@Utah Jazz

Kawhi Leonard Is On Another Planet Right Now

Kawhi Leonard Is On Another Planet Right Now

And now we got a championship thank you and like they said enjoy this enjoy this moment and have fun with it aaaaa yeah what it do baby well he’s back yep if you’ve been paying attention to the NBA this season I’m sure you remember that James Harden

Trade about a month or two ago now well right after that trade the Clippers hit a losing streak and it looked like they were going to regret that trade a lot but recently they’ve been a new team and it’s especially thanks to one guy and that’s kawh Leonard kawh Leonard is

Playing on another level right now he’s playing some of the best basketball in his career from being honest right now this is what kawai’s numbers look like for the season he’s a 24.4 points per game which puts him 19th in the NBA he’s also averaging 5.9 rebounds and 3 and 1

Half assist but it’s the efficiency that has been the stand for Kawai so far this year he’s shooting 52.1% from the field 42.9 from deep and 87.7 from the line just absurd numbers Kawai is making a push for the 50490 club this season but as good as the season stats are the last

3 4 weeks or so kawh Leonard has picked things up to an extreme level and he’s been doing recently is crazy he’s been on another level and when I say another level it’s lowkey an understatement his shooting splits for the week are 69% from the field 61 from deep and 92 from

The line imagine the 60 6090 Club kawi Leonard and high school Zion that’s about it I won’t leave out the rest of the Tweet though shout out to James Harden he’s been averaging 22 and 11 the last week while shooting 56% from Deep if the Clippers have these two playing

Like this they’re easily one of the best teams in the NBA and kawai’s credited a lot of the Clippers recent success to James Harden and his ability to get everybody involved obviously we I’m much more aggressive looking score James um what did you see out of James today as

He kind of still tries to navigate when to pick his spots I guess uh as he’s out there with you guys um I mean I think he’s doing a good job uh you know he’s he’s getting everybody involved um and then uh when he sees uh he needs to be

Aggressive he is are the games uh you know um if uh you know um Les Defender is guarding him he’s going to attack him um you know that’s just how we play just seeing uh who night it is and um um who we could pick on um on the other end

When we on offense look at kawai’s numbers the past week the 69 61 92 if you extend it to the last 10 games for the Clippers it’s not even all that different in the last 10 games of the Season kawai’s averaging 28.7 points per game six rebounds with the shooting

Splits he’s shooting 60% from the field 52 from deep and 94 from the line during the stretch there was a point where those numbers were up to 30 points per game here’s a list of all the NBA players in that time span to average 30 points per game shoot 65% from the field

And 55 from d kawhai Leonard and Larry BT that’s it a top 10 player of all time and kawh Leonard and plus bird won MVP that year I think if jic continues to struggle like this maybe M slows down a little bit I mean a lot would have to go

Right for Kawai but it would be really cool to see him take home his first MVP especially when a lot of people thought he was past his Prime and although this might be the best stretch of kawai’s career he said he doesn’t really care about that he just wants to win a

Championship Kaw is 169 points for you in 177 minutes 65% shooting this the best kind of stretch of your career here um I mean if you want to put it in numbers wise but uh you know uh I’m more focused on on uh something bigger than just a stretch honestly the Clippers are

One of the teams in the NBA I definitely would not mind seeing wi at all and there’s really a chance it happens the Clippers are on fire right now a niname winning streak and the NBA universe is actually starting to understand just how great the Clippers actually are I have

To talk about the Los Angeles Clippers you know why cuz they on fire they’ve now won eight straight games the player leading the charge is the one and only Mr James Harden the Clippers appear to be the number one threat to the Denver Nuggets in the Western Conference when

You look at the big three on the Los Angeles Clippers it’s official it’s kawh Leonard Paul George and James Harden James Harden is averaging 20 and nine if kawh Leonard isn’t going to miss with so many games and he’s going to be healthy enough and available for the postseason

If Paul George is gonna play that bully ball he promised to play and you see Russell Westbrook bought all in I got to tell you something right now the best team in Los Angeles is the Clippers it damn sure ain’t the Lakers the End season tournament champions it ain’t

Them who can’t they score on who don’t they have a chance to defend against there may very well be a team from Los Angeles in the NBA Finals but that don’t mean it’s going to be the Lakers the Clippers are coming I really do think

