@Orlando Magic

Franz Wagner takes a step back to take a step forward | Magic building their foundation | Xmas 2024?

Franz Wagner takes a step back to take a step forward | Magic building their foundation | Xmas 2024?

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas today it’s time to talk about the Magic’s other allar because we’ve talked so much about Palo B Caro it’s time to dissect fron Vagner and where he has taking his steps forward plus building a foundation to get us on Christmas next

Year it’s time for locked on Magic you are locked on Magic your daily Orlando Magic podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hey you are indeed locked on Magic today is December 2th as I’m recording this and Publishing this it will be December 26 2023 soon enough my name is Philip rossik I’m the expert in sight editor over at Orlando Magic course find me on Twitter Philip

Rrd on today’s episode of lock on Magic how fron has taken a step back in order to take some steps forward will dissect fron vogner’s shooting numbers and show why he is finally doing the things a lot of magic fans been wanting him to do maybe not in exactly the way they wanted

Him to do it we’ll get to that coming up here plus we’ll talk about how the magic are building their Foundation as we look ahead to the trade deadline and why the magic should play on Christmas Day next year we’ll get to all that coming up

Here in just a moment but first we want to thank you again for making lock on Magic part of your day every day no matter when you listen to us whether it’s first in the morning whether it’s right when we upload we truly appreciate you making lockdown magic part of your

Day every day remember there’s a great lock on podcast covering every single team in the NBA to search for lock on and the team you’re looking for the lockon podcast Network it’s your team every day today’s episode of Locked on Magic is brought to you by Game Time download the

Game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase don’t forget as well the Orlando Magic take on the Washington Wizards tonight at 7 pm eastern time uh as the magic tried to get continue this win streak they they came home for

Christmas they’re out to DC today uh we’ll see if the magic can keep their strong record against sub 500 teams alive and well it can catch every play of the Orlando Magic’s Hometown broadcast with the Series XM app on the sxm app search for Magic today everyone is disappointed with fron

Vogner this season that I mean let’s be real um fron V fron is not quite been the player we all hoped he’d be and look it’s not that he’s playing poorly and I’m gonna explain why in a minute it’s it’s that he set a very high bar for

Himself and look I I’ve been sitting here saying like don’t worry about France France is going to be good France is going to be fine he and Pao banera are both going through the natural Growing Pains of players trying to figure out how to lead their teams and be stars in this league

It Ain’t Easy folks it is not easy and and these guys are so young they’re so successful already there’s a lot of work to do no doubt about it there is a lot of work for them to do and a lot more work that they are going to do as the

Year progresses as things progress for for this group and for this team but of course but of course um we all want fron to be at this super duper level and there’s no doubt about it his shot has sucked this year no matter how you slice it no matter how you bake it

Down no matter how you try to cut it up there is just not an area where fron has been more efficient this year than he was last year and yeah that’s a problem because a we know this magic team struggles offensively and now there you know one of their heaviest usage players

Is struggling to hit shots not only that we know the magic don’t have a lot of three-point shooting and so FR fron Vagner represents one of their best and most reliable three-point Shooters and he’s a sub 30% three-point shooter this year so look all of Fran’s numbers are up this

Year 20.3 points per game 5.8 rebounds per game and 3.9 assists per game that is a career season those are all career best numbers he is also having his least efficient shooting season of his career shooting 45.6% from the floor 27.4% from Beyond The Arc but with 4.8

Three-point attempts he’s made just two of his last 25 three-point attempts this season it’s a problem but I am here to tell you that just because fron has taken some steps back in these areas and look he’s not going to get much rest this summer he is

Going to play in the Olympics and luckily Germany doesn’t have to do any qualifying tournaments they’re just going they’ll just be going straight to to Paris uh for games they’re going to play the US in in an exhibition game in in in in London I believe um he’s going

To have a busy summer again whatever is causing his shot to just be flat or justes not work he’s got time to fix it and we know that he can do it but I want to point out that fron Vagner is doing a lot of the things that

