me Steph and and

CP who don’t play Above the Rim um you know he gives us a good outlet and when we’re going in there and gafford’s trying to block shots really all we have to do is throw it at The Rim so um it’s something we didn’t have without him and

I think that’s kind of you know he’s a big part of why we don’t turn the ball over because you know if we do get stuck he’s always an option for us what’s it going to take to get him to go from Baby Tea to Big

Tea I just call him 32 I don’t even know I guess I think he’s you know going to be intrical part of our our team come you know April May and June and um that’s big for you know me and him because you know the Warriors aren’t

Used to playing uh rookies you know heavy amount of minutes and I think me and him have kind of you know tried to change that narrative and show that we belong obviously you know him getting that experience in college playing four years has obviously helped him um you

Know at this level Well you certainly showed up tonight thank you so much for joining me and great win thank you appreciate it fin did you know that you’re just the third rookie to have consecutive scoring and rebound double doubles with chatt and wemy um I did not know that um just

Trying to get rebounds and um finish lobs um playing with energy so what how surprised were you draft Knight when you went 57 um I was very surprised honestly I felt like um my senior year in college I was added a lot to my game whether it be the passing the

Blocking shots um rebounding at a high level um finishing um basically everything improving my game leading my teams to win I felt like that’s why I came back and um but at the end of the day I didn’t know what the situation was with my agents and um I tweeted it right

Before they told me and then they told me that we were waiting for a guarantee but they didn’t tell me because they didn’t want it not to fall through so they didn’t want me to have my hopes up but at the end of the day I play with a

Chip on my shoulder anyway so it is what it is it’s I mean this is technically a team that traded you that you played tonight I mean does that thought go through your mind at all today um not necessarily um I I’ve never was Washington I think called me on draft I

Think it was draft day they called me them and the Spurs called me and they said we’re thinking about taking you I think it was early in early in the second we’re probably going to get a pick and then I was like okay and then didn’t happen and so I wasn’t then all

Of a sudden they called me my agents called me said the Warriors are trading Washington’s pick I was like okay so it is what it is at that point but I’m happy to be here and um I’m blessed to play with these guys Steve said that you kind of remind

Him a bit of Andrew bogot um are you familiar with Andrew as a player he was a key player in the beginning of this dynasty absolutely um he’s a little taller than me but he he’s got he’s got we got some similar attributes um he was

A lot threat as well he was a really really good passer I feel like he’s an underrated passer um but um that’s something that I still need to expand on my passing and just knowing where guys want to be where to get them the ball but I’m learning it’s my rookie season

So I just got to continue to get better and grind feels like you’re a good mix of kind of like a rim Runner with some of that bogot type game do you are you trying to be a kind of that that combo that yeah absolutely um still post still

Needs to get there um I had it a lot in college and the split actions and stuff of that nature so trying to get back into that flow but um being a screener and rolling to the rim especially with Shooters around you um what big man wouldn’t love that they often say that

You know shooting can kind you can get in a Groove for shooting do you feel like you can even do that rebounding and attacking the glass on either end absolutely um that’s kind of how I am as a player I’m I’m an energy guy and when

I get a block or dunk and it just raises my energy and then start jumping a little higher for rebounds and then I start getting more ripping rebounds out of guys hand stuff of that nature so just energy and um playing with physicality you at absolutely um I feel

Like um the game against Portland um really helped boost my confidence my teammates put a lot of confidence in me and then Boston the same and then going into the night you just got to continue to play with that confidence as you’re uh getting more minutes in the last few

Games do you feel the game slowing down or how do you feel yourself maturing or evolving yes I I feel it’s slowing down a lot actually um when I first I remember actually I’ll say this when when I started in the preseason against Sacramento it was pretty slow and then I

Was wasn’t I was never used to coming off the bench cuz in college I was I started every game and never had to experience that and so trying to find that Groove and find that Rhythm was was big for me and that’s kind of why I struggled I feel like in the beginning

But after I got my routine down and got everything like that ready and then I feel like it’s been a lot better since can you take me through that sequence where it was you had a block on one end and a lob from Chris on the other kind

Of in like 10 seconds M just um just timing the ball playing with playing with that energy coach always says if your guy’s on weak side go go and try to get it so that’s what I was trying to do got it and then saw CP called for it and

Then I told him that I was there if you wanted to screen and then the rest is the rest so I think I think he said the other night he told you like I made a lot of big guys you know money no absolutely he has and um he’s he’s a

Great teammate he’s great to play with um just the way that he talks about the game he’s always trying to help me in certain situations and um he’s a great vet I mean how cool do you view that as you know as a rookie that you know

