@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers put up a season high 37 assists last night. What stood out on that end to you last night?

Lakers put up a season high 37 assists last night. What stood out on that end to you last night?

by Small_Pollution4140


  1. nottherealstanlee

    Ball movement was actually pretty nice. We were running super simple offense so it was pretty easy to pass without dribbling. Good to see

  2. Callecian_427

    A lot more movement on offense. If you’re going to run a 5-out then you have to move to get open and share the ball. They got into their offense quicker and made the extra pass all night. Anything to create the illusion of a fast break in the halfcourt.

    Shoutout to Cam for turning defense into offense with 7 assists

  3. ProblematicAndCrazy

    AD’s passing combined with the Lakers actually cutting off ball

    Turns out when you move without the ball you get good shots! Go figure! Maybe Darvin Ham can learn from this and…ya know…actually keep doing it

  4. Everyone was constantly cutting instead of waiting in the corner. Even AD was able to pass off the double team. It was nice to see.

  5. blacPanther55

    AD was bringing the ball up more himself and initiating the offense I like that. Him as a roll man should still be used extensively but I like him initiating more.

  6. Big_Treat8987

    Cam making plays at the forward position is a great sign.

    If he can find away to get like 4 assists a game and play solid D that would be huge for us

  7. BaullahBaullah87

    Hitting 15 threes first off…then the effort and ball movement. Pretty simple

  8. BrainEuphoria

    Cam Reddish and AD each at 7 assists in the same game in addition to Reaves’ 9 and Bron’s 7. This team is fine without DLo.

    The ball movement was pretty good. The lakers offense stalled towards the end of the third and we need to find a way to fix that. We need to find a solution for when a team starts playing zone from the wire.

  9. This team comes to play when they have something to really play for.

  10. Was concerned with Austin only getting 10 first half minutes. Glad to see he finished with 28 minutes, but I would prefer a bit more balance and closer to 30-32. Hard to get anything going in two 5-minute runs in the first half.

  11. ValuableAssociate8

    Everybody played with a purpose, a fire under them like they were trying to win. D Lo does not come out ready to play as a starter. Glad Ham and crew finally realized that last night.

  12. LakerGiraffe

    Nothing. Guys just made more shots which gives the passer an assist.

  13. LartanSpazer

    My thoughts:
    More ball movement-> more spacing-> more opportunities for good 3ball looks-> more open lanes for our slashers which is where we thrive

    •Cam is the X factor for whatever lineup he’s with if he’s dialed in.
    •Reeves is in the top grouping in the league for secondary playmakers.
    •At least 1 of Rui/Reeves needs to be on the floor with LeBron (Honestly this is 1a win condition for us with the other being feed AD)
    •We are fine talent and piece wise except for a second big, we desperately need one.
    •When the offense is humming and people are buying in on defense Lakers are a legitimate threat as a unit as we see with these assist numbers
    •There are still 52 games left in order to establish lineup rhythm and chemistry. We got this!!

  14. roakmamba

    The ball movement was fucking crazy. Touch passes and trying to find the best play until the fourth when they got hit with zone a bit. This is how they should run their offense, no 30 dribbles and one screen.

  15. eatallday

    Everyone have mentioned it but ball movement was really good. They also looked for AD a lot and AD was good at passing out when he was doubled

  16. BritzlBen

    Our role players got a lot better looks with us running more inside out action with AD post-ups and LeBron rim pressure rather than spamming 5 out pick and rolls with our guards and 3 people standing still on the 3 point line.

  17. CabbageStockExchange

    Team was committed and played with more intensity. That’s good. Can this team sustain it?

  18. hungrywantmooshoo

    It’s because they doubled AD on catch. AD makes the pass to the cutter, cutter then finishes or passes to low man. This will not be the norm, just a product of how okc defended AD

  19. theseustheminotaur

    Way more ball movement. Guys were swinging it back and forth multiple times. It looked crisp out there

  20. imironman2018

    One thing that I wish the lakers address is get a serviceable big man. AD played every single minute of the second half because none of our other backup bigs are decent. We can’t burn out AD this early.

  21. SlowlygettingtoFIRE

    Cam had fcking 7 assists, if he is doing a decent job of facilitating, idm at all

  22. hlfbldprnc

    Ah now HAM does get credit for the system

    Maybe the porblem really was the player’s effort but hia system was actually good for the talent of this team

    Ahh, the Darcin hate indeed

  23. shootinjack

    Lebron made every shot that’s what stood out to me

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