
Duke Dennis, Agent 00 & Jeff Teague Announce Trey Parker & Cold Hearts Vs Ian Jackson & JellyFam 🔥

Duke Dennis, Agent 00 & Jeff Teague Announce Trey Parker & Cold Hearts Vs Ian Jackson & JellyFam 🔥

And we’re live here in the heart of Atlanta Georgia at the beautiful OT arena for another night of action man it’s game two of a double header here today jelly fam versus cold Hearts we just got done watching rwe and City Reapers and it was a movie and and uh if

This game is anything like that man I am going to be excited to watch it I’m your host Agent Zero also joined by my co-host Duke Dennis yes sir and we got Jeff Teague in the building today man appreciate youall having me I’m having a blast so far yeah Jeff Teague what are

You expecting and dude what are y’all expecting here today from jelly fam and the coh hearts I mean uh the uh jelly fam they got to come in and look to get their Revenge cuz last last week they took a l at home so I’m looking forward to see what what happened

Jeff I’m excited to see Mel Brown man uh young pure point guard he only a sophomore so I came here to see him that’s what I want to see yeah look Duke you mentioned the coh hearts win yet last week that was large part due to Michael Brown and none other than Adam

Umido man at back court Hey listen man Michel Brown and and AO one of the best back courts in the league man um both of them can pretty much get going at any point of the game um I’m really looking looking forward to AO really taking the

Lead this time like he usually sit back seat to Mel and I do want to see him you know Take the Lead yeah that back court is something dangerous I’m not going to lie nice little combo both them will need to be firing on all cylinders here

Today if they want to beat jelly fam so we’ll see what happens here today man talking about the back court of jelly fam though Elijah Mo and Ian Jackson Ian Jackson he’s been known to be a bucket Elijah Mo has definitely stepped up as like that second man on jelly

Fam proud of his progression they call him Chopper Chopper great guy he’s a great guy though awesome individual man awesome individual and for the cold Hearts this is what the back court looks like Mel Brown and Adam D maybe bar for bar pound forp pound the best back court

Here in OT but they need to play like it and they need to play like it consistently so today’s a chance for them to show us man how about that super young too very young yeah got a bright future ahead of him should be a goodie it’s anything like the first game we

Let’s get into the starting lineups first for jelly fam Elijah Moore delquan Warren Solomon amanu mail M mail and Ian Jackson Pie one day lay together you never you how to over he we the like a f starting lineup for the cold Hearts first up Michel Brown Jr samis Calderone Trey Parker Canon Catchings at Center the Big John B see what y’all got pick man look we

Were wrong me and Duke were wrong in game one of this double header I can’t be wrong twice Jeff I got the cold Hearts man got a guy from Indianapolis Indiana my hometown so got some Family Ties basically okay Duke cohorts I’m going cold Hearts I’m going

To make the safe decision and go cold Hearts as well hopefully jelly fam doesn’t ruin that for me my record is looking atrocious two and three is seconding it update so yeah M mine looking bad too yeah here is what it is should be a good game though I’m excited

Bro with my look jelly fam going to come and happen night ever bro Ian Jackson’s about to drop 45 points oh he told me he was going crazy today oh he told you that yeah he told me that he you still didn’t pick him how you know man being

Loyal man being being loyal yeah the family the city ties you’re like Mentor players yeah so I’m real real real cool with jar and uh Cy catching obviously me and his aunt toi were a really close friend so okay cool okay hey man we F to see man hope jelly

Fam hey hey I like him but I I ain’t trying to risk my record right now bro I need my record to look good it’s already too late champ remember last year huh we didn’t miss I know last year bro like two losses the whole time right bro now

My record look like rwe record two and four two and three looks like we got Tom the fourth member of our broadcast ready for the Adidas face off Tom thanks fellas I’m down here with Adam with the cold Hearts Elijah choam Mo with jelly famam Adam you guys played last Friday you dropped

26 points how you feeling playing against jelly F feeling good I’m Ready the same thing come out with energy make sure our team gets a dub at the end of the day and choa of course you guys did win the next uh on Sunday against Diamond no but you obviously lost the

Cold hearts last Friday night what you guys got to do tonight to get a win just defend pull out on Shooters play together we’ll be good all right man we’re ready to get it going cold heart serus jelly fam agent Duke Jeff Teague hold heart SE jelly fam can’t wait for

It let’s do it man thanks for that time tip off is underwe oh Yeah look at that height difference that’s crazy that is kind of nuts I’ll be entirely Honest John B wins the tip off to top man that is too easy hey they can’t don’t start off the game like that now that was 5 Seconds man come on man don’t

Start off the game like that Man Warren kicks it no does not hit the target this Trey Parker looking to bring it back three-pointer called the rone no foul called reach from Mel now this is like one of the like coach coach is going to make you run when you go to practice with stuff like

This happens oh yeah you can’t start the game off like that that’s a little too easy man waren with it back M gets him to jump nice move Jimmy Hey CH who y’all got winning man yeah it’s h to us man ball gets 10 turn Over n everything missing right now open shots not connected by ke with it oh that’s tough deep three No and he said he was going to go crazy oh yeah yep pass makes it through but not able to get the shot off good reset man cuz you Wen going up with I’m a new looks like Kenny from P Squad I don’t know why I can’t unsee it Man two2 two two who y got winning deep three for Trey Parker Parker love them 30 40 footer yeah he don’t even shoot at the line it got to be at least 30 Euro that was a long step oh man oh that’s easy gets blocked at hold on he like that know he’s like that yeah my dog my dog just tried to catch on one I don’t know if that’s a foul aoul n ain’t a foul he look he got

Away with that right there free two points Bill played some pretty good defense there referee disagrees you know what’s funny as like a non-athletic person Jeff like it doesn’t occur to me that like players get tired cuz I’m not used to like running 92 ft myself all day versus some of the

Best athletes oh yeah they definitely get winded out here when’s like when’s an okay time for you to get tired third quarter fourth quarter nah probably you got to get like that thre minute Mark in the first catch your second win after that okay yeah you have to pretend like you’re not

Tired coach help you out oh break [Applause] he done that one got on he clowning might have been an interference there oh AO was on the court but no call n he he hey what did Mel was watching motivational videos in the back going and here’s Mel

Brown I ain’t going to lie he should have jump it man cies and I he shouldn’t have jump for that yeah you got to let that go rep let me see that’s tough he should have jump for that that’s tough hey bro hey and sometimes if the