The Clippers have a chance to win it all and that’s based off the fact that most of the guys they have only pick it up come playoff time but I’ll get to that a little more later in the nine game winning streak though the win streak for

Kawaii and the lips has been special and when I say for Kawai his run really started in the third game of the streak in a game against the Jazz in this one he had 41 5 and five he shot 61% from the field 14 for 23 6 for8 from Deep

Which is 75% and 7 for from the line which if you couldn’t do the math it’s 100% but if you couldn’t do that math you need to go back to like second grade but anyway the efficiency has been there for kawh Leonard and this efficiency allows him to have a major impact on

Each and every game to anyone who watches my videos regularly I apologize but we’re at the time for the stat I always mention player impact estimate or pie I feel like I explain the stat every day but I know a lot of you guys haven’t watched me before and don’t know what p

Is so I’ll explain again Pi basically just takes all the stats in the Box Score next to your name points assist rebounds blocks whatever everything and it does some Walter stuff that I probably wouldn’t understand but basically it just tells you the impact the player has on a game what kawh

Letter is currently 10th in the NBA and the problem a lot of people have a Kawai they say he doesn’t touch the ball enough I mean he’s 6C to use his percentage but when he gets the ball he’s awesome with it and if there’s one thing Kawai is great at that’s scoring

In the half court set there are some players who are monsters on the break like a dearen fox or even like a LeBron but kaw’s always been in the top of the league at getting buckets in the 5v5 halfcourt set check this out here’s the NBA leaders in efficiency in the half

Court kawai’s number one in the league getting 1. 15 points per possession with only 16.8 possessions a game Curry Halbert and marinin who are 234 all get at least 1.3 more possessions than Kawai gets as well but kawhai said he’s genuinely not worried about possessions he’s worried about winning we don’t

Really go over touch time uh like I just said we we more look at uh where the defense is coming from and how quickly they are coming and then just kind of like being patient and reading the game and seeing what spots you can go quick in

And uh you know he’s been coach Ty been doing a good job of showing me and me you know bouncing ideas back and forth the thing about Kawhi Leonard he says he doesn’t worry about touch time which is true it’s backed up by the stats but he

Doesn’t touch theable as often as other stars but the things he does when he gets the ball on offense almost don’t make sense for how low the usage is when we talk about the best two-way players in the NBA kawh Leonard should be one of the first players that comes to our mind

I showed this in my chat video so shout out chat but in the NBA right now there’s only 10 players who are in the 85th percentile in both offensive and defensive plus minus of course kawh lard is on the list and the sads always back

Up what we think about Kawai but look at some of the other names on this list Chad hat Eric White that’s kind of crazy though shout out those guys but you guys already know I think Derek white is second coming of Michael Jordan but then there’s the other guy who’s not as good

As Derek white Kawai that was a joke by the way but for kawhai to be on the list you got to be incredibly efficient of course which well is exactly what Kawai has been so far te it’s Ka Leonard it’s kawh Leonard man in the

Last in the last 11 games the dude is averaging 30 on 62% shooting pretty good 95% free throw shooting um and 55% three-point shooting 55 wow he’s on a different planet right now man different planet right now offensively and and you know look we’ve seen this

Out of him before we know he can do this he just has had a hard time staying on the court staying healthy playing the games the fact that he’s playing every night and he’s playing you know 30 anywhere from like on a back on a you

Know 28 minutes on a low end to 39 he’s always in the 30s in minutes with this kind of usage rate and this efficiency this looks exactly like kawh Leonard during his championship run in Toronto and that is scary for the rest of the league and that’s what it all hinges on

For me Adam as great as Harden’s Ben and Westbrook Paul George we talk about the role players all that zubot we gave credit to man this thing whole thing hinges on Kawhi Leonard’s Health like Le said It reminds him of raptors Kawai and this is a little off topic but I’ve been

Seeing this debate a lot recently and I want to see your guys opinion on it the question is does kawhai Leonard deserve a statue outside the Raptor Arena you got people on both sides of it he got them their one Championship as more than anything any other player before him

Achieved with that franchise I say he deserves it they need a statue of him squatting looking up waiting for the ball to drop that would actually be insanely hard this picture but then you got people who are on the opposite side of this question I think Vince Carter

