@Oklahoma City Thunder

Handing out gifts to the OKC Thunder roster!

Handing out gifts to the OKC Thunder roster!

On today’s locked on Thunder podcast we’re joined by sellout crowds Michael Martin to hand out Christmas gifts to this Thunder roster who’s been naughty who’s been nice we’ll talk about it all in today’s locked on Thunder podcast you are locked on Thunder your daily Oklahoma City Thunder podcast part of

The locked on podcast Network your team every day let’s get it going on the lockdown Thunder podcast on the lockdown podcast Network your team every day I am your host me member editorinchief over at thunderus intentions. Ryland Styles follow the show on Twitter L thunderpod email the show L thunderpod

Follow me on Twitter at rinor Styles we’re joined today by Michael Martin of sellout crowd follow him on Twitter Michael on on Sports to discuss the Thunder roster handing out gifts to this Thunder roster favorite NBA Christmas Memories dream Christmas matchups for the Thunder and more Michael how are you

Doing today on this marvelous Christmas day uh I’m feeling great I’m happy to be on here I am excited to talk Christmas with you I I have a question for you what is your favorite Christmas movie yes this is going to be foreshadowing for in the future but my Absol abute

Favorite Christmas movie without a shadow of a doubt is Christmas vacation I think that that is the best Christmas movie and one of the best pieces of Cinema ever made so I think Christmas vacation is the best I want to get your favorite Christmas movie and your favorite Christmas really everything

We’re gonna go through a whole Christmas day uh coming up on this show but Michael we’ve we’ve been brought here together today to hand out Christmas gifts for this thunder Ross what what what could be more fun than doing this on today of all days Michael

I’ll let you hand out the first present who are you giving it to what are you given what’s going on season of giving I’m GNA give it to somebody who might be a little bit of a scrooge I don’t think he’s a big Christmas guy probably but I

Want to give Mark dull unlimited challenges as long as he’s right in a game just keep going I think that it’s bad that we are punishing the best shooter in the league on this stuff for being right and I just want to see him keep going I know that they won’t

Because it’ll take too long and because it’ll prove the rest wrong but just let Mark unload the clip let’s see a let’s see how many he can get in a row this will be the new streak in the NBA yeah Mark is insanely good at the challenges

And he does a great job uh it’s a of course group effort with him and the players and the coaching staff but Mark is awesome and I you know I know they got cut it off somewhere but yeah getting two in a row right and then

You’re just kind of out of luck for the rest of the game uh is a little bit tough but uh overall I like that initial gift that’s a really really thoughtful gift and I totally would agree that forward facing wise Mark is a scrooge but Mark that doesn’t fool me okay

Behind closed doors I guarantee you Mark is the most softy out there that just loves all of this stuff that he poos when I ask him dumb questions you can’t you can’t fool me Mark I’m familiar with your game when it comes to this kind of

Stuff but uh that’s a great one to set things off I’m setting things off with SGA I’m gonna gift SGA last year’s whistle because if he got last year’s whistle he would be the best scorer in the NBA already you already is of course up there as one of the best scores in

The NBA but last year’s whistle is what I’m gonna give to SGA I like it I think that we all would like to see Shay get some more of these whistles where he gets attacked that kind of leads me I’ll transition to mine uh please stop hitting Shay in the face

I’m just going to give him a face mask or something or the ability not to get smacked in the face it feels like it’s every other game and I think we we can all agree that we’re tired of it started with him getting like a black eye last

Year against Minnesota but please stop hitting Shay in the face so more whistles you don’t have to hit him in the face to get that whistle but just more whistles in general and less uh face hitting I totally agree that like if there was a way to give him like a

Designer face mask that could just protect his uh his face that would be worth it because taking a lot of contact taking a lot of contact to the head and neck area so to say Chad homr gonna give him the lucky dice which a little bit of