Pitchure took in at the right angle it look even crazier it look crazyer so that’s tough I think I just found my new favorite player oh yeah already yeah yeah n yeah he definitely he definitely one of the ones je you ever dunk on someone me he dunked on somebody yeah I

Caught a couple bodies uh yeah I was a highlight re I got up there like Trey Park no I’m gas I’m oh John B you know John B was teammates and roommates with Mel prior to joining OT Al so they know each other and they’re good buddies

Man you got bodies though yeah yeah I got a C okay I couldn’t tell where the cap started nah n No Cap I I had little bounce man yeah but did you ever get dunked on I got dunked On by Delante West man oh wow yeah damn by Delante

West my tops Ain damn though don’t nobody pull that up chat don’t pull that up no no an OT production man it might be in the break no OT there put it right there OT put it on the jumbo trun you ever practice a move you never like pull out in

Game yeah always always uhoh Mel three ball hey n John hey John Ball is and he down there really getting all the board yeah he’s hustl right now got to start boxing now that’s a mismatch mismatch help Play Good Help he got jelly fam waren on The Fast Break behind his back leay

Misses a little too much there John B back call the rone F watching Kobe highlights Mel with it tough Drive 5 seconds on the clock good defense though amazing defense catching they can’t get no rebound and yeah n they beating him on the board at at least 102 at least 102 right [Applause]

Now don’t want to go down early here jelly fam there’s more Chopper nice hard dribble get Block John Bown hey John B is is the reason for this whole thing right now we got look go bad pass Catchings has it though back to Catchings it’s going up

Trey Parker in oh yeah it’s definitely going up yeah it’s going how did you know I know I just seen in his eyes it’s going up Ian Jackson walks it back corner three fade no error it’s first corter right now so everybody still get they trying to get they touch run

And the dribble right in the pass right hey Chad right now I need 1K likes if you don’t like the video right now you st me they got like at the by and tapped again cold Hearts tried saving it but that’s Kelly fan ball wide open three for

Warren little bit of chaos on the court and then a whistle called yo come here no come here no can’t do that no you got he going to go all the way to the Lane youbody got to understand cuz we all got to stay there let’s go a great

Pass yo listen listen listen list y playing some great defense to start things off 94 early for the cold Hearts what up John yo yo how you doing it’s right good good let’s get it I’m a little bit too big for this I got to ask how tall are you and

What is your wingspan 72 okay a 780 wingspan oh my goodness y little birdie told me you speak seven languages s is crazy s is crazy I only speak like five five’s not crazy okay so what are the languages English Swahili Arabic French oh and my native language

D is there anyone in the league that you can guard today there’s a lot of dudes I can lock up okay I’m actually good like some B Lopez you going to pick the oldest man in the league like like LZ got it you think I should shave you know my

B I’ve been growing it for 2 years yeah you got to let it go oh I it’s going to grow back I promise I’mma put some hair oil in just to give you some moisture all right oh no that’s dope got me right Jeff you think he can lock you up

Man nah tring to change hey yo miss his first layup hey everybody blowing it right now double blow layups though M Bill having a game right now they playing with a lot of energy yeah looks like we got Tom ready with a Vibe cam Tom what’s going

On hey fell I’m down here at coach Pete how are you folks man man man we feel great the energy is good we just we just not uh converting offensively so we got to play a little bit more our defense is really good we just got to put the ball

In the gut in the hole come on Chopper there you go chopp you go there you go see we got another bucket there so I feel okay but we got to push it we know how Dynamic this team is we know Tim have them prepared we got to come here

And be ready to play and I notic you came out tonight you started two bigs you had solo and M was that was on purpose for this game man it was on purpose for this game we want we got to get my bill started my bill has great

Skill but he ain’t really been getting a lot going so I think today we want to really give him some confidence to have him play and obviously Ian Jackson UNC Comm in had a big game last Sunday how’s he been doing with the team man he’s

Been doing good he had a couple of uh faulty possessions here but he’s going to be fine I just have to get at him and then he’s going to be fine you guys have a very interesting relationship you yell at him a lot yeah I love him to death I

Love him hard I love hard you know what I’m saying are we getting to win tonight yes need to win we need need to win for me for me I’m from New York let do it this is for them strictly rankings watch the game please back to you guys uhoh

Hey thanks for that Tom Jeff how you feel about the vibe cam Vibe cam is a vibe watching you say over there he’s just a little nosy but other than that sometimes the nosy is good like when he’s huddling with the referees give us a little bit of

Clarity it’s so weird seeing Tim Fanning as a cold heart man it is oh deep three doesn’t go this pace is way faster than last game yeah it is more choa midi 20 footer no I ain’t going to lie everybody shot it oh crazy let’s see if AO that on the

Court like a little Super Sub man John’s looking for it gets it that’s not a foul Right 98 cold heart’s up one 24 seconds on the clock This one might go down to the wire man back toback games going down to the wire as a blessing I hope so heyo receives the inbound nice spin oh not a foul inbound Ian Jackson walks it up shot clock off 15 oh yeah oh my god oh

Yeah hey Chad do we got any real hoopers in the chat I’m talking about real hoopers I ain’t talking about the fake ones like me you got to play organized to be real nah nah but like you got to really be a Hooper like you got to walk in the gym

With a with a book bag and slides on but your hooping shoes in the back book bag you know them type of Hoops I want to see Trey Parker make some moves Kart’s got so many pieces man got a lot of potential 5 seconds on the clock first

Quarter winding down to one deep Shot does not connect look though was a tie game at the end of the first quarter second quarter has got to be good man hey look I’m looking for a game winning buzzer beer that’s it we’ll see you at the top of the [Applause] Second we want to wish you and your family a happy holiday season without your any energ and enthusiasm OT wouldn’t be where it is now it’s the busiest time of the year and we want to thank you for spending your time with us we hope this season is full of love and

Laughter for you and your family happy holidays from yours truly John B and the Callws I always tell people when we first got here everybody was like like here like equal playing field like remember we first first practice at core 4 nobody could even score one thing that I learned is being consistent you know a routine that you can maintain I feel

Like that’s the most important thing like doing something consistently is better than like sporadically if you come here at 6:00 a.m. one day then that’s it what was the point of even coming in 6 a.m. that one day everybody grows at a different rate I

Just feel like you just have to run your own race don’t worry about the person on your right right on your left and just you know stay the Course jelly fam surprising a lot of people and fans here at ot to be honest Bas in the Bronx they got three different D1 commits there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be balling out every single day they’ve gotten some tough wins and uh now that people raise their expectations it’s about meeting them

