@Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns get whooped by the Sacramento Kings

The Phoenix Suns get whooped by the Sacramento Kings

Just welcome in everybody to the phnx Suns postgame show brought to you by our friends over at OG’s Brands it’s flavoring Fridays and you know you can always rely on OG’s Brands they always come through for you no matter what they’re the official sponsor of flavoring Fridays head on over to OG’s to see their full lineup and find out where you can purchase and we all might need them after this one yet again the Suns break our hearts they fall to the Sacramento Kings 120 to 105 and we said in the pregame show like listen none of us really expected the

Suns to win this game but we did expect them to show Heart hustle energy put string some things together for closer to a full 48 even at this point and we didn’t even get that tonight so it’s just a really disappointing way to henter into a holiday weekend ba humbug Phoenix Sun SP

Buug yeah you nailed it this was tough today I mean you saw a team that was looking like they were making some incremental progress in that first half um I I I didn’t have too many problems with the first half the ball movement was a little better the energy

Was better I think those Mis layups and technicals kind of threw them for a little bit of a loop and they got in their heads and then they got their ass whooped in the second half period by very good Sacramento team and A Phoenix Sun team that right now as currently

Constructed is not very good I mean this you Sacramento is very good uh we didn’t expect them we all said they were gonna lose tonight I don’t know if we expected this type of loss but um you know not not you gotta play better you don’t got

Nerk you don’t got bill you don’t got aogi you you you’re missing players I mean you’re going to have to scrap and Claw for 48 minutes not just 24 and that Sacramento team’s pretty good well coached continuity chemistry and they kicked out butts and and there’s not

Much more to say about that from my perspective yeah there’s this is a tough one we knew the Suns had been in a bad place our expectations were low coming into this but we just wanted to see some fight and once again they had a third

Quarter where you know you look at the final margins of that third quarter it wasn’t terrible and that’s because two two-way contract guys came in and gave you more heart more energy and hustle than most of your starters most of your role players and I’m not going to

Sugarcoat it at this point this team looks lost right now on both ends everything looks bad um I’m talking about the sun’s two leaders like when this team has been up against it this season they have not responded to adversity well um I’m talking about all

The role players that we spent the whole free agency period talking optimistically about what they might bring to the table so much of that has not fallen into place like I’m sorry but if udoka auki is able to check into the game and have more of an impact than

Drew Eubanks who is your backup and someone who was having to spot start for you tonight that’s not a good sign Sabin Lee having more of an impact even though he shot the ball terribly not a good sign for their backup point guard situation like this is just a cacophony

Of errors it’s too much right now to kind of fully process because it feels like this team gets in the bad habit of letting letting things snowball of letting things spiral out of control we’ve seen it from the Suns the last two times they’ve gotten knocked out of the

Playoffs and frankly it’s concerning that we’re seeing it now in December in the middle of the regular season like this team just has it’s in the middle of an existential Funk and I don’t know how you get out of it like everyone’s gonna point to Frank Bogle but at the end of

The day like these guys have to do better the role players have to do better because everybody that checks into the game right now that we spent all summer being hyped about what they could bring to the table they’re not bringing any of it it’s rough out there

Yeah I mean it’s it’s at the point where it’s like I’m at a complete loss like I don’t know this is the only bright spot to tonight’s game is that Wolfie made an appearance because we’re at home he was like listen I can tell you guys are down

Bad right now let me bring some joy into your life with my presence um but it’s it’s I just I can’t even find the words to fully explain how I’m feeling about the situation because is we hear all the right things from these guys every time

We talk to them you know somebody in the chat asked if they’ve had that team meeting we talked about it in the pregame show chesi metu was asked about it at practice today and he said no we haven’t had a team or a players only meeting um we don’t feel like we’re

There yet and I in the pregame show was like maybe that’s a good sign you know that they have come to an understanding they’re bought in with one another they’ve figured it out amongst themselves without having to go to that extreme but it doesn’t feel like it like

You’re saying the right things but you’re not following through on any of those things that you’re saying and I’m not here for empty promises like it’s either show us or shut up at this point you know what I mean and it’s just I don’t know it’s just really

Frustrating and I’m I’m not having a good time I I I will say this this team looks lost they look lost they look lost Gerald you knowed they look lost top to bottom they look defeated like look defeated the the body language is terrible the team doesn’t look confident

They don’t look like they trust each other they don’t look like they trust the system on either end there’s a lot to unpack here and the easy thing is to point at the two stars ktie and book the easy thing is to point at the coaching staff the easy thing is

To point at the role players like there’s so many things that I’m hearing people will say and it’s a combination of everything book and KD have to be better the role players I mean at one point I joted it down on my notes they were four I mean we’re four for 18 from

Three guys you know like that’s not gonna beat the YMCA bears like just not like you can’t go four for 18 and um the coaching is I listen I I don’t want to go I’m having a hard time I’m trying to hold back I am I’m trying

To hold back but um I guys I’m a big believer in play like players do their jobs coaches have to do their jobs and right now it doesn’t look like a very good thing these coaches are not impressing me they’re just not top to bottom I’m not impressed at all with

Anything we’re doing um from a coaching perspective and typically when you lose locker rooms and you get kind and and players start feeling defeated I mean if it walk like a duck and it quacks like a duck you know what I say right I mean you gota you got to

Get to it so a lot to unpack but hey what are we gonna do we can we can quit right now or we can keep chipping away I think these guys are Gonna Keep chipping away I mean they have no other choice you have to keep chipping away like you

Can’t throw the white flag on an entire season when you’re a professional athlete who’s being paid to play the game and I think from the coaching perspective Flex you’re not the only one who has questions at the very least about the coaching situation and I think

At this point it is fair to kind of ask those questions as a fan who is contributing your mental uh capacities to this team your financial like your dollars to this team and all the support whatever it may be your time um I think it’s fair to ask those questions and one

Of the things that I think I would love and I don’t know that we’ll ever get real Clarity on this one Joe because I know um there’s a lot of rules about teams not allowing media to speak with additional members of the coaching staff outside of the head coach but I would

Love some more clarity on how this whole dual Dynamic that we were kind of sold on at the beginning of the season is actually working like we know Frank Bogle is the head coach but he was like the defensive guy right and then Kevin young was like the offensive guy and

Like he was gonna kind of lead that charge like I would love a little bit more clarity on if that is actually what is happening if there is maybe some tension or bling of heads there as far as what should be or what is being implemented like that would help provide

Some context to this maybe but I don’t think we’re ever gonna fully get those answers um unless something drastic changes so that’s the hard part yeah probably not and honestly again I I think it’s valid to question the coaches especially right now because you know we

Can talk all day about X’s and O’s but at the end of the day when you’re reading the body language when you’re seeing guys not get back on defense when they turn the ball over and just look defeated on plays when you’re giving up you know Ali oops to Kevin herder in

Transition like that that speaks to something being broken in the trust fundamentally there but I will say I think a bigger concern for me is that the guys that they added this summer the guys that we kind of sold ourselves on are not living up to expectations and

It’s not like one or two of them it’s pretty much everybody except for chimi metu and metu was the guy coming into the season that we probably had some of the lowest expectations for so the reason he’s overperforming those is because our expectations were low for

