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NBA Picks Today 12/23/2023 | FREE NBA Best Bets, Predictions, and Player Props

NBA Picks Today 12/23/2023 | FREE NBA Best Bets, Predictions, and Player Props

All right YouTube how you doing welcome back to the channel it is Saturday December 23rd and we have a million NBA games to jump into in today’s video like we always do we’re going to go through each and every one of these games I’m going to give you my lean on the spread

I’ll give you my lean on the total we’ll talk about the games but all of my final plays so I’m actually rolling with myself those will be in the pinned comments so make sure to keep an eye on that yesterday fadal day okay yesterday we go

1 and three here uh tough to see that we have the Nets and Nuggets under that one doesn’t cash we have canabus cwell Pope over 12 and a half P he has barely any points he finishes at 12 so it was a good read you obviously expect him to

Drop a couple more buckets and he does um but nonetheless still an L right and then the Hawks money line if you watch yesterday video that’s kind of like if you know you know type of a thing cuz I said I was crazy for taking it but uh

Something just clicked in my dumb brain and I was like all right let’s roll with it uh that was also a loss but then dejonte Mari over 22 and a half here points and rebounds he comes through has a good night my favorite play of the

Night hits does it matter no because we put a unit on all of these so nonetheless one and three night the Guppies go ahead have your way be be uh be all happy and high and mighty about it Guppies thinking they’re sharks but um in terms of our ride of the day it

Doesn’t get any better Devonte has ride of the day here Spencer dwy s and a half assist now I like the plus money here plus 124 didn’t really’ hit this a few times um as of late but yesterday just not his night Spencer dwy has a bad bad night and

Speaking of dwy here he was the uh you know so unfortunately was uh sort of the product of what ruined our um uh what ruined our prize pick slip that we made on the live stream yesterday look at that we go four five this was collaborative right um seaka Murray

Harris and bogdanovich all cash look at that dwy square that is that is very very tough but guys if you want to sign up for prize make sure to use that link in the pin comment you get a Kevin Durant free square right now and you get

Your deposit match so go check out prize picks but back to the ride of the day here uh if you guys do want to be the ride of the day all you got to use is that hashtag ride of the day in the comments give me an absolute Banger of a

Pick we’re jumping on board with one person’s pick and I’m giving you a shout out in the next video win or loss so go ahead and drop those ride of the day hashtag R of the day you got to use the hashtag in the comments I’m also posting

It on my ex make sure to follow me there I’m following everyone back but uh yeah Devonte shout out to you I like the spot for Plus money didn’t we just has one of the worst games he’s had all year let’s dive into this late guys we might go

Through it fairly fairly fast um we’re planning on going live again at some point later today cuz man these Le these recent live streams have been awesome you guys have been killing it uh in terms of engaging in the comments and whatnot um I think we peaked at just

Over 200 people in there last night which is awesome so shout out to you guys but yeah we’ll probably do that again we might go through these games kind of quick here because look at the size of that slate um but nonetheless like I said we might get more context

And and throw out some more player props in a stream later we’ll see uh no promises but let’s get into it Nicks taking on the Bucks here this is a weird one because I would say the bucks um have been just playing unbelievable basketball right and the Knicks are kind

Of up and down they’re not really like firing on all cylinders but that being said this is a uh preview of what’s to come on Christmas and I would say the Bucks are probably more geared up for a Christmas Day type game than this one

And the fact that this is a two point 2 and a half point spread tells me a lot about this game so I think that uh the books obviously think this is a close game um I would say that this Knicks team you know hasn’t really had I think they’ve lost like eight

Straight to Milwaukee too uh but this line is the lowest line that they’ve had in uh quite some time here too so I’m going to lean towards the Knicks plus the two and a half again I don’t think that this becomes a final Play Just Because Milwaukee is the better team um

Giannis is on the injury report too so would it surprise us if it’s like oh Giannis doesn’t play but he’s going to play Christmas maybe maybe not um that obviously could be a thing that’s swinging the line here too but yeah this line being at 2 and a half tells me that