Oh yeah for the rest of the season I told y’all expectations be Sky High for sure Mel with it I expect jelly count to start getting better though they got Ian Jackson he’s a he can hoop for real for real going to Carolina yeah

And uh you know I’m a ACC guy I went to wake four so I feel a little way about him going to Carolina roll charge called No bucket I think they got to remove charges from the game man me too I that’s the worst call in basketball yeah I just like it just

Removes some of the excitement man just don’t get in the way I don’t mean that but like lately it’s been a like in the NBA it been a lot of like dunks eras yeah like and they still be putting more highlight re I think the rule should be if the play

Is really exciting it can’t be a charge yeah I agree with I take charges and pick up I bet you do taking a charg and pickup I’m I’m quitting if you actually serious that you want that ball bro you got it G hey man wait for

The steal Jackson might make him pay a bill he hit that he ho yeah he hit that he on one tonight oh yeah to jinx him nice hop oh that is not no foul buddy wow and here’s a replay for the dunk from hanyan nice pass find your teammate open

Hey yo with a Don yeah Jeff when did you realize you were like great at basketball when I was like five what were playing on official price mats I had maybe I was seven I had 45 points League yeah I knew I was going to be all

Right who who are you playing against the same age group seven seven year olds yeah and then they put me in the older group I had to play with 10 and up that’s not fair you should be able to I knew I was going to be all right I was

Like d man they can’t let you have Fun N they took me out like it was just one game yep I played and they moved me up to the 10 Trey Parker nice drive even great defense jump oh wow who’s the most exciting player in OT Eli Ellis right now maybe yeah he’s

Putting on the shows yeah Hey yo that’s a foul yeah that was good that was a good shot bad F you ask him to be assertive there you go he made his mind up before he even touch the ball you shooting it stand it’s so to me that there’s a Wireless Drone in the sky yeah and we

Can just switch to it as a camera that’s so crazy technology bro yeah there’s hey yo man he is a bucket definitely came in here with a very high profile a star in his own right very very young so plenty of time for him to develop but Shifty

Guard and a big reason why a lot of people consider the Cole har to be the best back court in OT was definitely tough in production said he was tied with romelo on signing autographs he said what he said he was side with romelo on signing

Autographs hey Tom we got you with a 5 C what’s up man hey man I’m not here with romelo we got a line of kids out here who want to want to hang out with you how’s that made you feel it made me feel good feel I did something why why you

Guys why you guys mess with romelo so much you guys mess with Roma G oh my God your game like Roma Like oh my god um you guys lost I’m sorry about that you got bounce back next week all that for the kids that’s great I love it always the kids back to you guys Tom we didn’t hear a single thing you were saying bro hey man I need that replay

Two three times they fouling him good call right yeah let we got the replay right here for you dude oh man okay boom he oh my Lord oh my Lord touch see that oh he touched Earth boom oh my Lord mercy and he hit the shot hey bro I’m telling you bro he

Ain’t going to be able to say nothing he done for the night they got a trap defense going must be opening heyo dve oh good game so called up oh yeah 4 4 and they play oh crazy oh he own step back three no that’s Kart’s ball AO calling for [Applause] it trap defense for jelly fam got to start working soon before everyone gets exhausted rebound ref says jelly fan Ball 4 minutes 30 seconds left to go here in the first half 50 50 a low scoring up there but High Pace though that ankle breaker was tough

Yeah said he was on that tonight man he own it what he just like a Tesla acceleration speed just goes he was on there he on there nice pass Corner heyo wide open Corner three that’s too easy that’s too easy hey heyo is the last person you

Need to leave over bro you let him get on fire good luck here we go back at it again Ian Jackson work man nice tough move rims out though hey yo got it hold on he’s feeling it he checked and he he he could have stopped oh man Ian

Jackson he he ain’t going to get 30 oh yeah yeah yeah he he going for 30 foul cold I love what I’m seeing from Ian Jackson we know we know the jelly fam is a different animal when he’s firing on all cylinders so it get I like to see

That man I think he’s taking a seat but his energy right now is at an alltime high Y playing with a lot of aggression trying to get out on the break to score 1918 cold hearts with a onepoint Advantage aan has the ball almost loses it gets it back bounce

Pass inside uhoh Sky great awareness that’s our jump the call yeah yeah I I’ll get him in a second great defense there man it look like you’re saying you’re retired Yeah JY Pam brings it up that’s a traval for sure Choppa back to skyers rough Possession who chat say when they ask who they got winning oh no they say cohorts oh God I can see that right check I’m tripping this a good game though bounce pass from German has he pass his side that was hey CH that was a good that was a good pass

My boy y me with the slam Mel Trey Parker now he doesn’t shoot there he got back up back up just T Trey Parker got to be in the back court too I know that doesn’t make sense but he’s a guard yeah so technically that back court has a lot of options

Go good move wow count it count it count it way to be Aggressive nice strong move doing that on John bowl is crazy work but know Eric Mahia Elijah and Ian they all played together in OSL since the eighth grade we SE o here A bunch of times in the past oh coming up at halftime we’ll have the first half highlights a miked up feature

With jelly fam’s own Elijah Mo and then we’ll take a sneak peek inside the locker rooms for instant access don’t miss it man half court tra they’ve been trapping on quarter man see too many traps in NBA 14 on the clock M it’s a buck deep Three yeah yeah called it man hey these two teams going back at it called on Trey Parker reaching Bryson tiller was my guy but now I’m starting to lean toward yeah starting yeah of course I figed it look man you can have like one person for

Each team true but I’m a point guard so yeah yeah big bonus opportunity so it’s a 54 right now there was three left man he is immediately getting subed out coach did not like that heyo got it love Mo to the uhoh John B Hook no rebound Trey there we [Applause]

Go couple people being CAU Up From the Bench I wonder for who yeah him right there he’s coming up n now he was just he just missed a wide open wide open man to keep your head up when you dribbling AJ I Ain no ho you

Know hey it looks like Tom has Ian jackon on cam hey what’s up down here I was waiting to see what’s going to happen behind us how you feeling about the game so far I feel like we good uh we got to come on limit some of

The turnover that we have but other anything else I be good I feel like you always come out real aggressive trying to score is that is do you have like a mindset or just kind take what happens uh I just do what I man to do to win uh

Whether whether it’s defending or scoring whatever with that time to win is I’m do you guys got a timeout going I’m going to let you get with the team thanks seeing back to you guys appreciate that man way to bother him on his break he gets 30 seconds and I go after him