Him like UDA Watanabe has not been able to hit a shot defensively it feels like he’s been out of position every single time Nasir little has been inconsistent the whole time Eric Gordon has games where he’s great and then games like tonight where he has a goose egg for

Most of the game um and you could go up and down like Drew Eubank has been the biggest disappointment for me this was supposed to be a guy who is a Smashmouth dunking shot blocking machine doing none of those things out there um you could

Go up and down the roster with the guy kbd barely sees the floor now like it’s just not good and you look at their three-point percentages it’s not good there either you know you can’t put together a functioning offense with Devin Booker taking this new role if

These other guys aren’t going to hit shots if they aren’t going to attack Closeouts um you know I think the offensive process has been there for the most part defensively I think vogel’s scheme relies on a shot blocking Rim protecting Center which they don’t have

So it’s a case of trying to make it work with Personnel that doesn’t match up with his schemes like it it just it feels like everything that can go wrong has gone wrong for this group um and you’re seeing all of it out there you’re seeing it compounded these guys know

That they should be better than what the record is and we’re kind have seen the results of it play out live in their body language and the way that they give up these runs and the way that these they have these one-sided quarters where everything just turns to like it’s

Not good right now and I truthfully don’t know how you get out of it because I feel like punting on a coach head season or midseason how do you come back from that how do you realistically contend for a title if you do that I don’t know and

Like we’ve talked about there means for working out trades to significant alter the roster are pretty limited so it’s one of those things where Bradley Beal is not going to magically fix everything but you hope that by getting him back you can slowly build continuity and

Start to chip away at some of these issues because right now it feels like we’ve just sat through a prolonged Sun’s preseason and we’re waiting on the real thing to start still see and I think that’s the hardest part of this is there’s no easy answer because even if

You wanted to fire Frank Bogle or make some changes to the coaching staff like who realistically is available right now to come in and then you’re setting them up for failure because they don’t have the time that it takes to build chemistry with their new guys you know

What I mean so like and I guess you could just introduce an interim head coach like a lot of teams end up doing from another coach within the staff but like are we even sure that’s gonna be beneficial when you’re a team that’s supposed to be buying for a championship

Like that’s not really something you’re supposed to do in a season when you’re trying to contend here you know what I mean so it’s you’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place in a lot of these situations not just with the coaching perspective but even like you

Were saying if you want to look to trades like there are so many rules and Hoops you got to jump through in order to make something happen that could potentially be substantial for this team yeah you know what so let’s talk about a little bit about the the coaches um and

Again I’m I’m not I’m not pointing the finger solely at the coaches I’m I’m just this is just one part of it that’s bothering me um one I’ve never in any level whether we’re talking football basketball High School College I’ve never been a fan of two people running a team and and in

Essence being as as as Frank as I can no pun intended Frank vogle is the head coach of the team Kevin young is the assistant head coach or the highest paid assistant head coach one guy is controlling the offense one guy’s controlling the defense I’m starting to wonder if there’s some type

Of Personality Clash there if there’s some type of issue there because you got two voices like this team right now has two voices you got Kevin young saying something on offense then you got Frank saying something on defense and you got Kevin I’m I’m just gonna play Devil’s

Advocate is Kevin saying hey bro fix your defense so we can play offense is is Frank saying well yo run a better offense so my defense looks better like I don’t know what’s going on but I know that at this point having two voices is

Not it that’s not it so I don’t know if you fire uh the coaches and bring somebody in as an inum I don’t know if you get rid of one and let just one be the voice and let them run their whole system front to back but having two guys

It seems like there muddy in the water right now and it seems like these players are looking like okay what are you saying what are you saying I mean it’s not a comfortable thing in Pro Sports and I’m I’m starting to wonder if that’s a big part of the problem well

That that’s the problem is that we don’t get much Clarity on how much control Kevin young has so that type of thing like all we can do is kind of sit and speculate because we we just don’t know you know how much of a voice Kevin young

Has how much offense Frank Bogle is contributing on that side how much it’s split like into an offensive defensive coordinator role I would love some clarification on that type of thing but you know especially during a stretch like this we’re never going to get that type of clarity unfortunately um everything that we’ve

Heard from Frank Bogle is that he’s been a big fan of Kevin young in terms of you know his ex’s and O’s what he brings to the table in that sort of offensive coordinator type of role um you know obviously that’s public speak we don’t know what could be going on behind the

Scenes or whatever but I would imagine just knowing them and their relation ship from what we’ve seen of it that neither one of them is happy with the job that they are doing on their respective end of the floor yeah because I I know Frank vogle has not been happy

With their defensive execution in a lot of different areas he’s named off a lot of different things they’ve been trying you know at practice the other day he said we’ve been trying to fit our scheme to our Personnel we’ve been trying to get our bigs up in the pick and roll a

Little bit more so they can be more aggressive and trying to figure out how we rotate out of on the backside those sorts of things it’s a process that’s going to take more time than we would like and it’s we’re seeing it in real time like the kings are a really good

Offensive team um and we saw they came out guns blaz in from the start that third quarter in particular was rough um and they didn’t have their starting center for you know for that whole game so it’s one of those things where our expectations were kind of low coming in

Uh but the the concerning thing for me is not even offensive execution or defensive execution it’s just kind of that lack of heart hustle fight whatever you want to call it um and I’m not saying that these guys don’t care or anything like that but you see too many of those

Possessions where Durant turns the ball over trots up the court they give up a dunk in transition and inbounding out of the net you see Frank Bogle saying let’s go let’s go let’s go and they’re just kind of standing there like man this game’s already over like it just it

Feels broken like plays it makes it feel broken you can I can I say one last thing Lindsay oh oh G I’m sorry in that situation what you just said I love it um here’s the thing G is it’s it’s almost it feels broken they feel lost

They look defeated and I will also say something I’m not a fan of the inmates running the Asylum never have been never have been and what you just said is a sign of that like when a player does something wrong like do something wrong and and Eric

Spoler is your coach or or Greg papovich is your coach right I mean you’ve seen it you guys have been around the game long enough um your status as a player shouldn’t dictate how you feel or how your coaches react when you make a up play right and and if you got

A star that’s making a bad play and their reaction is I’m not just I’m just not gonna run up the court that’s a coaching thing for me because if I’m the coach I’m not standing for that like we saw Jimmy Butler and and odanis Hasam about to get into a fight because spoler

Was getting on Jimmy Butler and Jimmy tried to snap back and and and and Hassam was like no we’re not doing that so yeah again it goes back to a deeper thing I I do not feel like Frank vogle has a good grasp on his basketball team

I don’t I just don’t and I don’t know if it’s his fault or not but I’m just saying something has to change on that end because this the players are not responding dude they’re just not I’m keeping it 100 the players are not responding and if they’re not

Responding and you lost a team in 28 games you can either continue to let the damn the ship go down in the water or you could try to make a change and and try to get somebody in there that’s gonna actually demand the respect and the attention of these basketball

Players for 48 damn minutes and it I just didn’t see any of that and I haven’t seen any of that for quite some time all right let’s take a look at some super chats but first I do want to remind you guys if you’re trying to get

