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Knicks Making Moves… SNEAKY Big Man Signing For New York | Knicks News

Knicks Making Moves… SNEAKY Big Man Signing For New York | Knicks News

Mitchell Robinson missing the rest of the season leaves a big void for the Nicks starting 5 and the Knicks team as a whole but yesterday Knicks had a sneaky big man signing that might help out for the rest of the season all that and much more on the Nick digest what’s

Up guys it’s your boy Dariel from Nick digest and before I move on to today’s video want to wish everybody a happy holidays Merry Christmas Hanukkah K quano whatever whatever holiday you celebrate happy holidays but moving on to today’s video like I said in the beginning the Knicks had a had a signing

Where they signed a big man dimitrio scapin sorry if I’m not pronouncing that right they signed him yesterday to a two-way contract now the big man is 25 years old uh currently he’s averaging 5.9 points 4.3 rebounds 1.7 assists and 1.2 blocks in the 13 games this season

For the Westchester Knicks he was also a part of the he was also a part of the championship team that won the g-league uh winter showcase cup averaging 8.4 points 6.1 rebounds and 1.7 assists in the 27 games which he started eight of them last season season as a member of

The Westchester Knicks now during the 2022 2023 g-league show showcase cup he registered 4.3 points 4.1 rebounds he played over 14 minutes in 15 games and in in three of the games three of those games he started he appeared in five games for the uh for the summer league

In the Vegas where he averaged 7.4 points 6.6 rebounds 2.6 assist and 1.8 blocks over 17 minutes now I’ve also watched a YouTube video on dmitro um and just some takeaways um big man very he’s agile um ambidextrious nice little uh back to the back to the basket uh type

Game um he has a nice little mid-range um when I say he could put the ball on the floor I’m not saying that he has handles like Kyrie Irving but if you do need him to go get a bucket I wouldn’t depend on it but he would be

Able to do it now obviously the Knicks are signing demitro because as far as big man on Nick we are in dire need Taj Gibson is the second big man on the team and he’s getting rotational minutes now at 38 years old Taj Gibson is a great

Player he’s a great veteran but if we’re depending him if we’re depending on him for minutes we’re in a little bit of a trouble so now that Mitchell Robinson has been out and for the rest of the season Isaiah hardenstein has moved up into the starting five and of course

Jericho Sims was the starter but Jericho Sims is spraying his ankle he’s going to be out for about the two to three weeks so now Isaiah hardenstein is is moving into the starting lineup Taj Gibson is going to be the B the big man coming off

The bench so before we signed demitro we only had two big men but now that we signed demitro we’re going to have three big man demitro is going to be the third string big man at least at this point we just need bodies we just need bodies on

The bench and on the team we can’t have Julius Rand sliding into the center position that’s just that’s just going to mess up all the rotations that’s just going to mess up the the the flow of the game and Julius Randle he’s he’s our only Power Forward on the team so if we

Slide him into the center spot who we’re going to have playing power forward and then Julius Rand is going to be mismatched he’s going to he’s going to get fouls calling him and he’s going to be taken out of the game so we at this

Point like I just said we need bodies on the team now what I do want to focus on I do want to focus on a video that my guy Chris Shout Out Chris happy holidays uh my guy Chris put out a a few days ago talking about free agents big man free

Agents that are around roaming that the Knicks can look into so in the video Chris came up with a few names we talking about Blake Griffin Frank Kaminsky Willie ernan Gomez uh gorgi Yang Dwayne deadmond Myers Leonard Willie KY Stein now amongst all these names uh people might gravitate towards

Willie ernand Gomez because he was a former Nick played for Coach tibs he knows the rotations he knows the substitution patterns he he just knows the flow that coach tis likes to coach but one name that actually I gravitated towards is Willie colly Stein Willie colly Stein unfortunately has never been

Able to really find a great situation when he was in the league he was with Sacramento I believe he played for Dallas last season or two seasons ago and I’m not sure if it was because of the expect expectations put on him I believe he was drafted sixth when he was

In the NBA draft coming out of Kentucky obviously when you’re in Kentucky you get all the hype John calip Perry and he was he was part of the team where Kentucky was just always they were expected to make a deep National run going to the final four winning a

Championship so whenever you have that hypee coming into the league you you have a little bit of pressure seeing if you’re going to pan out um but Willie colly Stein is interesting because he’s 7 foot athletic agile could definitely get up and down the floor now if you if

You’re looking for him to if you’re expecting him to give you buckets and to help on the offensive end that’s not Willie colly Stein’s game Willie Colin’s game is actually a defensive I don’t want to say an anchor but he could definitely add to your defensive um

Unit he’s athletic enough to be able to move his feet and he is he’s not afraid to go up for blocks and as far as right now what we need we just need bodies in order to help Isaiah hardstein and Taj Gibson not feel completely spent because with the signing of