Magic fans have been complaining about forever now I know I have sat here at this table and said hey I hear everyone saying fron is not getting enough shots or he’s not assertive enough in the offense and said well he’s still second on the team in field goal attempts I

Agree with you but let’s not pretend like this isn’t a small tweak and not a big one here’s the here here are the numbers though fron is shooting a career High 16 and a half field goal attempts per game that’s more than two field goals per game than he took last year

Certainly some of that is because markl folz has been out but he is doing kind of Star level production he’s got a career high 25 and a half per usage rate his free throw attempts are up 4.7 per game this year from four per game last year so again almost another extra trip

To the foul line according to tracking data from second Spectrum Vagner is averaging 12 drives per game that’s when you go from at least 20 feet to the basket to 10 feet to the basket uh According to second Spectrum that’s only that’s second on the team only behind poo bank

If you’re looking and we’re going to talk about this in a bit in a minute here if you’re looking for kind of the overall thesis of this team it’s fron and Pao driving this bus and they are B uh vogner for his credit is shooting 50.6% on these drives and scoring 8.8

Points per game off these drives that’s the most on the team by the way he’s adding 1.1 assists per game off those drives drives as well last year he was only at 10.8 drives per game and 49.7% shooting for 7.2 points per game so if there is one area that he has been

More efficient it’s been getting to the basket it’s been driving the ball and certainly you want him to do that because his three-point shot isn’t there now when you look at his overall shot profile one thing you do typically expect is as players increase their volume their efficiency goes down

They’re taking more shots there’s more opportunities for misses so Vagner is averaging six and a half field goal attempts per game in the restricted area and another 4.3 per game and the pain outside theary that means 10.8 of the 16 field goal attempts remember four of four and a half of

Those are threes are coming in the paint in fact in total 39.3% of his shots come in the restrict area and 65.3% of his shots come in the paint in general now he’s shooting shooting okay his numbers are a little bit down from last year average 5.1 field goal attempts per

Game in the restricted area shot 6 65.4% last year this year he’s shooting 61.9% so again it’s not perfect but this is the bigger takeaway I think from what we’re looking at with fron with fron voger we are seeing a player who is asserting himself a lot

More who’s getting the ball in his hands and is trying to create is trying to drive and yes he’s still trying to be a three Point threat and that obviously isn’t as good as it was last year uh and that’s an area where I think having

Marquel folz back is going to help him tremendously having a Joe Engles who passes the ball so well is going to help him tremendously at the end of the day what we’re seeing though is while these shooting numbers are down Vagner has taken some really important steps

Forward as a player as a driver as a scorer in all the exact ways that every magic fan complained about for the last two years that he wasn’t as assertive that he wasn’t as involved now there’s no doubt about it he’s using a quarter of the possessions that he’s in the game

And yes he plays with that bench group and is kind of the leader of that bench group he is a driving force for this team and that’s all you want to see now comes the challenge Ken Fran layer on top of that can he be more

Efficient can he be a better finisher at The Rim can he get to the foul line one more time per game can he can he hit those threes when they come to him can he add that mid-range can he add a mid-range game uh he doesn’t really do

Mid-range shots can he add can he be more effective from three three-point line because you know same thing with pao’s free throws if Pao hits his free throws at 70% that’s gonna add two three more points if fron starts hitting threes that’s going to add two three

More points and all of a sudden you have two guys flirting with 25 points per game instead of just 20 this is what I mean by fron taking a step forward while there are things to be concerned about in areas that he has struggled in not denying that not hiding

From it there are also undeniably places where he has taken steps forward and this is the Crux of the Magic season because the trade wheel is starting to turn the rumor mill is starting to turn and I think before we dive deep into whatever rumors might pop

Up over the next couple week over the next seven weeks before we get to the trade deadline we have to first remember what the goal of the season is we’re going to talk about the magic building their foundation and and why that is what matters coming up here in just a

Moment but first it’s time for a quick word from our friends over at eBay Motors our partners at eBay motors have teamed up with locked on Fantasy Basketball host Josh lyd to bring you some of the best fantasy picks each week all season long whether you’re prepping