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21 years or older to drink Four Peaks and we ask that you please drink responsibly okay we’re back this is just for The Vibes it’s just for the aesthetic that’s all you guys let’s take a look at some of the super chats um since I popped out and

Then back in Emma just put them up on the screen and I’ll read them from there um all right first one from Anthony thank you they said I don’t know what was worth worse our three point percentage or the king’s clock off operator yeah they were both pretty

Equally bad and it feels like the threo percentage thing has been an issue in recent games they’re not getting up enough attempts and they were once near you know they were top 10 in three-point percentage and now over these last handful of games it feels like they’ve really shot poorly um that’s that’s

Something you need to fix here soon yeah okay next up we have one from Ryan thank you Ryan they said everyone but ktie and book should donate game checks I mean why not throw ktie and book in there as well just because they got a lot of money everybody does and

The coaching staff everybody does the whole damn team should get back game checks I mean yeah it’s not it’s not but give them to us specifically like the fans specifically oh yeah I take that everybody in the chat man y’all be thrilled right now y’all get a KD book

Game check man y’all good all right next up we got one from Dylan thank you Dylan they said they really said f them threes bro 20% last three games see that is one thing that I think has stood out quite a bit especially from Devin like his

Three-point attempts I feel like I don’t know if they have actually gone down based on the numbers but it feels like they’ve gone down that’s for certain this was a top go ahead G I’m sorry yeah no I was just going to say over the last

10 games heading into this one they were shooting 32% from three and then tonight they went what five for 25 so it’s been basically 30% shooting from three over this 11 game stretch where they’re three and eight like you’re not going to beat a lot of teams in the association

Nowadays shooting that percentage from three they’ve got to find a way to get up more attempts and for them to start falling yeah at at one point this was a top three team in the league at three-point percentage and then it just fell off a cliff and I I keep saying it

I don’t know if I’m the only one seeing it I’m sure y’all see it y’all watching the game I keep saying it I keep pounding the table Eric Gordon Grayson Allen shoot more damn threes I’m getting tired of pump fakes going to the hole turning the ball over taking bad shots that’s not

What you were brought here to do I mean so many damn times tonight I I jotted it down I got like eight check marks in my book of possessions where these guys easily catch release it shoot it that’s said I mean it’s that easy but no

They want to pump fake they want to do a little bit more and none of it ended well and I I I can’t for the life of me figure out why I mean they they got to shoot the basketball if you don’t shoot the basketball they’re gonna be able to

Key up on KD and book and and and stall this offense so they got to do it and they just haven’t do it haven’t done it again back to coaching when is the coach gonna say EG shoot the ball I’m sorry guys I’m I’m a little heated I’m little he

You’re allowed to feel that way it it feels like chimi metu is the only one that knows how to properly attack those Closeouts and it feels like especially with Grayson and Eric they’re trying to do a little bit too much in regards of applying that pressure as a driver as an

At The Rim threat just because like the offense doesn’t have as much flow as it needs so it feels like trying to overcompensate and make the great pass instead of just making the good play and taking theot like you’re talking about uh it feels like trying to do a little

Too much yeah all right next up for the super chats we have one from Trevor thank you Trevor they said this team says the right things but don’t improve yeah it’s a valid criticism at this point we heard all the right things from book from aogi from metu from

Everybody over the last handful of games we’re not really seeing it in the effort on a quarter to quarter basis right now you know what’s ironic about that l that comment right there I’m I’m going to go to mall to the mall and I’m going

To get me a hat done and it’s going to say what’s it going to say y’all tell me what it’s gonna say Well done is better than well said bang that’s that’s exactly it hey Monty man come talk to these dudes well done is better than well said y’all talking a bunch of

Right now but y’all need to do it that’s it I mean listen I don’t want to go down that r with home we’re just gonna leave it there we’ll put pit in that one all right this one is from Jacob thank you Jacob they said Christmas Day game will

Be the first of many I decided to opt out of this team isn’t worth my time I’m shocked we this bad so disappointed you know you’re not the only one that I saw on on at least social tonight talking about how and even in our Discord um

People were just like I don’t know that I really want to pick up tickets for the Christmas Day game because I feel like I’m just going to be disappointed and especially the fact that it’s against the Mavs it’s like I don’t want to relive that I already went through that

One time I don’t need to do it again I’m good man if Luca is healthy I know he missed I think tonight’s game or the last game the maps played if he’s healthy he’s gonna drop 50 on this team on Christmas like I’m just I’m warning

You right now enjoy all of your day leading up to that 8:30 game yeah because if you’re around to watch that game with the way things have gone recently it’s really not looking good for ending your Christmas on a positive note so I’m just gonna warn you now

Obviously we want to see all of you in the postgame show and everything but for your mental health just warning you now we can on Christmas Day if we lose which I don’t think we will I’m just putting that out there in the world I don’t want

Us to lose but if we do we’ll just put a poll in the chat and you guys can give us an a like timing of how much you want us to talk about the game and then how much you just want like entertainment BS kind of shenanigans and we’ll we’ll give

You whatever it is that you want for Christmas all right next up we’ve got one from Lucas thank you Lucas they said I need whiskey not Twin Peaks after that I don’t even Frid with you it’s a Friday Lucas there’s no rules it’s a holiday

Weekend rules are out the door all right next up we’ve got one from Donald thank you Donald they said Flex is right get a collective coaching staff too many chefs in the kitchen and not enough cookes basically um Donald you’re absolutely right I mean when it comes to the

Coaching staff it could very well be that we don’t know um but I understand flex your point of if you have two people who are kind of holding those leadership positions on the coaching side of things it can get really muddy as far as whose voice should be the

Loudest who’s is the one that I should listen to the most kind of a situation um it could it could very well become an issue yeah and when you’re dealing with a guy like Kevin young and and this isn’t a shot at Kevin this is a young

Coach who’s aspiring to be a head coach who thought he was going to be the head coach of this damn team and if not probably somewhere else and instead he took a backup Ro I mean there’s egos in sports we see it at every level there’s egos from the

Players there eagles from coaches here’s a young man who’s probably saying I can I can run this show better by myself I don’t know that he’s saying that I’m just speaking hypothetically but you got to wonder if those type of Dynamics are starting to come into play you got to

Wonder if this guy is going home saying man I think I could do a better job across the board and again he’s a younger coach if Kevin young was a 15-year NBA veteran coach and has been a head coach before and has done this and decided to be an offensive coordinator I

I think it’s different but you’re you’re dealing with some heavy Dynamics here you’re I again I I I can’t put it past uh the the the fact that there’s probably something going on there and somebody’s got to get talked to all right one more and then we’ll

Come back to some super chats here in just a little bit the last one for now though comes from Adrian thank you they said teams have learned to double the two stars everyone else won’t beat us trying to understand what is this offense and even defense shrug Moi shrug

Emoji yeah it’s it’s tough because we’ve seen so many junk defenses thrown at KD and book so far we’ve seen doubles we’ve seen box in ones triangle in twos top locking them like all kinds different looks all season um I think they’ve done pretty well about passing out of those