Uh the books think this is a close game and and there’s a reason for that so I’ll take the home dog the Knicks plus 2 and a half again do I want to bet against Milwaukee probably not but that is the way we’re going to lean in terms

Of this game in terms of a total here 244 if the Knicks are going to keep this game close I think that they slow the tempo down and the defense plays well so I’m going to lean towards the under 244 but again and I hate to start the video

Off of the game that I’m like I don’t think this makes its way into the final plays but that is the truth because when you think about it like this Milwaukee can score 140 themselves and it’s like well if they have one of those Knights

Then this under is shot right so I don’t know if if it’s worth also betting against Milwaukee in terms of an over under but nonetheless guys I lean towards the Knicks and the under um it’s it’s it’s really those are pass for me in this game all right next up we have

The Clippers taking on the Celtics here Jason Tatum’s question well christops porzingis already ruled out obviously the Celtics um I would say pretty decent game on Christmas going up against the Lakers so they may be already thinking about that but they’re playing the Clippers tonight Clippers been playing

Good basketball now they lost to OKC but prior to that they had won nine games um and they had covered in I believe seven of those nine so they had been playing good basketball I’m not ready to jump off that bandwagon in terms of them playing good basketball yet and I’m a

Big Celtics fan but what I’ll tell you is much like the game we just looked at that point spread being only one and a half now I know no porzingis but Kawai and Jason Tatum both questionable here so that should cancel each other out in

Terms of line making uh the fact that is such a a small line and the the Clippers are home dogs I don’t hate that spot now I am biased I never bet against my boss in Celtics so call me bias idiot dummy betting with my heart that type of thing

But um I’m I’m fine to lean against them right like I think this could be a game that the Clippers either win outright or obviously keep that one and a half point so um I’ll take the Clippers in terms of my lean uh in terms of a total 230 I

Think that that’s way too low this is a Clippers team like I said has been playing some good basketball and and listen to the the points scored over their last five here um I guess I should say actually it even dates back to that so I’ll just go through their last 10

But it’s well well enough to be over this 230 in terms of them doing their half 113 111 117 so that was the you know the least recent three games you know that’s that’s we’re talking 10 games here that’s the 10 n and 8 spot but then all of a sudden it gets

Interesting 132 121 144 119 151 120 and then they score 115 against OKC which is still half of their body of work that needs to go into this over um and then the Celtics on the other hand like their offense has been cooking too uh last two

Games 126 144 points allowed 132 119 like this is Celtic scene that I say all the time too right when they are on the road that defense isn’t as good no porzingis either which he’s been a big rim protector for that team I like the

Over 230 in this spot for sure all right Pacers taking on the magic this is another weird one I I’m sorry guys that three games in it’s like the the like oh these are tricky spots but this is another one where you look at that line

And it’s like like okay are the magic coming back down to earth first off cuz obviously they’re one of the best uh against they still are but one of the best against the spread teams um this year but they’ve been dominant at home not on the road so I’m seeing Pacers

Minus one on some sports we have a one and a half on the graphic here but I think that the Pacers win this game like they’re due for a win they’ve lost five of their last six games um Orlando also has lost four straight so they’re not playing great basketball but they’ve run

Through a gauntlet Boston Boston Miami Milwaukee so if you want to make the argument that this is a good spot for Orlando fine I just don’t think they keep up with the pace of the Pacers so give me the Pacers here um some major injuries to note Jaylen Suggs on the

Injur report for Orlando you’re like oh that’s a big deal right how about this Tyrese hbert on the injury report for the Pacers so before you go jumping and saying oh one and a half maybe that’s the why that’s why that Line’s so low but uh if he plays or anything you know

Like if he’s if he’s good to go I should say um then I like the Pacers but if Tyler salber doesn’t play I don’t think that the Pacers are really worth taking especially against an Orlando team that you know is kind of due in a sense so uh

Keep an eye on the pincomb to see if we roll with anything because um I don’t mind the under in this spot how can you take a Pacers under right but if tyres halberton doesn’t play Boom huge loss to their offense and two this Orlando team uh really really doesn’t like strike me