A double meaning I don’t really remember why I have this as dice number one you had the dice chain that he wore draft KN but I’m more so meaning because you roll dice you know you roll your lucky dice roll to the rim more and get just

Spoonfed buckets and fill up on these easy easy buckets because when he is putting pick and roll action when they do uh you know look at him at The Rim it is such easy money for this thunder offense I want them to continue to explore that and to uh hone in on that

As the season progresses yeah I think sometimes we get caught up with how well he’s been as a how well he’s done as a shooter that we forget that he can be a roll guy and it just we just act like it’s only shooting and it just kind of

Goes by the wayside of hey he can also do this but I’m with you it’ll make him that more much more dangerous popping out if you see him rolling more so let’s roll the dice see chat roll a little bit more and my last one here I don’t have

The the cool sing songy like here the dice for this or whatever I just I want to give Isaiah Joe his Groove Back in the first 10 games so his stats are pretty similar where he’s averaging he’s going from like nine points a game to eight points a game and that’s in the

First 10 games versus the last 10 games but most importantly it’s a three-point shooting in his last 10 games for the Thunder Ryland he’s shooting 28% from three on five attempts in the first 10 games of the season he was shooting 40% almost six attempts so just let’s give

Isaiah Joe his groove back he doesn’t have to be at a flat 40 but let’s let’s cut the the distance between 40 and 28 let’s let’s go around like 37% I think that’s reasonable let’s let’s we’re not going to spoil him with a gift that’s too big but it’s something he’s gonna be

Grateful for yeah I think that he deserves to get his groove back and he needs to find it uh back I’m going to give kri Williams free throw lessons because I I could knock down a few free throw need to help them uh move forward in

That way I’m going to give Isaiah Joe a coffee brand because cup of Joe has been something that I’ve been hammering home for a year and I think that he could take it to the next level if he had his own coffee Brin and we just all really

Leaned into it and then I’ve got two more gifts first gift is one that’s from both of us Michael because we both agree to Aaron Wiggins I’m giving him more minutes you’re you’re preaching to the choir we are the two people if there are two Aaron Wiggins fans left in the world

It’s you and I it’s like the the joke and um Arrested Development there are dozens of us dozens I tell you who are still counting on Aaron Wiggins to save basketball and just all jokes aside I think we’d all like to see Aaron Wings get more minutes there’s hardly ever a

Time where you can think and just see minutes where you’re like man that was a mistake why did they play him but you can count countless times where he’s gotten in and been really effective and help flip some games so more Aaron Wiggins you will never hear any issues

Or you’ll never hear me complaining about that and then my last gift I’m gonna give out today I’m gonna give Jay dub and Jay will the ability to host an episode of lock down Thunder because they have been discussing the potential of hting a podcast but sources have said

That it’s fallen through a bit I want to give them the ability to just plop in record the show and then um and then boom we all we all get the benefit from it so I do want to hear Jay will J duod and I uh I’m

Offering up lock down Thunder as the as the vessel to do that for them for Christmas that’s just very honorable of you it’s a kind of an araban B of podcast is what you’re throwing out there which Jaylen Williams are you letting host it though like they’re

Co-hosting it but who’s running the show here running the show I’m gonna let if we want like an actual like good flowing professional pod I’m letting jayw will run the show Jay will little bit more the adult in the room little bit more straight and nrow while

Being sneaky funny like jayw was really funny if we want it more of a zany like oh wacky pod I’m gonna go wacky pod jayd duub so you know that’s the beauty of the Jay will Jay dub pod the the the killer Jays on the mic is that they can

Give you the variety of if you want zany or if you want Sirius me personally I’d have Jay will host it because I think that Jay will can surprise you I think that we give a lot of credit to jdub rightfully so for being like the

The funny one and the the outgoing one jayw will can really surprise people so I’m gonna put him in the host chair uh and then let jayd riff off of that not selling your stock on Jay will hosting a podcast I see yeah dub is funny they’re