Situations for the most part it’s just this team has to get better at attacking those advantages that those guys create when they draw two to the ball or three to the ball um and it’s just it’s not there right now hopefully that will come with time but it’s it’s tough because

They are seeing like it feels like they’re seeing a different crazy junk defense on a nightly basis um gaining familiarity with those will help with that but so we having a third guy who makes it impossible for you to do that I can’t stress enough like we talked a lot

About how this team was going to be deeper than we thought that hasn’t panned out but it looks so much worse because we don’t have that third guy we were going to be a topheavy team no matter what and without that third guy it’s a lot easier to throw all those

Junk defenses out there so it’s it’s tough right now all right let’s take a look at the numbers real quick from tonight’s game presented by desert Financial Credit Union Arizona’s number Number One Credit Union named by Forbes Gerald what you got for us yeah so the three-point shooting it is not great and

The Kings didn’t even shoot that well they were 12 for 38 but the suns were only five for 25 uh for those of you doing the math at home that is 20% from three over a stretch where they’ve been shooting 32% from three not great um the

Kings moved the ball a lot better 31 assists to the Suns 17 uh they took better care of the ball 12 turnovers to the Suns 15 the Kings also turn those turnovers into more points 21 points off turnovers to the Suns 15 um and that’s

How you wind up with a 12 105 defeat on the road yeah that’s not great I don’t love looking at those numbers ter they’re not great no you couldn’t have found some that were a little bit better that made me feel better at least I could have but then we wouldn’t have a

Big bright shiny star segment later so I got to save some of the good numbers I mean you know in this guys in this NBA where the three-point shot is so prevalent right it’s a it’s a mi Miss aake League from the three-point line

You go in I go into every game saying I need 30 points from the three line every game every game every damn game just that’s like burning into my brain you got to get 30 points from the three-point line to win the NBA that’s 10 shots that’s 10 threes you’ll fall a

Little short every now and then but five come on man come on man like come on man D ain’t gonna cut it man yeah that’s rough not great all right we’ll look at um what the big three did tonight because those are the ones who lead the way for our team and

Our triple money presented by Arizona Lottery don’t forget to get out and buy your holiday scratcher so obviously we know Bradley ve did not play tonight um last we heard from him he’ll be reevaluated early January so he moves up to 22 games missed on the season but de

Booker he finished with 24 points four rebounds seven assists Kevin Durant he finished with 28 points seven rebounds and two assist we’ll start with Devin Booker um it was kind of a little bit of a rough night for him uh it felt like he was missing a lot of things that he

Normally does and I don’t know about you guys but I think I’m at the point where I would love to get a point guard in on this squad and relieve the load from Devon not because he hasn’t done a phenomenal job at being Point book and

Not because he can’t do it I just think that he shouldn’t have to do it this much and I think it’s something that you should turn to in the playoffs or when you need to and not be the main thing like I just don’t think it’s sustainable

I don’t think it sets him up for success in the best way and I just think there’s there’s going to be a limit to how long he can truly sustain these outrageous numbers with this much of a load on his shoulders I do yeah I it’s it’s tough on it’s tough on

Book and he didn’t play great tonight and he had that big Miss layup early in the game he missed some free throws bunch of little chippies in the mid-range his mid-range shot has kind of disappeared over the last three games or so um it’s just a it’s just a lot and

When you go back to those numbers that Gerald just threw out there five for 25 from three um you know a lot of those missed shots should be a lot of them are wide open threes that should be assists right they they should be assist but when you got guys that aren’t shooting

It it makes Point book look a lot worse actually um if these guys hit some shots you know you could be looking at a guy that had 13 dimes tonight but and the same differ for KD they both hit a lot of open guys and guys just didn’t hit

The shot so it’s tough though I’m with you Lind I I’m starting to wonder if if that might be the best move because you got to preserve him like you don’t want to run him ragged it’s it’s tough because we we still haven’t seen what it’s supposed to

Look like with him and be I hate to keep going back to that I feel like a broken record but the whole thing that you know Frank Bogle James Jones book everybody was talking about was we’re gonna have a multi- ball handler attack and so far it’s basically just been booked please

Save us run some offense and he’s done about as well as you could ask of him seven assists tonight zero turnovers he’s had some high turnover games obviously but the thing for me is it feels like the flow for him as a scorer has been thrown off recently by trying

To get his teammates involved and when those teammates are missing shots like we saw tonight then he goes into overcompensating as this Ultra aggressive attacker and he kind of forces some shots that I don’t think he would normally Force so it feels like he’s got a good feel for what his team

Needs he’s trying to set them up make life easier for them but when they start missing shots that’s when he tries to go into Attack Mode and he goes a little too hard into that category so I’m I’m kind of at the point where these guys either need to make

Shots or they need to figure something else out or they just need to get Bradley beel back to ease some of that burden you know Frank Bogle was talking the other day about like when Beal is back that’s gonna ease his load in terms of having to handle the ball to make all

These plays to play him off the ball a little bit more um and book said it himself you know he said I feel like the point book thing has been good in Spurs but it’s about trying to sustain it over the full game and right now it feels

Like again it’s been good in spurts over even over this stretch but for the Long Haul and for this this team to win games with a lot of the role players not living up to expectations like it it’s just not working out right now yeah no it’s uh it’s tough man it

It’s tough i g the one thing I want to piggy back on what you just said I’m going to make this short and sweet I there’s a lot of people that are reaching out to me and they’re like hey man is this done like are we done and

And I’m saying no I’m like no we’re not done I mean again Devin Booker Kevin Durant Yousef nerkach Bradley Beal Grayson Allen Eric Gordon Josh Co those are good basketball players I just named seven we just haven’t seen one damn game with all seven like so that’s that’s a lot of

Talent and there’s a lot of good basketball in those guys if we can get those guys healthy so my my cave it’s real simple my caveat is is this is it if those seven guys can ever get on the court for an extended period of time the

Phoenix Suns will be a good basketball team and in position to beat just about anybody but if you can’t get those seven damn guys on the court yeah I mean you know what the answer is so it’s that simple for me right now get those guys healthy and hopefully we’ll get a couple

On Monday I wouldn’t even be surprised if Brad Bill plays Monday man I know he’s probably I’m not I’m joking but he’s probably pissed off he’s probably saying man damn this extra time I got to get out there in Christmas and help my boys win some games man so I I

Think there’s some of that feeling going on they just got to get healthy yeah I mean we’ll see uh all right before we look at a couple more Super chats just another quick reminder of our friends over at hea River Resorts and casino I just I’m just like listen he’s like yeah

Whatever that’s cool if it ever happens like I’m sorry damn you Flex whatever maybe next week maybe next week I will come back around to be on like the optimistic train here but right now I’m just like bro you could tell me all you want that things

Are gonna be great when they all get out there on the court but like until I totally fair I’m not buying Fair no it’s fair it’s totally fair I it just felt like you embodied the whole fan base there for a second we’re like yeah okay whatever anyway like cool

Neato let me know when that happens okay call me when that happens until then I’m GNA be over here I’m G be over here at heila River Resorts and casinos just hanging out having a good old time because they do entertainment and excitement like no one