As a a high-scoring team lately right 97 106 then 114 was their highest uh scoring output in about five games like they scored sub 105 in three of their last five games sub 115 which you would obviously need 115 from them probably to hit this over sub 115 in all of their

Last five games so you know what I mean like if if they’re going to keep that pace of play no h burden for the Pacers potentially um then I do think that’s an under even if halberton plays I don’t mind the under in this spot all right we

Got Charlotte taking on the Nuggets you got to believe that the McNuggets here are going to to win this game by more than eight points right I’ve seen some sports books bump this to nine as well so uh they’re not playing around people are buying those those nuggets minus8

Spots and uh obviously you know looking at it being like well Sports WIS don’t want to have that risk let’s move it to nine um they are in a back toback I I’ll give credit there but this the Nuggets team that they’re not that great on the road U but they won uh

They’ve won three straight games two of those were on the road they’re two they’re on a road trip right now um they played Golden State on Christmas and I will say I keep mentioning it though that’s two days away from now that could be a huge look ahead spot for any of

These teams playing on Christmas like it’s enough of the holiday spirit right now right for them to be like oh well yeah we’re playing on Christmas like it’s a thing so maybe buyers beware in terms of some of these Christmas Day matchups that are going to happen

Because um the Nuggets I can totally see well they’re on a back toback and they’re thinking about Christmas this could be the game where Charlotte somehow gets them you know what I mean but it’s not worth it’s not worth betting on Charlotte in my opinion so by

Default I’m looking at the better team in Denver here um they have no injuries really to note here on the injury report either now the total is sitting at 226 A5 it’s interesting because I think that you know Charlotte’s defense isn’t great right this Denver defense on the road

Isn’t great I like the over over 226 and a half a lot now if this turns into a blowout that would make it tough because I want Charlotte to at least contribute in this game right but I think Charlotte can give you like 110 tonight I really

Do um maybe maybe they give you even if Charlotte gives you 105 there’s a chance for this over because I don’t think that they stop Denver so I’m going to lean towards the over I probably like that more than anything in this game all right Pelicans taking on the Rockets

Here I’m just going to go and and lean towards the the backto back spot for the the the Rockets going to cost them here New Orleans little bit too big of a number here 6 and a half so I don’t think it makes it way into final plays

But I do think that they’re um you know in a good spot they’re at home rockets off a back toback big win against um Dallas so the starters barely played 20 minutes so or 30 minutes excuse me so like yeah maybe the backpack doesn’t uh really cost them but uh there’s a reason

Why this is a big number uh New Orleans being favored so I’m going to lean towards them Zion’s on the injury report obviously worth mentioning um so a lot of injuries today you know overall but yeah give me the Pelicans here minus the points terms of a total

223 I think the Pelicans actually score a lot of points today against a back-to-back defense of the Rockets So maybe this is a spot in which we look at the team total for the Pelicans we’re going to want to you know sus out the injuries but yeah maybe this is a spot

Where we look at the team total for the Pelicans because I don’t necessarily look at this and say um it’s going to be a low-scoring game but we know Houston their defense can play well which is why I think that there might be an edge in in Pelican’s point total because they

Might have some lower lines than normal right but I don’t know if the Rockets defense is going to be like stable also in a sense on a back to back back like so yeah I like I like Pelicans team total over here maybe the over in

General um but I don’t know if the Rockets offense on a back toback is really going to click either all right guys before we get into the rest of the games if you guys want to pick up some great merch and support us at the same

Time check out the fade me store we got a couple things on right now this is literally it’s a premium sweatshirt that we just launched um literally premium too and we sell it for 60 bucks that’s a high price point on our shop obviously in the world of stores and sweatshirts

It’s not that expensive but um go check out fade me. store guys uh tons of cool designs over there uh we got the don’t be a guppy T we got the guy Boston 25k T which is crazy to think they’re almost at 45k but yeah go check it out if you