Probably 10 years from now you can tell people you know you played rookie year with Chris PA as a point guard no absolutely playing with Chris and Steph and all of these guys and they’re going to be in the Hall of Fame which is just it’s a blessing starting your career out

Here and just being able to play with guys like this it’s it’s not ordinary having this many legendary people on your team the pool video in just the night oh it was great gave me chills watching that tribute video and it just shows you how fast time really moves when you play

Pro ball and uh it was great to see the fan reception for Jordan he deserved it it was like walking down memory lane watching that tribute video was special what what do you think of how I mean Trace these past two games in particular but him fky Jonathan all of

These young guys have really stepped up and also gotten a lot more U just like playing room and time than in in years past um yeah it’s the nature of the Beast uh we’ve had injuries guys out the lineup and our rookie class has been really

Special this year uh I know BP didn’t shoot the ball as well he wanted to tonight but he fills up the stat sheet every time he’s out there and he plays his hard as he can and he made a huge impact obviously with the best plus

Minus of the starting five and then when it comes to trace Jr his ability to keep blocking shots and rebound and catch lobs it’s another Double D two and a row row double doubles it’s we got a steal two steals do do you follow the draft

Like on draft night I’ll watch the first 10 picks cuz it’s such a cool uh such a cool experience for young players but uh it’s hard to keep up the whole time but it’s always fun to watch the draft do you like check in at the end of the

Draft like who did the Warriors get or like do or do you just learn when you go to Camp essentially yeah I I’ll I’ll see who we draft yeah oh yeah I’m mostly asking because you know I mean you got Trace 57th wow and I mean are you coming to Camp

You know I mean you guys have had you know picks come and go late picks sometimes not even on the roster like when did you know like oh you know we got a center at 57 that can play now uh well I just look up his resume in

College and it was incredibly impressive I mean he averaged like 20 and 10 and um was a player of the year I think in his conference or at least an All-American and anytime you get a player like that who’s ready to contribute um it’s awesome could you tell in

Camp yeah I could tell he uh could be a force in this league talked about Brandon’s hustle he’s among the league leaders in charge is taken Moses is up there in charge is taken took another one tonight what is that sort of the fact that the rookies

Are doing sort of that gritty under the radar stuff how much does that matter and what kind of boost does that give the team oh it’s huge it’s why they play so many minutes and uh it’s why they continue to stay on the floor is because of the

Hustle plays they do make and uh Brandon saved a game for us this year from one of them and mo continues to smant himself in the rotation because of that hustle he brings just a quick followup what was that like in Portland as Steve said it’s pretty rare very rare to see

Basically a game-winning charge it was awesome and uh one of the highlights of the season and has allowed us to continue this win streak so hopefully tomorrow go for win number five and go to Denver with a free swing clay you’ve obviously played against guys who have been your

Teammates before go elsewhere what first game against somebody after they’ve been your teammate especially for several seasons in a title like Jordan is is that almost like you know he’s not here but does that kind of make it sink in that you know this is just an opponent at this point Um yeah it was weird but uh still got to be a pro and go out there and win the game at that point Jordan’s our opponent after the game you can reminisce about all the great times which we will do and it’s nothing more than that what’s kaminga giving you guys kind

Of consistently lately um an incredible finisher in the paint incredible Defender and just someone who is so good attacking the rim and getting the free throw line adding a whole new dimension to our attack on offense nice it cool there you go heads up I be looking at that anyway

Kaminga what does it feel like out there you’re gaining more minutes you’re looking more comfortable you know under the basket you’re grabbing rebounds you’re having fun do you feel like you’re getting better per game just growth part of growth uh I want to say I got it all together or situated but just

So far just growing as a basketball player and trying to figure out to help a team win that’s it hey seemed kind of really fired up when you kind of made that extra swing pass to Clay in the first half I mean is that um how much

Easier are you seeing that those plays this season uh Clay’s a better shooter good to Great like the say no if it’s Clay wide open I’ll just even if I’m wide open and Clay is even open I’ll just throw it to him B like I said just it’s it’s about small

Details like small things like that they don’t show on the on the stat but he get everybody engaged so on I see one on clayy W fall in that easy it’s going to make his game easier cuz the rest to the shot going fall through so like I

Say you’re better shooter wide open give it to him what was it like to see Jordan oh it was great uh that was that’s family that’s my guy I mean I was excited to see him back um he was is great to see him back

For sure what do you think of trace and what he’s been doing uh Trey been playing very well man it’s like he understand everything just the way we play uh like I said he just he playing really well uh he knows his position he knows what he needs to do like it’s just

So crazy how he keeping up with everything what uh what what was it like to see Jordan and and also the video you guys played for him uh it was great to see him you know obviously have a lot of history and you know lot to do what he brought to our