Else in the desert and they also have Arizona’s largest casino sports book you do you at heila River Resorts and casinos visit play for more details also I’m the only one who won our bet tonight and you’d think I’d be more excited about it but I’m really not

Because like does it even matter at this point I suppose it’s the only competion that we’re getting these days D I know I’m throwing mad shade right now shots take your shots take your shots Lyn but the leader board does look pretty good in my favor a little bit ESO

Lost 10 bucks tonight which we love uh s sa is down to minus 58 Flex you are now down minus 2541 um I want a whole w $16.77 tonight maybe it was $18 I don’t remember but that means I’m at 10658 now so hooray for a win if you guys want to

Get in on the action you can download the VM dream Sportsbook app and use that promo code pnx because right now they have a $1,500 first bet offer when you use that promo code you just place your first bmgm Sportsbook wager through the BET MJM Sportsbook mobile app of at

Least $10 and if that bet loses your botus bets will be available once you’re initial wager is settled check the show notes for full details and now you can listen to Shane and talk about the disclaimer problem call gambl color DC Illinois Indiana Kansas Louisiana Maryland Mississippi New Jersey Ohio

Penvan Tennessee Virginia West Virginia Wyoming call 8778 h y or text Hope y 467 369 New York call 18800 32755 Massachusetts 21 plus to wager please G responsibly call 800 next Arizona 1800 52247 Nevada 1800 bets off Iowa 800270 7117 for confidential heal Michigan 800 98123 Puerto Rico in partnership with

Kansas Crossing Casino and Hotel visit for terms and conditions us promotional offers not available in DC Kansas Nevada New York or Ontario all right let’s look at a couple more Super sorry guys that was am I Rudolph in that picture I think you were at least you weren’t Saul Saul’s an

Angry elf look at him Saul is angry oh look at mouth yeah oh I’m Santa look at me that’s what I’m saying you Santa you got rud I mean that makes the most sense right yeah it does I I you know you should have put the little red nose am red

Nose all right let’s look at a couple super chats we have one from the anonymous boot thank you so much for sending your Super Chat they said clown me all you want fire young and Vogal hire Isaiah Thomas and Mike dantony damn I don’t even know what to say G I

Don’t even know what to say go ahead well I will say if you want to go through the rumor M Isaiah Thomas is already a part of the squad in some capacity so it’s mostly just Mike dantony at this point because I mean whether we want to admit it or not

Isaiah Thomas is somehow involved connected giving opinions and advice in the room yeah he in the room he talking to people sure I’m not I’m not even touching this one because I can’t definitively rule anything out at this point that’s that’s exactly why I’m that’s why I’m like this

G I’m I’m doing the win I I can’t rule any of that out let’s do it all together ready one two three go yeah get that that’s the clip Emma Mark that time code clip all right we got one from Don thank you Don they said worst wide open threo shooting team ever

Yeah yeah I need I need to dive into the numbers on this but I would imagine the suns are bottom five in that category if not like dead last especially over the last 11 games it’s been rough on the wide open threes yep terrible all right

Uh Donald sent us one and they said injuries or not these are professional athletes and there is zero excuse to look this lost and confused on both sides of the ball there’s deeper issues than we know dot dot dot Beal alone will not be the answer yeah I agree with all of that

There I don’t know if there’s deeper issues than we know but I agree with everything else like we’ve been saying it for the last couple of games there is no excuse for this team to look so defeated so lost on both ends of the Court especially when you do have Kevin

Durant and Devin Booker like there’s just no excuse I I’ve just never seen Kevin and Devin look the way they’ve looked in the last three games and and you’re talking about two first ballot Hall of Famers that have been playing so much basketball no disrespect to anybody

Sorry anybody in the chat or even anybody on this panel but those guys done forgot more basketball than we’ll ever know and so I yeah I mean they there’s something that’s not right yeah all right we have another one from the anonymous Buddha thank you the anonymous Buddha we appreciate you they said

Gerald you’re a basketball genius right but here’s the thing if every role player isn’t performing there’s something wrong with the system not the players the simplest explanation is the right one and this is going back to our conversation around uh the coaching staff of course I mean thank you I don’t

Know if I’d consider myself a basketball genius basketball genius G cut it out you’re genius bro I will say I I get that to a certain degree and I think what we’ve seen over the last handful of games you’re right like it’s not just guys missing shots when you see a team

Full of defeated players out there that they’re just not in sync on either end but like at the same time guys got to make open shots like if you’re generating good shots you got to make open shots you can’t have Kevin Durant turning the ball over six times the way

He did tonight you can’t have Devin Booker giving up on plays defensively like you you kind of need guys to do what they were expected to do and nobody on this team the role players have been able to do that and and a lot of them have been given more chances than maybe

They would have seen under a coach like Monty last year who had his guys and didn’t give other guys to look a lot of these guys have gotten looks and most of them have disappointed so I think it’s like a chicken or egg question for me I

Don’t know which one came first in terms of role player struggling or the system putting them in positions to fail but with the Miss shots it like system shouldn’t matter in terms of making open shots and defending a guy one-on-one and we haven’t seen much of either one for a

Lot of these guys agree all right uh we got one from goto tech reviews thank you they said no longer defending the coaches firing the coaches is 100% on the table there are no more excuses now Booker needs to stop playing emot emotionally um listen I have no idea

What the right call is but just my gut feeling is Matt isia came in as the owner of the Suns with a splash talking really big game about wanting to put a championship team in front of us wanting to make any and every move that he can

Money is no problem um he doesn’t really strike me as the type of person who maybe is super patient with that um and his desire of bringing a champion ship to Phoenix so it wouldn’t surprise me whatsoever like again I as I said earlier in the show I don’t know that

That’s the right move and I don’t think it really necessarily sets this team up for success for the rest of the season but if it happened I wouldn’t be shocked just based off of how many big moves and changes Matt ish has been willing to do

Like with a snap of a finger it feels like and he’s willing to throw money wherever money can could be thrown yeah I again guys there’s so many things to point at Matt isby is aggressive he’s competitive he played basketball he won a national championship he’s been around

Some dogs so I’m sure he’s not sitting down looking at this and very happy um but again you know it’s such a drastic thing to do midseason to bring in a whole new coaching staff or a whole new voice and ask them to kind of snap their

Fingers and let it go it’s such a hard thing but I I don’t think it’s I think it’s 100% on the table I will throw a name out there selfish reasons I will throw a name out there that I absolutely love who’s sitting at home on a couch

That if I could hire a basketball coach to coach this basketball team I would uh my boy Jay Wright Villanova that’s my guy not I’m I’m kidding but I’m being kind of serious a guy like Jay Wright uh this is a guy that’s uh got a hell of a lot of

Basketball credibility and he he he holds people accountable man so I mean at this point that’s what I want I just want Frank and his staff to hold people accountable and I kind of feel like I I don’t know if that’s happening right now yeah I again a coaching move midseason

Would be pretty drastic I think if this continues once Beal is back if this skid and this current Doom and Gloom that we’ve got hanging over the team continues maybe it’s not out of the question but I think the one thing that vogle has in his back pocket right now