Want to support us fad me. store I’ll put all that information in the pinned comment as well for your you know ease but uh yeah guys if you want to support us and and support what we’re doing here pick up some merch it’s really good stuff uh really good quality it’s not

Just some BS here’s a a crappy t-shirt let’s put a logo on it and sell it no we’re doing this the real way so go check it out guys again fad me. store all right Brooklyn taking on Detroit uh this Pistons team is just obviously pretty fitable at this point like I

Don’t think that we can look at them be like oh they can do anything cuz even to that degree of you know they’ve lost a million straight games right was it 24 or something like that which is absurd um but they’re not even covering anymore at the beginning of the year they were

Covering decent amount of games but not not really they’ve only covered two games in their last nine here um and Brooklyn’s coming off a game in which you know they they they kind of fought that game hard but ultimately you know falls short didn’t he doesn’t have a

Good game we thought he would we T we showed the prize pick slip blah blah blah though it’s a back toback I think the Nets bounc back in a decent way here one of the best teams against the spread on the season and definitely at home so

Nine and a half points may seem like a lot but it’s nothing that I’m really afraid of here whatsoever I think this is a good spot uh for Brooklyn to kind of bounce back and almost in a get right spot this Brooklyn team has lost they’ve

Lost what five games in a row like that’s pretty tough and and yeah Denver was in there twice they had the Knicks um Golden State Utah like they’ve had some tough games but this is a get right spot for Brooklyn if everyone plays it

Is a back to back um terms of a total 233 it’s really tough to look at any Detroit games and say I like the under but it’s also really tough to look at them and say like the over because they’re not contributing offensively but like I said the unders they’re not

Playing really that much defense either so this is a total here that’s 233 kind of feels like a really sharp line and pegged pretty well so I hate to kind of pass on it but I’m on the fence so I would lean slightly towards the over if

You needed something but I’m telling you transparently it’s nothing that uh really entices me all right Toronto taking on Utah I don’t mind Toronto in this spot yes they’re on a backto back um but you know that line five and a half seems pretty fair to me Toronto um

Not like they’re a world beating team but this Utah team is terrible on the road uh three and 13 on the road their last Road win was okay against Detroit like they’re getting one of those wins on the road against the worst team in the league so uh give me Toronto I think

That you know the aren’t a back toback yes they could be beaten and bruised after playing against uh the Sixers yesterday but but um I think this is a good spot against Utah on the road um marinin is questionable here so keep an eye on the pin uh keep an eye on the

Injury report for him and keep an eye on the pinc and see if we roll with this pick I really don’t hate it I think that this could be a bounce back spot for Toronto back to back or not um the total sitting at 229 and a half so I Peg Utah

As a team that obviously is going to let up a lot of points and X Y and Z Toronto on a back toback I hope that they can give you probably like one near 120 cuz that’s what it’s going to take to hit this over so I think that I’m going to

Lean I it’s a tough one um I went back and forth on this this morning already a couple times you know what I think I’ll lean towards the under assuming that you know Toronto scores you know 111 or something like that like they did last night still win by five meaning Utah

Doesn’t really come to play but I say that with like a cringe look on my face because this Utah team plays very very fast now I say all the time they’re not a very efficient team so even though they pay with play with Pace they don’t

Score a lot of buckets typically um or they’re actually SP in that type of thing too but yeah I’ll lean towards the under but hopefully you guys understand even by me saying that’s like well do I really trust it is going to make it way

Into a final Play N I like the spread side more than anything in this spot Hawks taking on the Grizzlies the Hawks got my number or something because we keep liking the Hawks in spots and then all of a sudden it’s like oh well no

This is this is bad why do we bet the Hawks right well I guess technically speaking we took them against the Rockets they cash we took them last night they didn’t so it’s not like they really have us in a choke old but uh playing Memphis tonight and Memphis

Being being uh dogs on the uh or excuse me favorites here on the road um I’ve seen this line jump all the way around earlier this morning DraftKings and fandu had the the favorite and Underdog flipped so it’s like these things are are kind of moving around this line it’s