2822 let’s learn a little bit more about Ado he was recently compared to Michael Jordan before we got on here he started comparing Adam o to Michael Jordan okay he remixing it now meet Adam um AKA AO the 65 combo Guard from Arlington Virginia has the potential to be one of

The best players to ever come out of OT at just 16 years old AO has a bag that some NBA players probably wish they have and when you add his off the charts confidence to that equation you get a dangerous scoring threat he’s averaging 17 points per game in the OT preseason

And that number is only going to rise if he gains experience he models his game after Jason Tatum but one of his closest mentors is Carmelo Anthony so gets to noo so you don’t miss the show Adam you guys are up Adam yeah they need to delete that

Video yeah that guy that video got to go what what what was it Comparing yeah like what I want to know what he did that game like in what particular what did he do to like make somebody like hey BR you know what forward he sent the player he sent John B flying I think sniper was the guy they were referring to when they said

Comparisons John B oh my God and one he’s playing oh yeah John B looking really active today guard’s doing a great job finding him too man good pass good Advance pass that kid is special man oh yeah that boy so good he he Michael Jordan I heard it all the

Day that’s so crazy every time I hear it it’s just so crazy me bro Warren back out Chopper hey ain’t nobody trying to go protecting that thing I look at it run the floor again y oh what come on John you being too generous wide buckets hey that boy

Man hey that boys hey not a Le grew crazy yeah he blink now it’s a 13-point gap Corner three money talk to the bench I like that the skyers having a solid game so far here today I don’t know if I want Mike C or Quan more both those Point

Crazy ah you got to go Quan he just dropped 27 Oh if we picking I’m going to take my K yeah yeah he he look more fluid like like less effort hey guys super important clock awareness that last one I was going for the steal right

Here even if he hits it we don’t get anything it’s just out of bounds so like 5 seconds left we got to be able to play contained defense and keep in front of us all right right now we got uh 3 seconds left 3 or 4 seconds left let’s

Go like that little that little Boston action okay I’ll draw it up uh JB uh Trey Adam now you know what Mel that’s you Trey Adam Sammy as you take it out Trey you go first if it’s there okay it’s there if not we’re hitting Kell right

Here Kell you got two seconds just get get one up all right uh JB you’re a decoy you go screen for I’m not doing it no more only playing dudes at see see there’s quite literally 0.6 seconds left they got 95% you guys got four if we

Were in New York you would got four that’s how you guys did it over there one point6 they made a correction that’s a lot more time basket come alive right here inbound hold up John B it’s a back 40 footer in the5 can’t be what they draw up man no way n

N hey look though man it’s halime the score is 35 to 25 cold heart’s up big I asked what you guys expected in the beginning was this it uh yeah yeah I can’t believe I’m be two and0 yeah n that’s crazy crazy look we got our player of

The half with us too hey yo how you doing man I’m good how you Tom uh it’s Agent Zero but close enough man is crazy hey hey you went out to a good set this first half man how you feel about your team’s performance feeling great we

Pushing the ball uphead the uphead the floor we we we doing good on the rebounds we playing good as a team on the bench too we just like all playing great Ian Jackson he’s been talking a lot man you got an answer for him in the

Second half oh yeah fish I’m not done and the point prediction please oh I don’t know I know we going to win by 15 plus 20 plus that is a great PR answer get out of here man appreciate you man apprciate y’all appreciate y’all for watching drop a like if you haven’t

Already man say hi in the chat we got a halftime show coming right up 3525 is the score we will be right back with some More Strawberry Blueberries apples cranberry raspberry cantaloup watermelon Banana [Applause] Welcome to the OT halftime show we got a great game going on cold hearts and jelly bam cold Hearts Up 10 I’m overtime Tom I’m joined by my man snipe snipe you’re in the cold Hearts gear so you you prepared for this hey man I can’t

Prepared for the best back court in OT I caught it and I’m a stand on it and I think it’s starting to pick up it’s pretty incredible two of the younger guards in all of OT M H Brown and Adam O come out just crushing it against some

Jelly bam equally has some amazing guards but Adam Mo man he he’s pretty unreal yo Adam o is going crazy right now which weird to me I didn’t see him in a star lineup I was kind of confused about that literally just had a big game

Against the same team but whether in the lineup out the start lineup the results are the same 100% coming off the bench he kind of actually gave him a great spark but here you’re looking at some of the first half highlights Joey bam obviously came out up top but when Mikel

Brown does that to your best player that that’s hard yo Michel is going crazy deep threes he knocking him down and his IQ is looking really nice this game too making the right passes he’s totally he’s controlling the whole entire game right throwing the ball ahead he’s getting buckets hitting threes and then

Adamo obviously with a nice dish there to hang on Kar just have so many guards right Hanan uh Trey Parker Adam Mo you got M Kell of course I just don’t really know how you stop that crew yeah and kind of you can count samis as a guard

Too because even though he’s kind of taller he plays like a guard look at him 10 points in the first half I mean talk about it Tom yeah you got the two stars right here obviously inj went nine quick points they sat him the last three

Minutes of the half I thought that hurt jelly em line Adamo obviously that picture of Adamo is outstanding it is but shout out to my guy Ian though cuz Ian making some tough layups he getting to the cup and he’s showing everybody why he’s one of the

Best players in the country and headed to UNC Ian’s amazing right and I feel like he every game he comes out really hype really in a great energy when they sit him you can see that it really hurts the team we need choa Mo and delw War

I’m saying we from New York I got to R my jelly fam guys um but but I think that uh they need all three guys to kind of Step It Up speaking of one of those guys Elija choore who we’re going to check out a little bit with right now

Cho with got it on the elbow my guy I just want to say hi to my dad real quick tell him I love [Applause] him oh my God cha oh you know it’s coming you know it’s coming I got it Bloody boys that’s my boy take a Rebound rebound oh oh I’m tweaking yo s they say overrated where the camera at yo s they say overrated now that hurt put two one [Applause] man here man what we doing chill BR we got to grab bro it’s go M long bro oh now

This yo you miss one for me just give me one bro just give me one come here I needed that [Applause] I need that I love basketball I love you Dad we do a pop I promise you you going to do it D for my Pops I swear to God I love

You I love choam more but you you’re watching it they a dance off behind you yo this is the funniest dance off one of the guys from the dance off walked off without dancing at all I guess he couldn’t maybe he get the mimo it was a dance

Well speaking of great dancing I don’t know where I’m going with this but we’re going to go throw it to the locker rooms now check out what the coach are saying during halftime jelly fam down 10 let’s see if they can come back so it’s time