Is to be able to say I’ve had the big three for 24 minutes this season like right I haven’t had the full team yet let let’s see what the team looks like when they’re actually out there but you know if this losing skid continues into first two weeks of January and Bill’s

Back out there um I’m not going to rule anything out because like you said Lind like ishbia has been Allin with every move he’s made since he’s gotten here he’s been aggressive he’s not afraid to make changes to the status quo um and even a coach with Championship under his

Belt like Frank vogle won’t be safe from that if the team is under 500 and continuing to lose by that point all right we have one from D nice thank you they said to put things in perspective Suns barely had a bench last year with Chris Paul hurt a lot and they

Managed fourth seed this year better bench but coaching is all caps the problem dbook not even playing as top 10 I man I again again like there there’s an argument to be made here you know I I think this bench is better than the bench that was in the playoffs with

The Suns last year I can make an argument that this bench has more talent and we saw KD and book without Chris Paul in that nugget series and those guys had two of the most phenomenal series you can think of I mean these guys were lights sou so they didn’t

Forget how to play basketball they didn’t forget how to do those things you have to wonder if they’re just not being put in the right position but defend Frank he hasn’t had a full deck of cards so you’re caught between a rock and a hard place because if I’m Frank vogle

And somebody comes to me questioning my job or or or you know even putting on a table that should be fired the first my first response is well damn dog let me coach the team you hire me to coach at least for more than 24 damn minutes so

Yeah so it’s it’s tough man it’s tough I would love to hear the first words out of Frank bogle’s mouth in that meeting well damn dog he a jersey dude so I you know I we tend to talk the same way damn do uh big Vernon sent us one thank you

Big Vernon they said it’s a lot of unplayable guys on this roster it’s honestly sad I feel bad for book and KD yeah again it’s tough to tell who’s unplayable and who’s not being put in the right position to succeed but every time we see UD out there nir Drew

Eubanks like there’s so many guys on the roster that just feels like um Jordan Goodwin it just feels like whenever they check in it’s like oh man what are we going to get now what are we goingon to get this time stop it’s rough Donald sent us one thank you Donald I thought

This one was hilarious they said call Flex Joel Olstein CA my God he’s spitting the gospel tonight oh man my man Jo yo come on that’s my man joelin man hey thank you Donald appreciate appreciate appreciate you my G all right Chris sent us one and they

Said I feel like it’s almost at a given excuse me let me try again I feel like it’s almost out of given we are going to get a lump of coal in our stockings on Christmas Day face palm Emoji this teammate nice right now I’ll tell you

That on the naughty list like who got us there I need to know who did this I’m very upset about it all right uh one more and then we’ll do a couple more a little bit later this one is from Mike thank you Mike they said sons are minus

Four and a half on Christmas my guess is no Luca that would be great Santa Claus Santa Santa came to town if we got no Luca he actually came to town and gave us a gift because if there is a LCA If he if there is a Luca I’m with G like

Flexi baby’s gonna come out of there and put some money on Luca to drop 50 matter of fact that might be my game bet I might put LCA to drop 50 and get like a plus like six million yeah but if it happens that’s going to feel real gross

You’re going to feel bad if it happens yeah I mean he’d feel better than if he didn’t put the money in Luca drop 50 yeah but it’s like it’s like blood money you know what I mean not I see both points I’m G sleep Priscilla did though say in the chat

Place your bets for Christmas game now laughing face emoji like get them get the mods now while you guys can absolutely um all right quick reminder get out there and get your Arizona Lottery holiday scratchers Christmas is just around the corner and these make last minute gifts and they’re perfect

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For being a part of this membership program terms and conditions apply at participating locations visit Circle C for details we do want to give out our big bright shiny star tonight we’re going to give it to udoka as AI uh he had a double double tonight he finished

With 11 points 11 rebounds he had one steal udoka was our big bright shiny star like if there was I know you kind of had brought up Sav Lee a little bit early at the top of the show Gerald but it was fun to watch him play fun to

Watch him get an opportunity and do some pretty good things with set opportunity yeah I mean he was it’s not it’s not it’s not great when your starting center Drew Eubanks checks out and you’re like thank God our two-way Center is checking into the game right now like that’s not

A great sign for how well the starting guy is playing but udoka was great um came in with a double double also had a block shot five for five he’s really efficient around the basket um that was the one thing that when I wrote my preseason article about him and his game

Like he’s just super efficient around the basket he’s got some athleticism he’s not afraid to be physical and dunk on some people so it was nice to see him get some run um probably not a ringing endorsement for Eubanks that he looks so much better than him out there probably

Not a ringing endorsement for bub that he played ahead of bub um but that again speaks to why we had a whole trade machine Thursday yesterday talking about how the Suns could use a third Center because as of right now it feels like their best option there is a two-way

Contract guy um but he was great it was nice to see him get some burn and do well with it yeah I’m happy for him I’m proud of him man hell of a job he got the opportunity he went out there and play really good he’s physical he

Understands spacing too he he did a good job of of not getting too deep under the rim and giving him some space to do some work that little pump fake dunk was was really good I hate that they want to go and ruin that whole moment with the

Double Tech and all that stuff because I thought you know I I really will say this guys up until that moment I really didn’t have a problem with the way the suns were playing I think that moment they had some energy I saw some life in

The team and then my man Josh want to go out here and ruin everything man yo what was wrong with that guy tonight but anyway shout out to uh azabou man he did a good job and I hope he get some more minutes for it yeah I don’t really want to go down

The RIT hole of officiating but I will say boo that was so lame that was so lame that’s not the reason they lost but it did feel like that was the first sign of of life that we saw from the bench in a while and the rest were like no that’s

A tech and then here’s another one for you book and then here’s another one for you vogo a couple minutes later yeah and I feel like it kind of killed oka’s like shine in that moment too like bro you literally just stole his Thunder and nobody cares about you like why poor

Young Man Poor young man you’re right he had his Sports Center moment and rude this guy wants to be a player and and be more important than the basketball players yeah that was terrible I’m sorry Lynch feel like he deserved a Mean Mug for the whole game for that one I’m just

Saying okay uh couple more Super chats here we got one more from goto tech reviews thank you they said Eubanks and Goodwin stocks in freefall yeah Jord good yeah go ahead sorry I was gonna say Jordan Goodwin his kind of is just Peaks and valleys every day it’s it’s literally whether or not

He’s making shots because a lot of the times the shots he takes are tough ones and they’re i’ I’ve haven’t been a fan of his shot selection but he had that that streak a couple of weeks ago where he was stepping up in the fourth quarters when the Suns didn’t have book

On the floor and that was huge he was making some big shots but when those shots aren’t falling it’s really rough um and it feels like it it kind of impacts his game on the other end of the floor too you know he had that one nice

Steal and then he immediately turned it over and that was one of the stretches that kind of blew the game out of proportion so yeah it’s tough right now now he hasn’t been the playmaker or facilitator that he looked like he was last year in Washington and as a scorer

And three-point shooter he hasn’t really shown much outside of what we saw last year which is the guy can’t really shoot that well so it’s tough out there right now yeah I actually wrote it down G second quarter this is right in my notes I’m looking at it Eubanks Miss layup