Essentially a pick them who do you think’s going to win the game like I told you already I’m kind of waiting to see this whole jobar thing play out but it’s been it’s been it’s not been the worst look right like uh um against Indiana and New Orleans like the

Team’s looked okay when he’s playing their 2 and0 with him back so maybe Memphis is the spot here but for whatever reason I do think that this is a game in which you know Atlanta can can kind of outrun Memphis so I don’t think that I make a final play here but you

Know Atlanta on the second I have a back toback maybe they’re in a you know let’s get this right type of a spot um so yeah sign of the psycho alert alarm again we’re leaning towards Atlanta this time I’m not like all right we’re making it a final play I’m not doing that

Because because it’s Atlanta and they burned us last night but I really don’t think this is a bad spot for them the total sitting at 240 which is super super high in my opinion um obviously they Hawks are going to play Zero defense and and try to score a lot of

Points um but even last night it wasn’t really their best offensive night now that was a tough match up but I think Memphis has some defensive players that can fall into a similar bucket there so uh I’ll lean towards the under in a very very very slight way um but this offense

That we’ve seen since John Mor’s gone back has gone 115 and 116 you know what I mean like they scored 116 against the Pacers so that game stayed low scoring and slow pace and the Hawks are a b version of the pace that the Pacers play

With right so it’s like if that game didn’t run in a high-scoring clip then this one shouldn’t either all right guys before we get to the last few games of today’s slate let me talk to you about odds Jam you got to go check it out you

Got seven days free with the link in the pin comment and you can get 25% off your first month if you continue with a subscription with the code guy Boston gu y b s t o n this tool is absolutely fire like identifying the odds identifying

The best prices in the market in terms of lines or in terms of odds like you got to try it OD JM guys it’s a sports better dream in terms of what they offer if you want to mathematically dismantle Sports books that is your spot obviously if you’re looking at Trends or player

History okay a GM isn’t that spot but this makes things easy to identify outliers in the market so make sure to go check out a JM again 25% off your first month with code guy Boston you use that link in the pin comment gets 7 days

Free as well this tool is well worth it I never push anything on the Channel that I don’t use myself I’m in od Jam for like 90% of the day sometimes just looking at the best odds and best prices out there go check it out guys odds Jam

You can use that link in the P comment all right let’s go ahead and jump into the next game here we got the Bulls taking on the Cavs and and I’m not going to lie I’m kind of surprised that this line is where it is Bulls playing good

Basketball I’m not taking it away from them but five points is is is you know they they were favorite wide against San Antonio 6 and a half so now you have the Cavs team that yeah like like I get it this Cavs team is potentially in in

Disarray too like who knows what they are they’re talking trades blah blah blah but all of a sudden it’s like they’re right there with with the Spurs now um dunov Mitchell I believe is already ruled out no Garland no Moy so maybe you can make the argument that

Well yeah they should be kind of in the same ballpark as a Spurs spread without those guys um but it still just seems like a little bit too many points do I lean towards Cleveland no but I do say like I’m cautiously looking at the Bulls

Because this a Bulls team that’s been on fire I get it right they’ve won seven of last 10 they’ve covered in nine of their last 10 um but at some point the wheels do have to fall off there or I would assume that they would and maybe it’s in

This spot where you know they’re at home Cleveland’s out all of their guys like could be a spot in which they kind of get got so I’ll lean towards the Bulls but it doesn’t make its way into the final plays the total at 218 A5 is interesting to me because my numbers

That I’ve I’ve crunched the model here has this like being in the 130s or 230s excuse me so I’m looking at 218 and I’m like hm is it because of the guys that are out on the Cleveland side of things maybe um they only scored what was it

105 or something against New Orleans last game like maybe they don’t score that many points but two 28 18 and half I think I’ve seen at 25 or 27 and2 or on BET 36 216 and a half now on bet 365 shout out to odds Jam for being able to

Find the odds in lines quickly right I think I’m going to lean towards the over but sum’s off here like smells like a trap like why is that set set so low right um but you know what we’ll take a peek at it I don’t mind the over all