To hoop ain’t no excuses no more I ain’t doing it cuz everybody losing their minds I don’t even need to see the stat sheet I know what effort look like and that ain’t it everybody want to point the finger next do the point the finger I’m burying

You burying you on that bench everybody got me and let everybody know hey came hear me say it I mean it and I’mma stand on that t I’m the problem I’m trying to get him too much help hey we said it before the game and

John you said it it’s tough to beat a team twice in a week okay so we’re they’re they’re they’re definitely coming at us um and prepared really good job that last group in the second quarter of sharing the basketball let’s let’s make sure that against their press

Um let’s start to look for this this split option of the Guard who takes it out Kell or Trey or whoever it is or Adam running up the middle and then hitting him but just in general guys make sure that we’re not running away from the ball okay we we should have

Somebody always behind the ball somebody up the floor and somebody in the middle but more than that just make sure you guys are coming to support against the press and then and then move it quick if we if we change it if you guys can

Change it and get it to this side you know we’ve gotten a lot of open shots um we haven’t knocked him down but keep shooting open three-point shots all right keep going to the glass hell of a job defensively to have to hold them to 25 points with us having um you know

Eight turnovers is really good so like the half court defense is fantastic guard man one of the best halftime shows because I got the coaches screaming in one here I got snip singing in the other uh two different coaching situations there coach Pete was fired up coach

Banning is just being a little more tactical I’m nervous to JY fam Hey listen I know we talked about dancing earlier but we cannot let this halftime go without talking about the best crossover of the season so far we’ve seen some dancing to the behind the back

Oh my goodness Eric Mia I don’t know who he crossed up do you remember who it was I want got Jeremiah okay Jeremiah famina got got crossed up by here that’s that’s very great hey Jeremiah hey way to keep playing though you you know what I’m

Saying like big ups but that was crazy that was that’s an amazing job hey everyone in the chat make sure you don’t go anywhere keep throwing as much comments likes everything in there you got Jeff C you got agent you got Duke Denis they want to answer all your

Questions make sure you’re firing that off we got a great game going on right now cold Hearts 35 jelly fam 25 you think jelly fam’s got any shot man I think jelly fam definitely got a shot close game right now and the way that Ian is playing anything is possible

Chopper not even in his bag yet they definitely got a chance awesome well hey earlier this week OT and state farm team up we redid the Grove Park Center um out down in Atlanta made it look beautiful we’re going to check out a little bit right there love to see us us working

With stfe arm to give back to the community so we’re here at the ribbon cutting for the Grove Park Recreation Center Redevelopment this project was a part of the community Hoops program between OT e and State Farm from replacing the floors to repainting all these walls installing a mural right

Over there all of this sort of came together to help us Rebrand and redevelop this important piece of our our community we could be happier with how it’s come together we are back with some second half action I’m your host Agent Zero joined by my co-host Duke Dennis back

And we got Jeff te in the building today man survive man 100% look now it’s a close well I lied it was close a second ago it’s 3525 Ian Jackson uh choa there’s a lot on their shoulders right now it’s like I don’t think jelly fans playing bad cohor is

Playing good excellent yeah they’re playing really good Carol Brown going crazy right now nice yeah Jeff you might go two and0 and pickup today bro man I’m I guess a first time picker you know how they say first time the charm or whatever good luck whatever it is yeah

Beginnner luck man that’s a fact and you have no idea how bad it is this year if they counted the ones we did off camera I’m like one and seven I’m basically cursed bro said bro said first time it’s really third time oh that’s what it is close enough Mel got the Ball it’s going up yeah hey yo nice move f no John tips it Go’s keeping Corner three bucket might be over he n hey start the third pass what a pass travel though yep and the air ball crazy collab a traveling a air ball is indeed a crazy

Collab hey yo what it course he they better not they better not let that man right there get it get it going is nice he they better not let him get it going Choppa got it over the new oh bounce pass another travel hey he been traveling all game

Bro not calling that n John go bro he hey only person who can affect his game is something one or three misses carts have an opportunity here to just stomp them out while they’re uhoh CH this go got a different game Cho he you know he got a bulls out tattoo on

His elbow that’s tough cha hits the three makes it a 10-point game Mel I pick roll this game so smooth it is he get his spots man who’s the best ball handler of all time Kyrie IR that is a great answer then second is Jamal c whaton yeah yeah Evolution bro Jamal

Crazy hey Jamal say he still got about 10 L moves he ain’t never showed nobody used to be in practice though he do some amazing stuff bro but he the type to throw the ball off your head in the practice type he was crazy bro chill

Out you you could guard him though be honest N I ain’t guard him that’s actually real man I’m not going to lie like I had to fight Jamal you could have what I had to fight him he cross oh all that stuff so he only showed his best moves in practice Yeah

That’s it’s not fair he and Jackson he explosive three steps made it all the way to the rim good l L up Trey Parker called on thought about it oh he them that was a good entry pass man he just couldn’t reach for it Warren ALU gets tipped get a

Back might have stepped out of bounds though yeah ref’s think so on step out bound Mel that is a good call man moving screen called on John B and here was that layup a moment ago for me and Jackson 10-point game it is far from over when you got when you got Jackson

Man you got Ian Jackson on your team let me not talk so soon man Mel got it oh my goodness couple ni nah nah n nah and a pick he definitely he definitely your favorite player y definitely he definitely your favorite player it’s fever rules they could have just tapped that

In nice leg Jackson tough though man like he tough man he definitely tough 11 they’re not making him work hard for his buckets yeah like AO and Mel like they they points they 10 and 14 so oh the they were grabbing on him before he got the ball F through

That a nice poster yo I need to let me see that put that on the T-shirt let me that that two times man I did not know he could do that I ain’t expect that I ain’t expect that right there CU it was so casual he put He put it right there

Boy okay he did Trey Parker good has he scoop layup no John Paul can’t get the rebound and here’s that dunk from Sam Calderone hey oh my goodness my bill went for it playing good defensively so far though yeah I mean all the great you know they get they get C every now and again hey look we we living in the internet generation right now anything that happened going on that net oh he’s

Definitely going on there tonight KN OT he on there right now first free throw thises OT basketball will be back on Prime in the new year with the double header action first up set and Hall commit jazim Felton and the blue checks host the most electric scorer in the league Eli Ellis

And the yng dreamers then the cold Hearts face off against jelly fam for their regular series finale it all starts Friday January 5th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern only on Prime video all right you guys have to answer in a split second uh no thinking Instinct most underrated player in NBA

