@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards 34 Points At Kings | 12.23.23

Anthony Edwards 34 Points At Kings | 12.23.23

Davon Mitchell kessle Edwards hitting threes in that last game yeah here’s Edwards through a crowd bucket in the foul so again he gets through the coverage there and goes right to the rim a bonus bonus he’s been lucky since he picked up that second foul that was

On Murray he averages 20 points in this building 11 on the road that’s the widest Home Road disparity in the league go throw it down [Applause] wow that Hur her blocked by coob up ahead and oh my Edwards the violent throw down roll of Grinch now the block by Rudy ignites the

Fast break for Minnesota how many times we seen that the quick pass by here’s Fox trying to find some space and he turns it over Conley over to Anderson over to Edwards bumped plus the foul is playing a lock down right now and he’s doing a really nice job against de

Fox there’s a lot of cross matching going on so Mike Conley’s ended up other people have ended up on dearen Fox but when they still got a lot of time left Chris Finch is going to have to sit him down for a minute he can’t play this ire

Quarter go bear hopefully he doesn’t need to McDaniels has 20 Fox is long got his own near pokeway Fox the kick out ly doesn’t have a look Edwards the Breakaway down the lane and the hammer is the plays that they’re making jayen McDaniels the way that he

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  1. It’s time Anthony Edwards started getting more help from the refs. He’s so good though it’s ridiculous. The best is yet to come too

  2. ANT so strong to the hoop isnt flinching when fouled so refs dont really care…. he need to learn the little flopping drive in ugly to watch but he needed that 10-15FTA a game.

  3. Edwards finding Gobert consistently on the PnR is one of many reason the Wolves are smashing the league this year!

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