Both funny guys but I’m I’m with you you got some more role player qualities out of Jay will I think that makes a better host better distributor of some of these things and just you can’t get over the smile and stuff so I know we we can talk

About this uh at linked I just what one last thing is kenri Williams get a guest appearance we get Williams kenri Williams is always welcome on their pod I’m gonna speak for them on their pod and also on my pod so they’re both always welcome on E on every pod so

That’s going to be a lot of fun uh I couldn’t think of a gift for Mark other than like better music taste like let’s let’s let’s evolve past Bruce Springstein a little bit like not saying to never listen to him again Mark but like let’s let’s add something to the

Repertoire or at least let us in more because I I refuse to believe and I’m sorry to Mark I’m sorry to Matt and everyone else in the world who loves Bruce Springstein I refuse to believe that they spend every waking moment that they’re listening to music listening to

And can you tell me the United States of America like that’s what are we doing that’s like that’s your Peak music that’s your Peak that’s what you L do no matter what can we throw some Grateful Dead in there can we throw can we throw a little uh little Elvis in there little

Uh little anything I can’t wait for that part to get clipped of you singing like Bruce Springsteen but yeah another gift remark I’ll give him like a monacle or some glasses or contact so he doesn’t have to squint as much maybe that’s about it fair enough I I think at this point

That’s part of a shtick though yeah well it’s not part of a shtick that he doesn’t like anything newer and he just likes older music no that’s true that’s true this shtick though is the one that like I mean are we serious with Bruce Springstein good good artist again I

Don’t want to become a Bruce Springstein like hater because that’d be such a weird thing to uh uh to be a hater of but like let us in a little more let us in a little more than just uh than just in my hometown I like to play

Basketball I think that we can do better and you’d never stand anything that’s very Niche or very unpopular I know you you’d never do that no players no teams nothing so of course not no and I I think that I I would like a I would like

A gift for Mark to be that he has to come and listen to the Grateful dad with me specifically we just hang out if we we hung out just guys being dudes just guys being dudes listen to the Grateful dad I mean what what could be better than that in

Life really I think a lot of the world’s problems could be solved if if guys were just dudes in a room listen to the dead you know but we’ll get more into uh the holiday spirit when okay I’ll tell you what push me over the edge though speaking of the holiday spirit whenever

I asked him his favorite Christmas song and he gives me some youtubed version of Blue Christmas from Bruce Springsteen no offense to Bruce Springsteen but if you if you’re if you’re going to love the song Blue Christmas I do too is my number one favorite Christmas song the Elvis version’s right there a

Blue Christmas without you all right folks you’re really The Wack J dub of these podcasts but I appreciate you and Mark for committing to the bit oh yeah me and Mark we if there’s one thing we can do together that we are like even with it’s

Committing to bits we big bit guys I feel like I feel like Mark appreciates my bits even as well moving on with uh more holiday trivia and everything we’re going to talk about that coming up but first want to say right now but good friends over at betterhelp betterhelp is

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Memories let’s start with the NBA and then you can tell us uh if you feel comfortable some uh other life memories she just really enjoy about Christmas Michael what is your number one favorite memory when you think basketball in Christmas that is a great question um geeez the first one that

Came to my mind is Russell Wester getting a triple double in um Madison Square Garden I think it was the first one like since Wilt Chamberlain where a guy got a triple double on Christmas but that’s just off the top of my head but I

Remember Russ had the um KC um Jordan 10 pees for that game or might have been the 10 or the the fours no it was the threes 10 or threes but bald out in that one and it was a early signs of what to come as the new triple double King in

Oklahoma City yeah that is absolutely On My Le he was mopping the floor literally and figuratively in MSG that was a fantastic moment uh for me I’ll give you another one for me was uh D Rose the comeback against the Lakers was awesome uh the Cavs Warriors 2016 when the Cavs