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Who comes back or what changes the lineup psky is going to start and so that means opportunity that means he’s going to continue to get chances psky is certainly a player to keep an eye on another a player to keep an eye on for the Orlando Magic this week and a busy

Busy week with the with the Wizards with the Wizards uh Sixers Knicks and then heading out west to the Suns next Sunday keep an eye out on Cole Anthony Cole Anthony obviously the sixthman for this magic team while Anthony black is still starting Cole Anthony’s minutes continue

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Lockon plus our national shows covering every league go to locked on sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 24 7 streaming Channel today we are going to get into trade deadline season um the rumor Mills already starting to spin um you know I

I’ve got my writers on Orlando Magic daily eagerly writing about the trade deadline starting to pitch targets and and I’m still very much at the at the stage of like don’t pitch me fake trades yet I don’t really want to hear fake trades yet just give me targets give me

Players that might be available tell me why they fit let’s uncover some truth about the Magic’s roster before we start like really getting into the nitty-gritty and really the bottom line is this we are still seven weeks away from the trade deadline at this time of year the teams

That are ready to make moves are the ones that are panicking so I’m not saying don’t pick up the phone and if there’s a crazy deal that you have to take out there don’t take it but this is not the time you typically see deals get

Made this is the time when teams really begin to assess where their roster at what can they accomplish this season and what are their long-term needs the fact of the matter is we still have more than a month until the trade deadline takes place we’re at game 25 game 41 is

January 14th or 15 um we still have a lot of data to collect and so I would all I will caution everybody if you see a rumor out there this early it’s not that it’s not real it’s just still very very early and so you know look the magic got

Connected to tus Jones already that’s been a guy that’s been on a lot of magic fans wish list you know I I know I have mentioned Malcolm Brogden on the show as the kind of player that I would probably that I would Chase and I would Target if

I were if I were the magic I’m not saying I pulled the trigger on it deel but that’s that that’s the kind of player that I’d be going after there’s been some fresh rumors about dejonte Murray and the Atlanta Hawks as as they continue to struggle that’s another you

Know if the magic want to go big that might be a place where I head as well um just from a roster fit without even thinking about what the magic give up I’m not even at the point where I think about what do the magic give up it’s

More about okay what do we need and how do we go about and and who fits that bill before we figure out the cost um let’s just go Zillow shopping right now what do we need from a house let’s just take a look let’s just take a look at

The pictures that’s that’s where we’re at at the trade dline because right now it’s about analyzing the Magic’s roster and analyzing what the magic need and look we all know the magic needs shooting not pretending otherwise that has to be a consideration with everything the magic do but as I’ve told

Just about everyone who’s asked me this season is still not about this season I know everyone hates me saying that and and it it feels like a cop out but I want to rewind the tape a little bit rewind it back to October grinded back to September when we were thinking

What do we want to get out of the Season what is the important thing to get out of the season and obviously we all I think agreed play some pressure games be in the playoff hunt and test you know find the stresses on this team but more important than

That this season is about establishing a foundation go back to Saturday’s game and if you didn’t and if you didn’t listen to to Saturday Sunday’s episode of on Magic go ahead and do so after this game to break down what I thought was one of the best wins of the Season

At Indiana but rewind the tape back to Saturday Saturday with me after the game Tyrese halberton says what the Magik are doing with their big wings and the decision- making wings that’s the future of the NBA that’s the trend of the NBA buddy heel talked about Buddy heel

Talked about after the game that team is beatable backhanded compliment if I ever heard one but we’ll take it that team is beatable but they play really hard and that makes them tough look Indiana after that game you know and Ric Carlo said it too they got

Put you know Rick carile said after the game we can’t wait for the other team to punch Us in the mouth the magic punched first took a big lead and held on once again um and again really gutsy win for Orlando love love that win for Orlando

The way that they fought back after they gave up that gave up the lead at halftime um just that that was just really mature professional win for this team on the road especially against a really motivated opponent I think a lot of what Indiana said after the game and the frustrations they were

Feeling against Orlando was really more about their shortcomings and their uneasy I don’t say uneasiness because I think they really do buy into to their identity but their understanding that they need a lot more than perhaps a team like the magic has the magic sitting at fourth in the