Demitro and if we get another big man then we’re not going to put all this pressure on Haren Stein and Taj Gibson so we need more bodies that are able to just come into the game and if they have an effect that’ll be the charity on top

But if they just but if they come into the game do their job that’s all we need them to do we’re not expecting them to to have a Jeremy ly type of Ascension which is that was an anomaly Nicks fans we’re still crying over that we still

Wanted him to stay but as far as assigning a big man we just need someone to just to be stable give us good minutes whenever they come in box out get rebounds um if you’re able if hustle points if you’re able to make a great impact on the team that’ll be a chef’s

Kiss other names that my guy Chris threw out uh Myers Leonard uh Dwayne Denman uh Frank Kaminsky Blake Griffin I mean as far as other names Myers Leonard does uh does I gravitate towards him Dwayne dond uh Dwayne dond last season played with the Miami Heat but I heard there was

Some off thee court issues with Dwayne dond so I’m not sure if he might be the best option he might have stuff going on off the court that might be affecting him um his ability to play on the court uh Myers Leonard a few seasons ago he was

On a live stream and he said some not so nice things and that’s kind of hindered his careers to coming back uh to the NBA so I don’t know if he has all that stuff figured out um but if he hasn’t we don’t really want to bring that kind of energy

Into the team so honestly man it’s not a it’s not a it’s not a long list as far as free agent big men that are out there that we can sign uh Blake Griffin like he’s undiz Frank Kaminsky no I’m sorry Frank kinsky you you were an NBA player

I respect that but as far as like coming into the team and maybe having a certain type of impact I’m not sure Frank K is going to be able to to meet that of course we have the option of trading um the trade deadline is coming up um the

Last few days I’ve been listening to different podcasts and a couple different names have come up um Andre Drummond has come up now I’m not sure exactly what the contracts are looking like um I’m not sure for how much money he signed for how long um all I know is

I’m just talking about the talent itself again if if you’re in the comments killing me about the contracts and how are we going to trade for Andre Drummond when the contracts don’t even match up again the contract stuff I don’t know I am just talking about this the ey test

I’m old school I go with the ey test as far as Andre Drummond if we’re able to get Andre Drummond Andre Drummond would be able to give us what we need he is a good enough rotational player that we can depend on for rebounds for blocks giving us good minutes now you can’t

Throw the ball down him on the down to him on the Block to get us a point but he’s kind of like Mitchell Robinson where he’s gonna get his points off a hustle points off of Ali yups and Andre Drummond at a time was looked at as the

Best rebounder in the league shoot he even made a couple All-Star games because of his uh rebounding prowess now if we get Andre Drummond or a big like that that’ll definitely help out the team and that’ll help us Coast up until the playoffs because honestly right now

Like I keep saying we just need bodies and we just need to be able to get to the playoffs because with this type of Team Jaylen Brunson and his type of talent Julius Randall um with the way he’s playing this season we just need this team to get to the playoffs and

Then we could we need to see what we can do in the playoffs but if we don’t have a sufficient amount of bodies specifically big men that are going to help that are gonna help lower the load for Julius Rano for Isaiah hardenstein then by the time we get to the playoffs

Those guys are going to be spent those guys are going to be white so if we could get bodies if we could get rotational players just to help out with that then I think we have a really good chance now that’s it for today’s video

Guys but before I sign off I want to wish demitro all the all the luck in the world um playing in the G league for a while and if you get that call up I never been in the NBA so I can only imagine what he’s going through getting

The call up to come to the Knicks so man just do your thing and what whatever minutes whatever opportunities you get just go out there and if if we Nicks fans if we see you get minutes and we see you playing hard we’re going to root

For you no matter what so you got all of our luck on this side from Nick’s digest but until next time guys we’ll check you on the next video happy holidays and peace

Knicks have signed Dmytro Skapintsev to a two way contract and Dariel Concha breaks it all down!

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  1. We don't need that. He's a bomb. I want you to minimize someone leaves a bomb. Why would they go get somebody right that go get somebody that got his experience that could help us right now. Cause you know, Tom tibbitals not gonna play Bottom one.

  2. Me I like Day'ron Sharpe and there's been talk of Mikal Bridges we can make a trade with Bumland finally I say it would take draft capital but would Brooklyn make a trade with New York

  3. Any body we get to play center under Tibbs is only going to play D, and rebound you see what Hardenstien does now . He doesn't look to shoot any more

  4. You have to be kidding me, the Knicks haveore assets than most teams and you mean to tell me they can't get their act together and get a decent center?

  5. This channel is utter garbage. Y’all just say anything I swear 😂. “Sneaky” signing that won’t even play big minutes 💀

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