@Toronto Raptors

“What, how, why, who?” “It’s not like we have Steph Curry on the bench and I’m keeping him from coming on the court” – Darko on lineup changes

“What, how, why, who?” “It’s not like we have Steph Curry on the bench and I’m keeping him from coming on the court” – Darko on lineup changes

by DesperateAbility6448


  1. [deleted]

    I laughed 🤣🤣

    You know what, I’m only here for Scottie development. If darko developing Barnes well that’s all matters to me

    This is Casey type quote

  2. Apprehensive_Oil_484

    Man he looked like he was gonna kill someone in that press conference lmfao

  3. slamdunk23

    What an idiotic response by him.

    This was a laughable hire by Masai. No other team in the league was even considering him for a head coaching role for good reason.

  4. WorldTwisting

    I’m sure Masai loves hearing that comment

  5. NinfthWonder

    The first crack. Jordi should’ve got the job.

  6. Diligent-Use-7268

    I’m so sorry Nick.

    the franchise is a clown show right now.

  7. Precious at least seems to think he’s curry tho

  8. SiakamsWager

    Our “winning culture” is dead and has been dead for years

  9. Cheechers23


    That’s… not a quote I would expect lol

  10. BayesBestFriend

    He’s so real for that lol.

    Our bench sucks balls.

    6 dudes on it who will literally never get minutes and then we have to play malachi Flynn who is not a NBA caliber player.

    Darko fucked up tonight benching poeltl but there’s no meaningful change to make to the starters when we have this little talent.

  11. BallerDay

    Nice to see that we really hired the cream of the crop…

  12. cad_internet

    Not a good response, coach. You haven’t tried anything and you’re playing that card?

    Edit: BTW I agree with him that the roster is shit, but it doesn’t excuse his god awful rotations.

  13. larrylegend1990

    Darko is only going to be here for 3-4 years as a tank commander. Any team with winning aspirations won’t have him as Hc.

    Who knows, maybe Nurse will be available then when we have an actual roster

  14. WobbleKun

    remember kids fake it till you make it. smile lots, bring positive energy and you too will land your dream job.

  15. LMAOOOOOO honestly i’m loving this. dumbass media thinks rotations and different roles will save this garbage team. we aren’t good enough. we don’t have the talent to win. get over it

  16. Kawhi-n-dine

    Darko has been subpar, but he doesn’t deserve to get these questions. He’s working with what he’s got from the roster and this is more of a Masai and Bobby problem.

    And I’m not even sure Trent has done enough to warrant a starting spot, even though I’ve seen the stats that back up their claim.

  17. CalligrapherRude6043

    Darko’s right though. The same guys had us up 17 as slowly slipped into the tank throughout the third. Then, all those WTAF possessions in the fourth on offence? Can we call it offence when we barely hold onto the ball?

    And the Malachi experiment is so over, as is the GTJ patience. Love GTJ, but he’s gotta hit if we’re gonna keep calling him a shooter/instant scorer

  18. Plantedballer

    I love our coach. The sub hates him and the sub is rarely right

  19. troubledtimez

    The 4th was wildly different from the preceding 3 qtrs. Seems sus

  20. buffalo-blonde

    And they were mad at Nick for complaining lol

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