Went by one that was spectacular uh if you have another one you can jump in but I also really enjoyed that Thunder Rockets game in 2017 if you remember the the game where they won 112 107 and at the end of it Russell Westbrook is like playing defense and like that’s like

That’s like the biggest talking point on Thunder Twitter that night it was it was that was the uh was like the 530 tip off I believe or four third tip off and so it didn’t end until like seven on Christmas night and so every Thunder F in in America is ending their Christmas

Night raving about did you see how locked in Russ looked on defense for the last three possessions and oh my goodness this looks so awesome uh and then we know what happened the rest of the season but uh that was another really really cool moment for me I I’ll

Throw out um the lob in from in LA with Miami when it was D way to LeBron and those like the shirt jerseys I think they were all white that year no they had all red the Lakers were in all white which is that type of stuff and then the

Yearly tradition I think you broke it last year of Steph Curry just not being good on Christmas it it’s a weird thing but Christmas basketball is always fun because you get all the eyes on that I know we’ll get some football games this year it feels like they’re kind of

Trying to encroach on that territory but basketball Christmas stuff is fun it it’s going to be fun once we get basketball and Oklahoma City on Christmas once again and I think that we’re gonna get basketball on Christmas in Oklahoma City once again next Christmas I think this is the last

Christmas where you can really enjoy it uh without the thunder on television without the Thunder uh you know making us work or anything would you agree that like next year is the step or is it a little bit pre too premature I think next year’s the step

Uh you have a lot of teams aging out but some teams are going to move in some are going to move out I mean you have the Knicks are going to play on Christmas I would guess the Lakers are going to play on Christmas but like Minnesota’s gonna

Have to move in at some point they’re fun they’re top of the West so let’s just run through it in the west you’ll have Dallas Minnesota the Lakers Denver so I don’t know how many slots there are but I think that they will try to get the

Thunder in if they can uh but I’m more interested in who you want to see them play yeah so feasibly like logistically I think that you’re right of like they the Thunder get fit in easier because of where they’re at logistically of they’re in Denver’s division so like they’re the

NBA is going to need a 930 tip and Denver or Phoenix or a team like that is the easiest 9:30 tip to put out there because even though the Lakers do play on the west coast I know where LA’s at they’re not going to put the Lakers at

9:30 on Chris the Lakers are going to get one of those Prime spots if either playing at three or playing at seven they’re going to get one of those Prime spots so that is a quote unquote waste so to say of a West Coast team and so

The Thunder being able to play Denver multiple times in the season of course and all that all that goes in leg just toally the scheduling Denver uh and Phoenix and stuff that helps them however who I would pick just like just throwing throwing opponents out there

One would be Dallas I think that the Dallas games are always fun you’re going to have Luca on Christmas day so you can throw Luca and OKC together uh in a Christmas Day matchup if you want to get really zany and really wacky the Pacers with like Halle Burton

Vers Shay and like how up and down both teams love to play that could be a 200 to you know 95 game that’d be that’d be a lot of fun I think so those are the two that instantly jumped out to me is there a juicier matchup that that I’m

Leaving on the bone here for this potential Christmas Day return I think the two in their division with Minnesota and Denver could be really interesting I like the Mavs that was another one of my choices and then um who knows how rapidly they’ll improve but Victor chat

On Christmas it’s hard to beat and then my NBA nerd pick is out east and that is the Orlando Magic who I think is just one one of the more fun teams in the league but you caught my attention with Indiana that wasn’t a team I considered

But there are a lot of great options and um I think Thunder fans all over are gonna be happy no matter who they play as long as they get to play on Christmas yeah I think they will play on Christmas and I do think it it would be like

Denver or maybe a phoenix because of like we said logistically the Thunder are one of the teams that can play late and and can and even can they can start their home games late if it was going to be a game in OKC I would imagine that

This initial season will be would be a road Christmas Day game but you never know like thunder uh you know could be so good in the NBA could always surprise you but either way I would be I’d be fairly shocked if we get to August and the schedule comes out and there’s no