Right OKC taking on the Lakers now the Lakers live for Christmas Day games right so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re looking forward to that you know Anthony Davis LeBron for for sure right um and you have a Josh giddy we don’t need to talk about him and how he killed

Our PR the other night but as I battle through a burp here but Josh kid is on the injury report you know he is obviously a highly used guy on that team um I think that this is a spot in which Lakers really don’t care to come to play

They’ve lost to what four or five straight games um they lost to San Antonio the Knicks who really didn’t even play like that great at basketball Chicago who’s been hot and then they lose to Minnesota which is understandable right but I think that that Lakers team is looking right

Forward to Christmas they don’t care about this game whereas OKC is just this young hungry good basketball team right U winning three straight games they’ve covered in three strike games they’re 10 and a half Point favorites against Memphis they beat him by damn near 20 so

Give me OKC in this spot again OKC’s maybe missing giddy but you know giddy up giddy up let’s go it’s it shouldn’t be that big of a deal um especially with Anthony Davis on the injured report and honestly like so is LeBron but that is kind of a given right wouldn’t be

Surprised if you guys just don’t play like like why risk it before Christmas did did that rhyme why Christmas before Christmas so we got total sitting at 238 it’s a high number um but I don’t think OKC has any trouble scoring like I’m not I’m not taking this personally but I

Wouldn’t be surprised if OKC drops 130 on their head tonight which you know if this is sitting at 238 then I got to lean towards the over right if I think OKC is going to have that successful of an offensive Knight um you got to look

At it from from that spot I guess so yeah I’ll lean towards the over um last time they played OKC dropped 133 and that was just what a month ago month ago maybe 3 weeks ago or so so yeah I don’t mind that spot whatsoever

All right we got the Spurs taking on the Mavs you’re going to want to wait out the injury report here all those guys that missed Dallas’s game yesterday are still questionable Luca included um but the mass you know did not look like themselves they honestly haven’t been playing that great at basketball but

They had to play Denver and the Clippers and then a Houston team in which Houston’s healthy Mavs really weren’t right a lot of guys sitting out so either way I don’t necessarily think that this is a bad spot if you lean towards the Mavs but I want to I want to

S out that injury report okay before we make any sort of uh move on it now the total is where gets interesting 239 I like it I think this game could could really easily get into the the 240s um but you’re going to want some injury report updates there too but the

San Antonio team does not play uh a lick of Defense you know they’ve been letting up tons of points all year long um as long as they can contribute which that’s kind of not a given but as long as they can contribute to some degree then we

Should be looking at a game that yeah with the the pace the pace of play of the Mavericks when healthy they should be looking at a total that’s kind of in the the 240 so I don’t hate the over here do we pull the trigger well wait to

See the injury report come out all right guys if you’re still watching go ahead and drop 23 in the comments cuz you made it 23 minutes into the video appreciate the hell out of you guys but yeah drop that if you’re still uh watching now

Make sure you get those hashtag R of the days in um and I’m very excited we might go like I said live later too like we’re really we’re really building this damn thing we’re putting in the hours putting in the work um late nights early mornings all that stuff uphill both ways

Uh but it is it is great to see so I appreciate all you guys commenting and liking and subscribing for sure but we got a game to talk about here we got Golden State heavily favored minus 9 last time they played I told you Portland’s probably going to cover this

Line and they did they lose by four but they’re Sixpoint dogs um Portland on the road this year I don’t like at home I guess I should say I don’t like I don’t like them overall but when they play perimeter heavy offenses like Golden State I expect them to keep some games

Close here so um do I have the coones to make this a final play maybe maybe not okay but I don’t mind Portland catching nine points against a back-to-back Warriors team in which a Warriors team that you know they looked sharp last night but uh that they didn’t even cover

Right like like that was I guess you know they covered their closing line I think ended at like 11 which they won by 11 but for most of the day that was a 12-point spread so it’s like they should have beat up on Washington a little bit