Team um brought back some good memories obviously and glad that the fans gave him the response they did uh it’s really weird playing against him but it was it was fun obviously I hope he had enjoyed the uh the respect and the reception that he

Got got a four game win streak now what are you noticing about what’s going right flow wise in these last few games um I mean it was I think overall just playing with some good energy we it’s crazy it sounds I know we have a standard like I know we can play

Better that’s how I kind of think you appreciate the wins but you kind of focus on the the areas that we still can get better at especially defensively um we winning despite our defense taking some steps back which we can uh in order for us to to keep this winning

Streak and keep the Vibes going we have to you know address that but for the most part you’re learning lessons with winning guys are stepping up all across the the roster uh you know trace and what he’s been doing CP steadily you know plus 27 in a game

Where you know he controls the flow from the time he Steps From the Floor BP giving us great energy so you know Klay shooting the ball great making you know playmaking taking what the defense gives him everybody’s contributing JK being efficient out there on the floor so everybody is

Trying to step up and and uh and make an impact and take their opportunity run with it and we’re doing that and it’s leading the wins did did you watch the second round of the draft or monitor I should say what do you think probably

Not at least the TV version are you on your phone like I mean you guys didn’t even even have pick 57 so maybe you’re not even no I had tuned out at that point yeah uh when do you hear you got Trac and I mean right away after after a

Pick you might have been part of the the call I don’t know no I wasn’t a part of it but I uh um I got the text pretty quick that we had picked him um and I I knew about him having watched college basketball and couple Indiana games but I mean is your

Thought then like oh nice Prospect or I mean he did have a pretty storied college career I mean are you thinking oh we might have got a guy that can come in and help I think you’re more so thinking about what his strengths could be in the

League and he’s showing them right now athletic like you said uh those guys that play you know three four years in in college uh they they come with a a level of maturity even I think it’s as wild saw PBJ tonight like the joke was he’s you know three years older than

P our rookie that we had this year so it’s kind of there’s like a narrative around you know an experienced college player coming in that he might be able to give you something but you never really know how it’s going to play out just the strengths of what he has been doing for

Us and the way he’s impacting the game you know there was hope that that’s what it would look like so I’m glad he’s proven that you know pretty early on did you know early in Camp like he could really help or are you just kind of learning now the way he can really

Help there are moments in Camp but I think it’s understand how the league has changed a little bit and you know for us you know having that live of threat is a different look you know lon’s been unbelievable you know for years um and still is still impactful

You know Trace gives you a little something different and it’s a nice change of speed I think his confidence when he goes out there he’s just playing hard and that’s all I love when young guys do that that’s what they can control and it’s turning into impact so

You know it’s a it’s a great uh advantage that he has and he’s using it Steph you said it was pretty weird to face Jordan tonight was there any specific moment where you know something happened where you’re like yeah that that’s him in that way as you’re facing

Him in that way that kind of made that sink in I guess no I mean I you know his style he’s uh he’s got the flash he’s got the speed the quickness you know what he’s making the shots you know he takes some tough ones and uh he plays with that

Flare you’re used you’re used to that that’s just who he is and you know on a nightly basis it can be really loud just depending on what what the night is but uh just seen him before for the game was really the cuz I know there’s a lot of anticipation buildup to

This to his return and all that but um it just brings back good memories of you know what we were able to accomplish um you know that the in 22 but even just his journey from you know rookie year over those four years uh and all the ways we tried to

Help him the ways he helped us so it brought back all those memories it

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  1. Loved the way Podz spoke. Didn't deliver the same boring one liners, actually articulated what fans are seeing and have been wanting.

  2. Poor podz 😂 put some clothes on that reporter, that young boy was looking at the floor and the ceiling and thinking 🤔 shit ma is watching, don’t drip on her 🙏

  3. Kerr favors looney but TJD can shoot and move better than looney. TJD also cleans up shots and gets as many rebounds too.

  4. Looney is a great starter some games but not most. And Draymond shouldn’t start. Maybe I’m crazy but these young guys look good.

  5. I don’t want to be the one to say it but this year we have been winning more without dray at start of the year when he was injured we went 6-2 and now we are on a 4 game win streak since his suspension

  6. I am a big FAN of TJD (a diamond in the rough) & he is my most favorite among the young players. Love his personality, he seems to be very humble young man, unlike JK who seems to have a little trait of Poole in him, EGO, so he got a little dose of love from me. I love to see TJD grows & become successful w/Warrior's organization for a long time (Center that we don't have for a while). Don't mind if we have to go all in and Trade JK but NOT TJD. Go Warrior and TJD🥰🥰🥰

  7. We need more from the young guys during the regular season. We will need more from the veterans during the playoffs.


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