History what can’t say something like that meow say again meow meow really he oh good shot get him going mine will be Joe Johnson do Johnson most overrated over over yeah oh Dam uh you guys thought about it it’s too late man yeah I I don’t want to even say

It yeah yeah I mean oh thought about the 10 slam I’m still thinking bro most OP that’s a little tough overrated this is kind of tough you think Joe Johnson’s the most underrated player of all time he like a seven time nobody talking About I can see that man don’t talk about him being in the Hall of Fame like he should no disrespecting Jamal he’s great yeah better than Joe they got Jamal about to go on the Hall of Fame he he up for it oh wow didn’t know

That and I love you looks like we got Tom on the vibe cam coach Manning uh you told me that you’re always calm don’t lie on a broadcast no I’m always calm man you guys you just catch me at the wrong moment whenever you you only come

Around when I’m pissed off that’s very fair but I came over to you right now when you’re winning uh what are you up by 14 playing well yeah I think we’re playing good at the first start of the game we were really uh all over the place but since then we really settled

Down um playing together on both ends Mikel Brown obviously had a great first half talk to me about his game a little bit he’s just like he just loves to hoop man I got a lot of guys in this locker room that uh really love to play

Basketball and K’s one of those dudes that he just stays in the gym so the world hard work’s paying off for him I love it and then obviously Ian Jackson on Jelly ban one of the best players in the country how do you slow him down

Team effort whoever’s on him’s got to be super locked in then guys off the ball got to be ready to help but we’ve been uh we’ve been doing a good job defensively all right coach Merry Christmas back back to you guys Lane yeah nice plays right

There oh my goodness hey yo he’s still having a great game so far man him and M he got 13 oh hey get to the right so easy bro got it back too and got fouled he’s so fast yeah he pass yeah you there’s that shot from AO man quick

Pull up and then Ian Jackson right here get out the way man business decision well it’s a real bus decision I think I think the worst posters is the two-and posters cuz like it’s body to body and they always go flying Facts looks like Tom has John B for the vibe cam Tom hey fellas I’m down here at John boys ankle retak what happened yeah um I twisted my ankle in practice um it’s a little bit thanful right now who’s disturbing me that’s why I’m getting take how do you feel like the

Game’s going so far you guys are up by about 15 yeah got great talk me about Mike Mike Brown he’s been your point guard for a few years now talk to me about his game he good obviously y can see what he’s doing so um you know he he just let his game

Speak I man I appreciate it John B get back in the game real soon appreciate you man back to you Guys ao’s calling for it get it right here need still calling for it he’s spamming call for pass gets it three ball Nope that play ruins your teammate great in 2K oh I don’t know Mel’s surprised by that they good defense right there can’t here it is nice Euro yeah I can see that might be a jum ball bad calls referees you going to tell it to him I can bring him over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Ref you thought you thought I was going to stand down oh no ref he wants to talk to you that was a bad call right there ref I that was a bad call right there yeah he look to straight in your eyes to give you two thumbs up hey come

On man I really stand on business though hey thought I was you know he smed at you like a Teletubby and just two thumbs up that jump ball dude a great guy though man hey yeah what Ian got right now 16 say he going for yeah 17 they’re sagging Trey Parker pulls up money why would they sag T Parker emot after every point you know Chris moov used to say jumo sent that one to the second row it’s defensive presence it’s crazy it’s third block of the game I think they be having tunnel vision when they be

Driving cuz they be focused on the person in front of them whole time young look at that right there thought about it better stay away from man they need to stay away from joh B man great defense from the cold Hearts here we go Mahia three shot clock violation and N they

Play some great defense right there cohart Phenomenal ah bad pass got kicked though got to throw that up to him come back here will be fantastic you said a comeback yeah I just want to be close I picked the cold Hearts but I just like the nice close game nah bro the cold heart defense too

Good right now I know it was the inverted whistle I know y’all didn’t see it you understand oh I appreciate 15 I was waiting to see if that was a fake laugh ER like the Chris Ball music man step back from Ian Mia drive that’s such a good B it good drive Though Choppa deep three nothing John on the rebound foul by skyers oh looks like might be a big bonus here yep 5v4 Advantage for the cold Hearts 14 seconds on the clock chance to extend the lead here uhoh good pass Trey Parker another three no rebound cold Hearts keep it blow

It to get back in this game they going to have to rebound defense Ian Jackson going to have to be way more he’s aggressive now but he’s going to have to take over the game he don’t have to shoot threes or something yeah man hyan is playing some tough defense for

Court that is how you Tire him out oh man Lord 8 seconds on the clock Chopper got it ball gets tipped they get control lay what a move jelly yeah jelly fam makes sense oh man oh oh nice t Chopper nope P up no to say

5643 man carts up 13 heading into the fourth quarter we got some more AI man don’t go Anywhere that’s a Wii I just play Michael Jackson it’s iPod what is that uh I like something that a dentist use or something that is called an overhead projector overhead projector what’s the point of it those are heles those are hes yeah I had no I’m lying I never had a bear I’d like to take this time right here to shout out the Adidas 6 fan Tristan zagon from Decor Georgia Tristan’s favorite OT team is rwe man he’s a huge fan of Nelson the py py is nuts he also played the trumpet at the last presidential inauguration Tristan thanks for being a

Super fan here at OT but Tom’s got him on the five cam hey Fells I’m down with my man Tristan how we doing six six fan of the game how you feeling about the cold Hearts I’m doing good I think they’re going to win they it’s a blowout they’re going to win

Why do you like the cold heart so much because they’re just going to win and and and the sword they’re going to win so you’re hating on my new York team jelly fam no no no jelly fam throw it in the microwave they’re done throw it in the microwave that’s amazing now you’re

11 years old you play basketball at all yeah what’s your game like it’s pretty good I think I hook everyone out here what’ you say I could cook everyone out here you could cook everyone out here yeah who’s your who’s your who’s your favorite player in OT AO okay heo is

Your game like him what’s your game like good what’s your game like good I have good handles and I’m good finisher but I’m not the best shooter okay all right can I get a score prediction what’s the end of this game going to look like uh heart winning by 50 hold

Hearts by 50 going to be a big fourth quarter six man of the game my man great job I’ll see you in a little bit all right back to you guys bro it it just be like clarifying that little kid be having like delusional mind everything he said was wrong