Could have got it down to four Jordan Goodwin steel Jordan gilwin trying to do two DN much that’s what I wrote down on my paper Jo trying to do too damn much turnover Malik monk dunk Crow gets excited Crow gets excited KD Tech book Tech uh you know uh uh Vogal Tech and

Then it all went to hell but yeah that sequence that was it right there it snowballs so fast with this team so fast does it’s bad I don’t love that um for us at all I do see a comment in the chat Ultra John asking if we got your super

Chat I do not have it but you don’t have to say it again just send another chat I’ll look for it and I’ll read it here in just a minute so just send that in whatever it is you wanted to add to that uh Felix sent us one thank you Felix

They said call the Nets to see how much Spencer and Dorian fny Smith cost so we can get book back to the two and Katie back to the three because you have two players playing out of position that’s why it looks so bad H that would be

Wonderful but they cost too much their contracts are way too big I don’t even think you could have masked that much Sal and even if you could the Nets are going to be like no we’re going to turn down Yousef nerkish graceon Allen and a bunch of second round picks you know

What the net will say what the net is say yeah you can have him give me Kevin Durant back that’s what they’ll say sure give me Kevin back absolutely outrageous uh Lucas sent us one thank you Lucas they said Son should trade for Coyote’s LW

And crw Krauss sorry uh since he is a big b who can at least make his shots and be aggressive unlike the Suns Ro the whole Suns rooster we’re down so bad right now listen shout out to yeah shout out to the Ys they deserve nice things they

Do um famis Yoshi sent us one and they said Lind is the goat at transitioning between ads and segments thanks famis Yoshi I appreciate you sometimes they’re a little outrageous um and super cheesy but I appreciate you guys 100% L the go thanks uh stress Hardy

Sent us one and they said seems like everyone coach included has no hope for bubo when can hold on I’m sorry seems like everyone coach included has no hope for bullbull when he can be the game changer given um the why am I only get half of these

Things giv the giv the opportunity love watching you guys sorry mine was cut off stress appreciate that stress Hardy yeah stress Hardy I love that you watch I killed your Super Chat my bad stress Hardy I’m sorry go ahead go ahead Lind go ahead stress Hardy I don’t think that

Anybody is bought in on ball at this point from the Suns Organization no no stret Hardy we love you thank you for watching we really appreciate it but no boo not the I think BB on a team with less aspirations than the Suns could be given an opportunity to

Continue to try and grow and build his game I don’t think he’s going to get that opportunity on the Suns no at all I don’t think that even with the terribleness that we’ve been going through I don’t think the Suns think it’s a smart move to try and turn to BU

To write the ship I don’t think they want to take that risk even though what we’ve been doing hasn’t really been working either that’s just where I think it is the the last time he checked into a game that wasn’t garbage time he was like a minus 16 in five minutes and it

Wasn’t all on him it wasn’t all his fault that the Suns gave up that run obviously but it just feels like whenever he’s been in the game he’s kind of been lost defensively and this team can’t afford to do they’ve got guys that are trying on defense that just aren’t

On a string together as it is like they’re not good enough defensively to have a guy like that who’s the center be making those types of mistakes so it’s a tough situation for him the signing was weird to me in the first place because he felt like a guy that needs

Developmental minutes on a team without expectations not you know trying to compete for rotation minutes on a title contending team It’s just tough yeah you know I think the point people miss with Bobo is everyone’s fascinated with what he can potentially do offensively but there’s two sides of basketball and that

Young man I don’t know who the hell he can guard like I just don’t like he tonight he checked in he wasn’t even guarding the center he’s gonna pop out and guard the four like fours are going to destroy him on the perimeter and do

Whatever they want and if so help me God if you put him on a center I mean so there’s nowhere for him to guard and that’s what his problem is I mean offensively he’s got some stuff in the bag but no defensively he’s are no no no

No um I don’t see another comment from alter John oh there it is never mind here we go thanks Emma said we need to wake up our roster is flawed book is the best two guard in the world so why doesn’t he play two guard JJ did not create this the owner

Did go ahead yeah I’m I’m kind of I I don’t even mind the point book thing as much I I just feel like we either we talk ourselves into some of these role players more than we should have or they’re disappointing compared to what they did last year like look at kbd he’s

Shooting like 25% from three barely in games uda’s shooting like a whole 10 percentage points worse from three than he did last year it it just drew U Banks was actually a solid rotation player last year and now he’s barely usable like it just feels like a lot of these

Guys from different situations where they were more comfortable are now having to try and put it together with a bunch of other guys in that same boat and they’re really struggling to do so so I I think the roster flaws are what stand out to me the most with this team

Um it’s going to be hard to fix at the trade deadline or the buyout Market yeah couldn’t agree more oh lindsy I would say Gerald probably both things are true that they’re not living up to expectations and we probably talked ourselves into it a little bit more um than maybe we should

Have yeah but you know I think that’s kind of a natural thing to do as a fan because you don’t have a say in the matter like this guy’s on your team whether you like it or not so you try and find the positives to said player

And you try and look at the bright side of things especially before the season starts because I don’t know about you while I will enter the season a little timid and as far as like when we make predictions and whatnot I will always air on the side of caution um but I’m

Not going to try and go into a season be like oh man we’re GNA suck again you know what I mean like I want at least start the season positive yeah that’s totally valid but I don’t even feel like I I tried to talk myself into a lot of

These guys I felt like just based on what they did last year that they would be able to replicate a lot of that here so I do think in some ways it’s not even just like a fan thing it’s just kind of like we thought these guys would be

Better than what they’ve shown us here so far yeah and and I’m sorry ly you good you’re good go ahead no I mean you know we say I say this all the time like right men lie women lie numbers don’t and so their numbers were real numbers they actually did all this as

Professional basketball players but I mean for some odd reason they all came here and they’re all plummeting and so that goes back to the guy in the chat who said hey like is it is it because it has something to do with the system you know maybe one guy

Or two guy but everyone collectively having this kind of a dip it makes you wonder if they’re being put in the right positions for their skill sets and then again to to kind of uh uh back Frank up a little bit it goes back to not having the per Personnel that you

Were promised for these guys so man a a tough damn spot man this tough spot are um Everybody in the chat’s like wait IEM Miss hear that’s right you guys Emma is producing our show tonight so say nice things about Emma in the chat before we

Close out the show uh one last uh Super Chat here goto tech review said current Sons lose to the Pistons convince me otherwise man come on I don’t want to play this game go to tech reviews y that happen I’m going back that happened I’m I’m gonna be on

The injury report list for the postgame show if that happens I’m just letting you guys know now it’s like I got this tickle in my throat this it’s gonna it’s inevitably gonna turn into something so I won’t be here I might low key go back to Jersey

Like the Suns the Suns would win but I’m low-key glad that they’re not playing the Pistons for another month or so so we don’t have to find out oh that’s true so bad though Gerald it would be so bad yeah I’m not even I can’t even think

About I can’t even process that right now Lord I don’t want to play this go to De said I’m down bad real bad yeah a little bit um here’s the last thing I will leave you guys with it’s a a bit of good news okay just to kind of bring us back