More than they did um still a quality win I’m not really taking away from them but like they could have blown them out in a sense so I’m I’m going to I’m going to lean towards Portland here but again it’s like are we really going are we

Going to bet Portland no but the but the data is there to to kind of back that perimeter defense against perimeter heavy teams we know this the uh the Warriors Live on the perimeter so um if if Portland can play good perimeter defense this game stays close uh I don’t

Think Golden State wins by 10 so I’ll take the nine points terms of a total here 233 I guess I lean towards the under ever so slightly because it kind of fits that game script I’m talking about that yeah Golden State’s probably going to win but they don’t have the

Successful offensive outpouring right um and on a back toback maybe they’re not as as fresh right U I think what Curry played got some rest CU they started to blow them out so he got some rest I think him and Clay neither one of them hit 30 minutes last night so shouldn’t

Be that big of a deal but um regardless I do think that you know 233 is just a little bit too high all right kings taking on the Timberwolves this is probably going to be a very good game last time they played um was just about

A month ago and Minnesota or excuse me the Kings win that game 124 to 111 uh what I will say is Kings you got him on a back toback here so that’s not the best of spots in a team like Minnesota who could grind you down right so I I’ll

Get right up there and say that um but kings are playing good basketball man like they they they are I I like them yesterday against the Suns um we didn’t end up pulling the trigger on it which we did obviously but that’s been the story for the last like two

Weeks right our leans have been spot on some of these damn final plays aren’t coming through for us but yeah I’ll lean Sacramento just cuz if they keep up this this this offensive output Minnesota as good as they are defensively like they could struggle to I guess stop it so so

And and I you know I’ll be honest if you’re on the Minnesota side of things I get it and I don’t think that I’m here to talk you off of that because this should be a good game all way all the way around but um I like the Kings at

Home back toback scares me a little bit it could be the thing that doesn’t make it a final play right um starters in terms of their minutes Fox played what 33 minutes uh sabonis play 35 like these guys could have some tired legs whereas Minnesota’s coming into this a little

Bit more more fresh um but I just think the way the kings are playing right now they’re a tough team to beat even with you know the world beating defense of Minnesota coming in now the total sitting at 232 and A5 I’m going to lean

Towards the over here like I said I I think the Kings kind of get Minnesota’s number in terms of the defensive side of things so if Minnesota is not going to play that great a defense it’s going to be a game that comes down to offense and

We’ll take the over 232 and A2 here uh as well so those my leans there guys that’s going to wrap for today’s video hope you guys did enjoy if you did hit that subscribe button hit that like button um and yeah we’ll catch you guys

In the next one we might be going live later so keep an ey for that I’ll put it on the community tab if we do yeah I might be going live later having a blast doing that so go ahead and um go ahead and uh get ready for that I guess go

Ahead and get ready we’ll catch you guys in the next one all right peace out

Saturday NBA Picks for Today December 23rd 2023 (12/23/2023)! In this video I give you my lean each NBA game. Make sure to keep an eye on the *pinned comment for my final plays* (updated throughout the day).

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  1. LETS GO!

    Grab some merch:

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    – Nuggets/Hornets Over 226.5 (-110 Caesars)❌
    – Cavs/Bulls Over 215 (-110 Caesars)❌
    – Pacers ML (-145 Caesars)❌
    – Mavs -5.5 (-156 FanDuel)✅

    Ride of the Day:

    NOTE: Also have some bonus plays (PrizePicks, Sleeper, Chalkboard, etc.) posted as SHORTS, so keep an eye out!


    ✅= Win

    ❌= Loss

    🅿= Push/Postponed

    All plays 1 unit unless noted otherwise

  2. Let me guess no matter how many trash picks you give you will show up the next day to give more trash picks

    I have a solution, I’ll just pick the opposite of what you pick

  3. #rideoftheday Check this one out bro, Ja Morant under 14.5 RA is +102 on Fanduel, this number has never gone over in Ja Morant’s career against the Hawks. Tail that, we’ll be seein🤌🤌🤌

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