Everything he said was Basically he going too fast he want he wanted way to hustle John Ball here’s that replay from a moment ago yo M Kell is so smooth crosscore one handed pass hyan buckets yeah he different man this is this is Tough cart’s got a lot of options too many weapons man jelly fam haven’t been able to find an answer hey I see coh hearts and City Reaper going all the Way I can’t believe you saying that but rwe just without three of their best players went down to the wire with the city Reapers yeah but o Corner three connects still got a game oh 11-point Game B a low post action here oh man he was he he was jumping for the he was calling for the pass not paying attention my goodness hey now the courage he that’s how you supposed to jump into jump you know what I’m saying John Ball he jump straight into him lean

Into him and yeah Ian Jackson’s going to need a lot of help from Chopper M good pass everybody heyo in the corner money that D different bro hey best back court man I’m trying to tell y’all 15 and 14 heyo heyo um his 15 been a little little silent

KS yeah he started off in the first quarter making a lot of noise good tip from Mayo like every time jelly fans making a little bit of progress coar just s it out got you got to shootter kill just a severe lack of awareness there shot clock violation of awareness pretty sure the crowd was counting down too maybe maybe he thought it was the

Ball drop for New Year’s Trey Parker oh my God met at the rim and swatted Ian Jackson on the leg there you go there you go he and Jackson got like a 95 driving layup If he if he if he added some threes this game well he’ll have about 30 so

Far hyan oh hey this is his second boom of the day hey nah bro is not n bro is not n he for real today Corner three that’s Chopper good shot Chopper no CH good shot they needed that replay right here of that dunk from Hanan man just oh get out the

Way that was a Yom me in the way of that one hey there so much talent down in Brazil man they said it’s the biggest basketball Market outside of North America Uhoh 11 ninepoint game three no someone got to get me Trey Parker’s deep three percentages I just got to know is it efficient this might be a bucket n Ian Jackson is like a pure slasher today he’s he’s getting to the rim a put no attributes on the

Three that boy want the swags put up his driving layup open three for Ian Jackson there there you go bought some VC hey hey this what we need I’m been I’ve been saying it all game bought some VC yeah he put He put it up a little

Bit man that dribble package is nuts but he’s making it work though uhoh we got a game yo yeah we do it it looked like it but it’s only a six-point game hey we got a break but we’ll be right back [Applause] Cheerios Frosted Flakes cinnamon to Crunch I’m tripping uh Captain Crunch Uh those are I usually get the only on cocoa cocoa pups We got the cash AB lock down of the game two highlight our defensive plays and today’s Cash tab lock down none other John B sting Del Warren attemp man get out of there boom it’s like nest with the baseball bat John B having a great game a lot of work

Defensively he showing his versatility man pivotal pivotal player here for Cole hars man if they if they win this whole thing he’s going to play a big role in it yeah his defensive presence been amazing today people been missing all type of layup besides Ian Jackson nobody

Else really been going to the paint because of him and then the Cole heart’s back court gets a lot of praise and shine but John B been solid all season long for the cold Hearts is that scary or is it smart probably smart man way he blocking shots and changing

Shots you know pton Marshall was originally a cold heart so with the loss of Payton Marshall John Bulls roll on the team a lot more significant now cuz if he fumbles as really no bigs that can feel that Slide uhoh good take Oh oh man oh man oh man hey them boys is me them boys trying to boom and play Hey shout out to the Baller in the chat man we see y’all bro we yall got winning this one man jelly fans making it close I’m going to be

Honest hold on though heo on the pass break Oh I thought throwing it up it looked like it Right that’s little HEI good get spatted all the wrong with the block AO with the hey n AO is going crazy tonight got 19 of them things off his foot that might be C har basketball it is y a second ago looked like jelly fam had

A a realistic chance and it’s just like a flood of cold Hearts wow Santos’s been playing great too yeah got a couple highlight dumps that’s a tough move no call put back no rebound goes to jelly fam and Cho it oh my God good pass oh is fou here’s that last coh heart’s

Block oh this Delay from AO actually boom easy way hey a starting the break hey y’all been getting some easy uh fast break hey look man jelly fam you got to believe in yourself man okay look it’s only 10 points only 10 points that’s it that’s like 3 threes and a free throw

That’s exactly what bro they got to make their free throws though and he missed the first which is tough missed the second and I don’t know dude you might have to sit down ah hits it good shot buddy one for two at the line there we go they have to

Apply some pressure now yep M Kelvin having a fantastic game so far gets fouled FAL call here his handle too good yeah he’s smooth I give him about like a 82 control yeah 82 he got at least had 85 okay 85 means he gets those Elite animations though

Yeah F Jeff what you think makes a good point guard ability to make people other people better you can make game easier for everybody else I’m out you young in Serbia understand match up ha Manning used to do that yeah it’s like quarterback on a basketball man he get

Mel gets easy shots for everybody AO got a bunch of easy shots the most overrated player is B him there’s my answer Andre B yeah bro he was overrated as hell man he looked like he was on Allstar team when Kobe was there went to Philly and

We never heard from Adam keep guys in front of you right now we’re up 10 you know what I’m saying I can’t do that one right what he had that back and forth both go for Ste right here and Kobe bran triangle offense Made Okay he not really overrated but I think Steve Nash yeah a lot of people say that but I have to defend him cuz he’s Canadian I respect [Laughter] that two of them yeah some two of them one of them was supposed to be his yeah supposed to be Kobe right that hurt like

As a huge Kobe fan man I didn’t know what to do good drive good pass Though little physical there defensively hey yo with it he might just up good defense amazing defense and a travel call that’s a bad call that’s too bad call Jeff you wouldn’t say it to his face though crazy ref stop yo that was a bad call they was no

Travel that was a bad call he heard that one What was that 3 second 3 second call man L up he go good steal from ID douche gets it up to Michel I’m seeing alop here oh okay maybe not oh T slam John B it’s I mean it ain’t no it but like based on like the energy

And no I don’t think uh jelly fam gave up Chopper up rebound good P back that was real fast real quick you right it’s only a ninepoint game yeah five minutes left to go plenty time may you just need like a moment man you need a moment oh that was

Crazy that’s rare man or you put your hand up and accept the foul that’s rare never could be me yeah I’m doing that every time what are you looking at R hey we got Tom on the vibe cam with ao’s Dad thank you Bell I’m over here with Mr

Umuch how you feeling about the game so far oh it’s great uh I think the whole team came out with the energy uh they’re playing really well together um their their defense is good they’re rebounding the ball ball is doing amazing it’s killing the ball uh I think you got