Eastern Conference Miami playing behind me as as I’m recording this so maybe tied for fourth in the Eastern Conference after after tonight um Orlando has a clear understanding of what its identity is they have a clear understanding of who they are and what they are trying to be they have a clear

Understanding of the direction they want to go and really all that Jeff Wiman was missing as he was continually collecting these long armed players was a North star star players to guide this team forward and so yeah they got fron vager he’s really good they got poo banero as

I mentioned on Saturday he’s going to be an All-Star this year if things keep going the way they’re going um they have those players those Central you know pillar players to push this team forward and that’s what this season is about this season is about that Foundation being fifth in

The league in defensive rating creating an offense that trust these 6 foot1 playmaking forwards to make plays to make decisions and to make the right decisions and yeah they’re going to make mistakes this year so when I say this season is not about this season where the magic end up

Finishing this season as long as they’re in the playoffs that’s UL ultimately not important so I like I I know I’ve said this a million times Orlando is not going to make a move at this deadline to save the season if the magic slip from fourth to fifth they’re not gonna care

That’s not the goal the goal right now is to build the core of this identity to lay you know they’re laring the foundation for the championship team they want to become they’re layering that they’re laying that Foundation down and then you put the dressing on top of it so you

Know a lot of fans have complained to me this magic team doesn’t have shooting why don’t they value shooting it’s not that they don’t value shooting it’s that at this stage of their development they value that defensive identity more they would rather be a killer defensive team that can’t

Score than a team like Indiana that that can score at will but can’t defend because despite the explosion of three-point shooting in this league the best teams still defend at a very high level Boston is R Boston’s offense is killer they’re ranked the same defensively as Orlando you know Denver

Is a notch below Orlando Miami is Miami like all that Milwaukee has taken some major step back steps back defensively and that’s a big reason why they’re concerned about their Championship hopes this year the magic want to lay this Foundation defensively down and layers shooting on top of it

They want a culture and a core that is so ingrained with what they want to do defensively that as they add these new players they learn that defense too are the players as much teach that defense as much as anything else I I’m not sitting here and saying

The magic shouldn’t add shooting if the right shooter comes along you know make a trade if the right trade comes along if the right player if the target is there go for it same it’s my same rule as the draft if there is a player that you think fits

Perfectly you know not whatever the cost but make the deal happen you know you could find end of the bench role players or you know back back into the rotation role players anywhere the magic have money to spend this summer not that there’s anyone to spend it

On the magic this year though are focused on building that foundation and that’s why this season you know assuming they can carry this forward already feels like a success because that Foundation feels pretty good is it strong yet is it ready for the stress test of an outside force

That this team doesn’t know very well especially in a trade situation where you don’t get the chance to really sit down and talk with them in free agency that’s a fair question and I think the magic as an organization are more inclined to let this group figure

Themel figure things out and figure and and kind of see where this takes them before they start tinkering too much I I I I I I’m gonna be honest knowing Jeff welman unless there’s a killer deal out there I I think the Magic The Magic def

Def position is to let this group figure it out now like if Marquel Foltz has lost for the season I think they do address the point guard position uh and do make a long long-term gain and like I said every deal they make from here on out is is a long-term proposition it’s

Not about this year this year is not important this year is important but it isn’t the goal you know that you know Jamal Mosley’s thinking about this year Jeff welman’s thinking about 2025 2026 that’s what he cares about and this team’s obviously taken some important steps for that and that’s why this year

Has been fun your line of magic have had a great season but have they had a Christmas Day level season we’ll talk about why the magic should play on Christmas Day next year and who they should play against coming up here in just a moment but first it’s time for quick

Word for our friends over at game time it is about to be a very very busy week here in Central Florida the magic play the Philadelphia 76ers on Wednesday the poptarts bowl between NC State and Kansas State takes place Thursday the Orlando Magic host the New York Knicks

On Friday I just got an alert actually from game time telling me ticket prices for that game are down so get going on that uh and then of course the cheit Citrus Bowl between the Tennessee Volunteers and the Iowa Hawkeyes two teams I absolutely loath is next Monday