Christmas Day game for the Thunder I think that this is the last year of a Christmas Hiatus and that in of itself is pretty impressive and I think that that can jumpboard the conversation of where the Thunder at right now of like they’re not only good but they’re

Like they’re like insanely good of there’s other good teams who don’t get to play on Christmas and you went through an whole era where like you were a you were a sit down at the table you knew they were going to play on Christmas type of ERA with KD and Russ

In them and even that is rejuvenating again like you’re not only good but you have some of the most exciting young players in the sport that the sport wants to Showcase and is going to want to once again like clockwork put on their grand stages they have a few grand

Stages every year like Christmas like MLK there where everybody’s at home and and it’s just basketball on and fellowship and everything else like they have these these Marquee days where they have to own the TV market and part of owning the TV Market is putting a team

From Oklahoma City on there again which is pretty special yeah you want to advertise your young and upcoming teams that are going to be you know uh one of the main storylines of the league for a very long time and like you mentioned about how lucky we have been in Oklahoma

City to get all these Christmas games I don’t know how long it goes back where they’ve been playing these games but there are certain franchise who haven’t had a game ever or in 15 years or something like Charlotte I I doubt they’ve had a game I doubt Detroit has

Had a game in a long time I doubt that Atlanta or Utah or maybe Portland did a few years ago with Dame and like that late um hour shift but it’s it’s very very cool to play on Christmas and it might be something that’s a trend for

The Thunder going forward but I think being without it for the last couple years and now getting it back I think will make fans be a little bit more grateful to have it back in because it is it is one of those cool things of being showcased this is the NBA’s

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Our good friends over at lockon NBA we’re back on lockon ther podcast and lockon podcast Network your teams every day thank you so much for making us your first listen every single morning every single day we’re here for you Z and Thunder basketball Michael it’s build the perfect Christmas my song

I’ve already let it out the bag Blue Christmas by Elvis what is your number one Christmas song that’s a great question all the ones I’m thinking of are not very serious right now I’ll just go dreaming of a white Christmas I think that’s That’s a classic one okay that’s

A classic wa were you thinking of Grandma got ran over by a reindeer or what no not that it’s more like pop of like new ones now and it’s just because I saw it like Tik Tok or something like that but I I’ll go with the classics I

Mean those are the ones that really hit you deep more than the ones that might have a little bit more of a of a beat to him okay I I respect that my movie was also let out of the bag Christmas vacation was my favorite movie what is

Yours I’ll go with elf I mean you want to laugh for Christmas you w to have the the story of Christmas you want to have all these things and elf is just the perfect one where it can hit the kids it can hit the adults it’s it’s a fun time

All around uh can’t get over can’t do much better than will frell it’s been a staple in the Martin Family household so it holds a special place in my heart I’m going to go with elf I like that I like that now this is going to be a trifecta

You get a treat you get to drink and you get an activity my treat I think fudge is like the best thing to have in the Christmas baking scene fudge my drink is going to be hot chocolate my activity is going to be go to look at

Christmas lights like I think that that is awesome I I still enjoy it even though yes they’re just lights I still enjoy it what would be your Trifecta drink treat activity drink I’ll go with hot chocolate which the Thunder have been nice enough to give to us at these

Games which has been very very nice of them activity I’ll go with sledding I mean we don’t get a lot of snow here but when we do it’s it can be fun for a few days of going sledding you just get to go uh be dumb and act like a kid and go

Down on these slides you can do it you can body surf it down you can use like a trash can lid I don’t know how expensive we’re going here sledding wise and then as far as treat I’m not a candy cane guy like JB was in the other press conference room

The other day but I like the candy canes that are like candy flavored like Sweet Tarts and other things but I don’t like the traditional cinnamon that makes sense okay fair enough no no Peppermint for you but you do like the the Jolly Rancher canes and things like that