Effort from all the boys which is great Cole hard is doing amazing things I love that I love that obviously Adam’s having a great game he’s been playing Super well ever since he got down here are you like like how does it feel watching him play out here he’s one of the younger

Guys out here yeah it’s been uh I mean it’s uh it’s great uh you know for him to come out here play uh you know the way he’s playing against some of you know top kids in the country uh you know we always tell him you got to come out

Fight you know I know he can score the ball but we you know we want him to to do more which you know rebounds ass says he’s doing some great passes today which is great so of course and obviously you know you had to make the decision that

He was going to leave home come down here to Atlanta what what kind of like went into all that to to end up sending him to OT uh I think you know um it it took some times you know uh but I think once we came out here to and we did the

Tour we met you know the coaches um the teachers everybody you know the it it was Nob brainer for us I think you know this this is yeah boy this is you know this is top cheer stuff so now I couldn’t ask for more we you know we made the right

Decision and we’re so happy that we actually did I love it last question for you at what age did you know that Adam was like a little bit better than everyone I was at basketball oh my God uh I mean you know he started playing basketball when he was 9 years old um

Probably a bit L to for for for the other kids to what basketball is but but I think uh you know when he was like 12 years old a lot of people started saying yo like he’s he’s good he’s special uh that’s when we really took it to the

Next level with training focusing a lot and just being training training training I love it man Mr O we appreciate you always go cold Hearts back to you guys in the booth Adam with 19 points doing exactly what he’s supposed to do for his team yeah n No Cap scoring man he’s leading

Them scoring the whole cohort actually been contrib like yeah yeah you can see you can see the difference in teams like on the stat so it’s kind of impressive he ain’t start playing basketball till he was nine yeah what he 16 now you got good fast who’s the MVP right now of the

Whole league yeah uh D okay yeah day one but this team two and four yeah yeah I know but like bro if he wasn’t doing that if he if he but they be Ono let me get a littlebody understand something right so look what we trying to do right on

Offense right we got to score quickly so we spreading the floor cuz they don’t want to guard so we get into the paint if y’all don’t know that the shot block is going to come every time and we could just drop it off to iomi to dunk every

Time everybody got me all you go in there you finish all right but look we want to run Diamond once though this one time everybody got me we ain’t put no pressure on them we got to exert it all right on offense next offense Michel you got it here Trey you

Got here Samy’s there uh John B you’re right there Adam run through Kell kale come downhill Samy back cut Trey cornerfield Kell you’re getting there reading you got John on the dump off you got Samy maybe for a l and you got Trey cornerfield three okay hey stick together ready

Press break let’s finish this game don’t expect fouls be strong with the ball hey no fouls to give no fouls to give if jelly fams can make this comeback they better start now 12-point game 3 minutes 42 seconds left to go they got to make some threes yeah no

Pep talks needed man just got to do It ooh good in and out Chopper dancing with it pass out nope picked off uh-oh cohart is John B wow John B is probably the most important pie on this whole team he’s so fast though bro every on both sides of the Court like he just especially

Defense oh my God that’s a good point man OT basketball is going to be back on Prime in the new year with the double header first up cing Hall commit jine Felton and the blue checks host the most electric score in the league Eli Ellis and the yng dreamers then the cold har

Square off against jelly fam for the regular series finale it all starts Friday January 5th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern only on Prime video that boy just B free thr no way he did I look down for a second hey hey I try to say it’s the second one today wow a rare carry

C oh we got a replay test I ain’t going to lie you can’t hold your follow through when you airb man this crazy crazy it’s crazy cuz it went short and left it wasn’t even bad on one axis hey I caught the short end of the replay make it

Crazy good defense amazing defense B is poked heyo trying to leak out low key Corner three no might be cooked for the jelly fam yep 100% coach yeah they’re had a good game though he got 15 points I want to see if Trey Parker posted though I

Cap CU up until this game Trey Parker had hit it through all season huh real yeah shot 15 of them yeah a cold start from three heyo pockets hey TR that was a good pass bro a good pass can’t seem to miss these guys look like I got my two and 0 start

Yeah you definitely got your two I’ll take one and one man yeah for the day shoot shoot that man yeah Ian Jackson bricks he every Miss feel like a punch in the face yeah 100% he TR TR he TR traffic call on AO AO with 22 points we talked about him being able to step up and do what his team needed scoring wise did exactly that today consistent throughout the entire game you heard from his father they know he can score it’s just a matter of

Rebounding being able to pass the ball he’s been doing it all for his teammate today yeah y hey yo Corner three another one called the wrong tip pass gets TI was looking for Revenge we going to have to wait till 2024 I’m just saying I’m worri he down right d i like 40 you got to just shake this one off man yeah bad way to go out for the year if your jelly but they got to play them again U start of New Year 2024 come back

Man nice bounce pass another one oh we supposed to let it r he’s feeling it no misses Ian Jackson got it having a pretty freaking great day man I should say so myself good L hey he automatically around that Rim though yeah his layup is on

Yeah that’s all he been doing all game just taking it to the 10 Chad this the game y’all expected I thought I was going to be a little bit closer I’m not going to lie step back by Cel three no look good they look so good though o good job hey that was tough though choa hey Choppa that was tough my

Boy choa Choppa definitely my favorite player on Jelly I know Ian going crazy but Chopper he reliable like every game hey9 12 seconds he might as well pull up 40 fet Out five on the clock going to wind it down a littleit look at yeah they’re definitely not about to wait now chopp for three Jackson puts it get your get your numbers bro get your number man get your numbers Ian Jackson finishes the game at 29 Points with that Back 82 to 733 the cold Hearts take it I think a lot a lot of people might have expected that but it felt dominant in the second half not going to lie to you how y’all feeling I feel great man I knew I knew cohart was going to win I

Just thought it was going to be a little closer yeah player of the game is Mel Brown Jr right here I know you said you like his game Jeff love his game man he’s Smooth Criminal but I knew cohart was going to take it today my two pcks

Won I already knew what what’s up all right man we’re going to have to hear about that till next time hey appreciate y’all for watching on YouTube look bro if you’re not subscribed make sure to subscribe man we appreciate the love seriously we’ll uh thank you for 2023 man we’ll be back

20124 for some more action it’s been your host Agent Zero with Duke Dennis and Jeff Teague and we’ll catch you in the next one Peace

Cold Hearts vs Rolling Loud FULL GAME ►►

JellyFam looking for REVENGE after Cold Hearts beat them last week in NYC!! Ian and Elijah vs Trey is guaranteed to be a SHOW!

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  1. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ROMANS 10:9

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