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Today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed we had a you know the I’m recording this at about 8:30 PM eastern time here on Christmas Day the Miami he taking on the Philadelphia 76ers right now was a busy busy busy day in the NBA Some solid basketball and I’m sure that

These last two games will be just as fun and solid too but I’m not gonna lie I miss sandoo magic playing on Christmas day and and that might just be because I’m Jewish and my my my Christmas routine is usually watching basketball or going to a movie and eating Chinese

Food I did order Chinese traditional Christmas meal uh for for for for for us um uh it’s uh I miss playing on Christmas like it mean it just means a lot it means that a you have a superstar player the league hopes to Market B it means your team

Matters for the first time since 2012 actually all 10 teams playing on Christmas day had records better than 500 it’s pretty awesome um so this is a showcase day if you’re playing on Christmas it means means the NBA wants to uh wants to emphasize you obviously

The magic are not that team yet we only get one National TV game it’s coming up in February at home against the Oklahoma City Thunder judging by how both how good the Thunder and the magic are that game’s not getting moved for anything I

Hope not um but yes that is the week of all-star weekend and I will admit that that’s a little disappointing too because it’s at a time when you know maybe the play isn’t as great um I will also say wholeheartedly the NBA is dropping the ball on developing new

Stars by knocking Indiana Pacers on a little bit little bit more I will shout out my friends with the Pacers even though they’ve struggled since the in season tournament the way tyres halberton played in those two games they should have been jumping to get the

Pacers on uh get get them on a little bit more they only have one more National TV game on in January at Boston as well um and look I get it you know the NBA’s a little afraid to take risks on developing new stars but they need to

Develop some new stars they need to get some new blood they need to really make these young players feel big it’s it’s all everything’s wrestling you know you got to make you gotta give them good shine against even established players to show like hey these young kids are

Coming up that’s ultimately what the playoffs are going to do for the Orlando Magic um you know again there’s probably no Rookie of the Year no number one overall pick no young player who averages 20 points per game that has gone gone so far under the radar than poo banero

Everybody should be talking about how good this kid has been and how good he is leading leading the Lineo magic to the fourth seene in the Eastern Conference at Christmas obviously he has to continue doing it we got a long way to go this season um but if he continues

To do it if the magic are in that four five uh Series in the first round if Pao does have a good game good series if the magic do somehow advance to the second round and that’s not you know we’ll see how the match look against the Knicks on

Friday um that’s not wholly impossible um I don’t want to say it’s likely but it’s not impossible um The Magic The Magic are quickly going to be part of the conversation you talk everyone who plays this magic team says a lot of the same things it wasn’t just the Pacers on

Saturday Giannis complemented the magic a ton uh after the game on Thursday and you know again the magic you know I think even the magic acknowledge they played well even though they lost that game on Thursday they found some stuff that they carried over to Saturday

Game look I’m not here you know yes I do I think the magic should be should play on Christmas next year probably not they’re probably not quite ready for that stage but I don’t think it’s farfetched to think that the magic could be a Christmas Day team on in 2024 and

Certainly be a Christmas Day team again in 20 on in 2025 it’s all about this team continue to come together and continue to improve just like Allstar voting just like all just like Allstar selections all of this is is dependent on the magic continuing to win winning is ultimately rewarded

Unless you have a super duper star player like Chas mcgr was back in 2 on Christmas Day 2003 um when he got the honor of defeating LeBron in his first Christmas Christmas game in an overtime victory for the magic um one of the probably the greatest Christmas Day game

In Magic history I might add um 95 was up there 95 was a good game too um we’ve had some we have some good Christmas Memories um still this is a magic team that is going to get put on this stage very very soon that’s ultimately where

We’re headed and look you know Jamal Mosley was asked on Wednesday how he feels about potentially playing on Christmas and mosle ever The Family Man and good on him um said you know I’d rather spend time with my family and I think most of these guys would too but

It is an incredible honor to play on Christmas it does mean you matter it doeses mean the Le League sees you as important to their overall marketing it means the league sees you as part of the bigger picture of the Season it means they believe you can contend or you’re