Michael this has been a lot of fun the Thunder clearly have been on the nice list for the NBA how legit are they moving forward how how how how good is this Thunder team we we can talk a lot about how good their future you know

Prospects are but this team how good is it I think they’re very very solid I mean I was looking up their record earlier and this is a stat that I’m going to put out later is the only other time that they’ve gone 17 and eight or better they’ve gone to the Conference

Finals I think three times the finals once and then they’ve had a first round exit once and a second round exit once so they are on good Pace I think a lot of it’s going to be matchup dependent where knocking on wood and just assuming

Good health but the ceiling is a in a perfect bracket where you get all the right matchups I think is the Conference Finals but I think this is a team that at a minimum is going to compete and push whoever they play in the first

Round to six or seven games at a minimum that would be fantastic to see the Thunder get their first playoff series win since the Kevin Durant left Michael Ian into this Thunder team again health permitting duh is a home court advantage team even in the tough Wasington

Conference are you there yet are you where are you like hey this is a top four team in the west already I think so I mean I think that they have a healthier track record you knock on wood like we talked about and I think there are also just teams under

Them that just don’t really care about homec court all that much you have your clippers your sons and other ones Denver’s kind of coasting Sacramento’s trying really hard then you have a lot of teams in limbo so who knows I mean any of these teams are just an ankle

Turn away from a really bad stretch over the next 10 games but I really like what they’re doing and it feels some like something they can that’s very repeatable especially with the rim protection with Chad and then offensively if you have Shay you’re gonna be fine so as long as those guys

Are on the floor and playing I have a lot of confidence in them and they have a pretty nice U cushion and margin for error with this great start which is not traditionally what we see in Oklahoma City where you get to the second half of

The schedule and you’re like a lot of things have to break right this time you have a little bit more grace yeah especially for a January stretch that’s going to have some back Tob backs and a lot of crammed n to it Michael let them know where they can find you what a

Great Christmas pod this was uh I’m sure that no one will be offended by Bruce Springsteen singing But Michael let them know where they can find all your stuff true meaning of Christmas right here I I think that you should replace your favorite Christmas movie with just watching this every year that’s

Personally what I will be doing but you can find my stuff at Michael on sports on Twitter I work for sellout as uh Ryan mentioned um I have a podcast coming out soon with John Hammer we talked about some big trade deals including Lorie Markin and Kyle kman others just kind of

Debating from which side if it would work if it would not work so if you’re into trades and you’re talking about the Thunder’s assets that’ll be coming out soon um I don’t know when this will be a release but maybe Thursday or Friday of this week the 21st or 22nd that’ll come

Out you can go listen to that right now and enjoy the rest of your Christmas folks and until then thank you Michael for joining us and be good and be good to one another

The Oklahoma City Thunder have been lucky enough to play on Christmas a lot throughout their franchise’s history. Favorite NBA Christmas memories? The OKC Thunder will return to the Christmas stage next year; who is the dream Thunder matchup? Handing out gifts to the Oklahoma City roster: Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Chet Holmgren, Mark Daigneault, Jalen Williams, Jaylin Williams, Aaron Wiggins, Kenrich Williams, and more! Plus, best Christmas Day ever.

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  1. The Thunder are a budding Dynasty if they can get the right mix of role players around their big 3 of SGA, J-dub and Chet….an MVP, a versatile big man suitable for the modern NBA and a dynamic forward….
    They need more size at wing ala a Finney-Smith, a traditional bruising big man like Steven Adams to back up Chet and a specialist dead-eye shooter for critical offensive sets during playoffs like Seth Curry……. All gettable options
    They need more physicality across the board … They can all take a bit of cue from Lu Dort ….
    Loving watching this team ….kudos to Presti and the ownership to persevere thru the dark days after KD left the heartbroken franchise high and dry

  2. Merry christmas Thunder up! We're going straight to the 2nd round of the playoffs baby on top of the world. Watching the team develop is so much fun no outcome can be a unsuccessful season! ⚡

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