Up after the shenanigans that was Sun’s basketball tonight as we head into the Christmas holiday um if you are somebody who maybe gets you know 20 bucks here and there from a grandma and a card or something like that or if you are flex’s kid and you just get cash for Christmas

To go buy whatever you want hang on to your pennies because I think we finally have an official release date for one of the colorways of the book chapter one so we’re talking about the light orwood brown which is like the tannish beige kind of color way it sounds like they

Are expected to be released on February 17th of 2024 which is just around the corner and a little bit earlier than I think what we were anticipating because I know they said spring but to me I’m thinking like March mid mid to late March early April um is what I was

Thinking for this so February 17th put it down in your calendar um of course we’ll keep you updated if we hear any more but that to me is the best colorway of these shoes um so that’s the one to get your hands on in my opinion those are the nice ones

I like those ones those are mean as hell don’t you could throw those on go to a nice restaurant you can throw those on and go you could them things as woo baby yeah yeah do you could style those so many different ways like those those are

The ones if I miss out on a pair of shoes and I’m I’m only trying to get those on that’s it we’re we’re going to go to pickup in in February and see flex and his 14 teammates playing Zone in those all four of us all four of us in

Zone looking fresh to death and when the game’s over I’m gonna have an extra PIR of trunk and Espo’s getting into every club with us with those every Club in New York anywhere you want espo you throw those on baby you clean you clean baby send me pictures and videos I want

To I want to see but I don’t want to come got you okay all right all right I got you all right guys uh I think we’re going to head out now we really appreciate you all being here with us especially after another brutal loss uh

For the Suns we hope you have a fantastic holiday weekend and uh stay safe out there make sure that you come and hang out with us on Christmas and I told you guys we’re gonna have a blast regardless of what happens but it’s gonna be a good time what is this Flex

What is this it’s a Christmas gift Ain that ain’t that cool look at my little boy Rosco I call him Rosco but he got a flex Jersey on you got yeah so shout out to my niece for getting me a dope Christmas gift amazing um yeah so enjoy your holiday weekend

Guys we’ll have a pregame show for you on Christmas uh day so what is that 7:30 because it’s an 800 PM tip so have pregame at 7:30 and then yeah it’ll be 8 no the game’s at 8:30 so it’ll be an 800 PM oh it’s 8:30 it’s even later I

Thought it was late late real late which is great because then your whole day like if the ruin it you just go to bed right after call it today can’t they can’t ruin Christmas because by then Christmas is basically over great Point ly I love your way of thinking win win

You guys I like it okay all right I’m gonna go now uh thank you guys we’ll see you on Monday and until then you can give the show a follow on social BH nxor Suns you can follow me at lindsy Smith a you can follow Gerald at Gerald BG and

You can follow Flex at Flex from Jersey Flex you take us home this time oh man I’m taking y’all home hey don’t let the Grinch ruin your Christmas Luca Don just the Grinch That’s what I’m talking about a Hoy [Applause] Hoy like

The Phoenix Suns and Devin Booker fall to the Sacramento Kings and De’Aaron Fox 120-105. The Suns did what the Suns have done the past few games: stagnant offensive play, ineffective defense and little heart. The only bright spot? Udoka Azubuike’s double-double. Join the PHNX Suns Podcast for the Suns at Kings postgame show to break down another disappointing loss. Don’t forget to follow the show on social @PHNX_Suns.

0:00 Intro
1:03 Initial thoughts
13:20 As Frank as we can be…
30:00 By the numbers
32:00 Big 3 update
32:40 Devin Booker notes
40:00 Are the Suns being put in the right position?
53:33 Big bight shinning star
1:07:26 Book 1 release date

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Stick to big lineups!!! Play DB, GA EG. And then KD, Little, KBD Metu, Nurk, Azubike, Yuta. Replace Yuta with th Beal when he comes back.

  2. Can’t rely on a team that is constructed like this. The team is way to top heavy and doesn’t function like a true team. More or less just a bunch of hired guns that don’t fit or have cohesion.

  3. They need to stop the point book shit. Its not working at all. Time to shake up the starting 5 imo. Put goodwin or Lee as PG, book at his natural position as SG, KD at 3, metu at 4, and Nurk. Grayson & EG as 6th man 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Guys, this sounds crazy and I see the flaws, but… can you imagine if Vogel and Monty got fired, and we re-hired Monty Williams! That would be cool. 😎 I mean, it would be a redemption story.

  5. You all are making great points! But you get out of it by strengthening waknesses one step at a time in our situation. IF you obviously don't have the assets for trade, then you have to scour/ go hard for the best matching unsigned/unrestricted players that would have the skillset and personality to address/shoreup the issues as best as possible.

  6. As for the two coaches, Vogel is a defensive coach with literally no defensive specialists personnel to work with. And KY was supposed to be an offensive dynamo AND DOES HAVE great offensive options, but we haven't seen anything in the way of offensive sets/schemes. So of the two, who really has the assets matching their skillset most and is underperforming??

  7. Low key fixes:
    1- POA defender- trade for Kris Dunn or Pat Bev and Melton IF you can get him? RJ NEMBHARD for playmaking/ballhandling to free up Booker.
    2- Cut/waive the nonperformers to create open salary slots, and add defensive players like Stanley Johnson, Lance Stephenson, FERON HUNT.
    3- Sign Kai Jones, Donta Hall (Overseas buyout) or Kostas Antetekoupo for Vertical gravity aggressivr long super athletic shotblocking rim protectors with quick mobility and great length.
    **IF necessary (IT IS NECESSARY FOR ACCOUNTABILITY) ACQUIRE Pat Bev, D Cousins or D Howard, PJ Tucker or Jae Crowder etc for tough, aggressive, no BS vocal enforcer leader types for accountability!!!!

  8. As bad as it may seem on the surface, We need to consider swallowing our pride and looking at Kevin Porter Jr IF………. He's found not guilty of charges? His stats have been fairly comparable to Dejounte Murray in many categories, he has size, moxy, ability to break down defenses easily and is an underrated passer/ scorer.

  9. When Vogel won his championship w/ the flakers, he had MULTIPLE STRONG DEFENSIVE players AND size and physicality. We've given him maybe Okogie and Goodwin to work with and really no other solid or even good defensive options? we gave the wrong personnel to Vogel. Kevin Ray was supposed to work miracles with offensive personnel which we do have!

  10. These guys WOULD'VE been a lot better with a stronger legitimate vertical gravity player that'd pull defenders into the paint AND an actual legit guard to set the table.

  11. Born and raised in Phoenix. Why are we purposely ignoring players who haven't got real playing time like bol bol. I'll keep mentioning it cause you're Suns analysts and totally disregard the other people on the bench including him.

    The main players you guys talk about have had bad games and suck currently. you haven't did away with them yet?

    No defense or second chance points and you keep a 7 footer on the bench.

  12. guys. Bol bol hasn't played real minutes. Of course you not sold on him. Y'all laugh and are dismissive towards this dude. You say he's out of sync. Give him a freaking chance to get in rotation.

    Flex you're a coach supposedly. You'll praise metu even when he and others suck. this is team ball. Not Favoritism. I'm thru watching you guys. Too much disregard. You talk down on that man and as a Suns fan that's not rite.

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