Going to contend for a title if not for eyeballs and that’s the thing this magic team is completely unproven as far as drawing eyeballs and and drawing people to their games that’s ultimately why the magic are not on national TV we’re a small Market relatively young City uh

Certainly young city as far as Big Time stuff I was actually talking with someone o over the weekend about it you know giving them matour downtown Orlando and said and she and the person I was with asked uh asked me you know what are there any like old buildings old

Historic buildings I’m like you know not really this like this was a small town and then Disney moved in in the 70s so really we’re only like as a real city the city is only 50 years old and certainly the explosion of this city and

Its growth in the last 15 to 20 years out pieces its entire growth before then as far as being a kind of major metropolis and I will say the Event Center deal Kia Center Dr Phillips Performing Art Center was a big driver of that those that stuff does matter um

This city has really begun to gain its own identity but it hasn’t hit the TV markets yet you know Orlando the Orlando Daytona Beach Metro areas are the 20th largest media Market in the country but Orlando is currently the largest city without NFL team but it hasn’t quite hit

Fifth Avenue in New York and the advertisers so the magic do need a Transcendent star or to be one of the best teams in the league to get that kind of attention are the magic G to get there within year you know I think most

Of us would say this year is about just making the playoffs next year’s about fighting for homecourt Advantage the year after that’s about getting into the second round and competing for the Conference Finals so sure within the next two to three seasons absolutely but if the NBA wants to develop and grow a

Star Pao banero is a star that they can develop and grow he is certainly a player that that can can draw people to him and he’s already had some big games in his second season and everyone’s going to get introduced to him a little bit more when he goes All-Star Weekend in

Indianapolis this February that’s gonna be a big moment for him and for this franchise um but ultimately what this magic and on top of that we’re already seeing a a lot of players around this league really respect Jamal Mosley and really dig what the magic are building you know Orlando

Is gonna have free agent money this summer again I there’s not a lot of free agents to spend it on but the magic could very easily become players in the trade market they’ve kept themselves flexible enough to do it I think that’s another reason why the magic might hang

Tight again and see what develops in the off season when teams again reevaluate their rosters after the playoffs this is a team this is a franchise that is very very clearly on the rise and while Christmas game next year might be a bit premature especially since the magic are not on national TV

At all this year certainly next year you will see the magic on national TV a whole lot more and certainly within the next two to three seasons a Christmas Day game is very very very possible all the magic have to do is take care of their own business keep growing keep

Developing keep building on that Foundation keep taking steps forward and the magic will be there very very soon I want to thank you again for listening to today’s episode of lockon magic of course find me on Twitter Philip romd subscribe to the podcast and apple podcast you’re tuned in himay

Google play Spotify Odyssey and all podcast to your podcast enabling device you can also check us out on YouTube on our YouTube page go to lockon magic to watch all of these podcasts as well for the latest on the Orlando Magic be sure to check out you can also support me

And check out my patreon page for extra content too at Orlando Magic Hub thank you again for all of your support the lockon podcast network has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube lock on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories

Of the day with the local Experts of lockdown plus our national shows covering every week go to lockon sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel today that’s going to do it for me today today though I want to thank you all

Again for listening to today’s episode of lock on Magic for Orlando Magic daily in lock on Magic this has been Philip Rosman right we’ll see you all again next time for another episode of lock on Magic I hope everyone had a very very very Merry Christmas a very happy

Holidays and I hope we’re ready for a strong finish to 2023 as we look ahead to 2024 merry Christmas and happy holidays once again this has been Philip Ross Mich we’ll see you next time for another episode of lock down Magic

Franz Wagner has not been his usual efficient self this season. Despite those struggles, Wagner’s raw numbers are up across the board and he may be asserting himself in the exact ways the Magic’s fans have hoped for the last two years. He, like the rest of the team, is putting things together.

Also, with the trade deadline approaching and the Magic in contention, everyone seems eager to try to add to this team. That misses the point of this season. Orlando is looking to lay its foundation and the core of who this team will be moving forward.

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