Deserves it more to me a statue is to represent not only championships but tenure Legacy and multiple championships it’s not just one it takes all three of those things if not the statues don’t hold enough meeting I don’t know I can see it go both ways here’s what a former

Raptor had to say on it though it’s hard to say it’s hard to say yes but I can see why you can argue it right it’s hard to say yes but then it’s the first one yeah and he he makes the shot that gets him there against Billy the whole but

Like getting a statue it’s a lot of groundwork that go into getting a statue yeah like like he kind of got handed stuff that was already there too not disrespecting what he did understand that um but if you go look and if you go look at the other statues them is all

Guys that that went through the hard times in that place to get there for sure he didn’t have to do that right like who got let’s look at all the statues who got statues Larry Kobe Shaq Mike think about what they dealt with what they they exactly They Carried They Carried that

Arena to a certain spot to do that yeah and they they they took the blame that that came with them not getting there when they thought they should have and two things one CJ Miles was a bucket back in the day I forgot about him but

Two I can see it both ways he was awesome for the Raptors but I don’t know I think Kyle Larry’s probably a little more deserving if anything that’s just my take though but back to the season after the Jazz game the Clipper streak would continue out for six more games at

The time I’m recording this and it’s still going on although kaab is actually ruled out for tonight’s game it’s going to be the first game he misses all season but that’s what we need a healthy Kawhi Leonard cuz when he’s healthy he continues to dominate like he did in the

Blazers game where he had 34 6 and five and in the next five games he’d have 31 27 36 28 and 30 and that 36 came into game against the New York Knicks and they blew out the Knicks who’ve been playing pretty good basketball too 144

To 122 and this game was never really close and if you remember Harden’s first game a Clipper it was also against the Knicks where the Clippers got blown out but now this time they’re a new team and they were locked in Kawai 36 points tonight you’ve been hot all season long

How are you able to get the job done on the defensive end tonight uh we started up playing well defensively got out in transition got some open looks and um you know that got it started talking about defense coming into this game you knew it would be physical Jaylen Brunson

Had a hot night yesterday how were you guys able ble to contain uh just showing a crowd um he’s a great point guard could get to his spots very well and he’s been shooting the ball great all year so um just just showing uh a presence in the gaps when

He’s driving and trying to contest him last home game for a little while what do you take from tonight with you on the road uh just our defense uh got to start off on a defensive end first and um you know that’s going to help us on the road

The Clipper streak has actually been pretty awesome to watch look at this this comes from after seven games on the win streak the Harden kawhai Paul George lineup has been great 128.3 offensive rating and 10.9.3 defensive rating with a 19.1 net rating I want to know something crazy the Westbook pldr kawhai

Lineup has been even better overall at least cuz they do have a lower offensive rating at 122.9 but they have a much better defensive rating with 97.6 and that brings their net rating to 25.3 so it doesn’t really matter who you have Ka Paul George out there with the

Lineup’s going to flourish either way and I know this is a little skewed cuz there’s two other guys on the floor so don’t think too much of it but is just to show a little of how different the lineups of the big four have been working out during the streak the

Clippers are like a football team let me explain what I mean think of a football team I don’t know I’ll use the LA Rams they’re playing right now while I’m recording this but what I mean when I say the Clippers are like a football team say the Rams are running a pass

Play when Matt Stafford gets the ball off the snap the play has reads maybe Cooper cup is the first read on that play and if he’s covered he’ll look for PUK and ncoa as the second read and if he doesn’t have either of those guys maybe he looks for tutu Atwell well the

Clippers when they play they have reads too they look for Kawai and if they don’t have him or if Paul George has a better matchup they’ll hit Paul George but maybe neither of them could get anything and you get James Harden as the last option the ball will be usually in

Harden’s hands and you’ll have either Paul George or Kawhi Leonard on The Block depending on who they like who’s Miss whose match up they like the most sometimes they’ll run it for each guy you know back toback and they’ll have that on one side and on the other side

They’ll get a double pin down for somebody in the corner coming off it and it’s a simple action but when I say A team has figured out the new pieces you can run the iso for kawh or Paul George you can have Paul George or kawhai

Coming off a double pin down and if none of that works in all the various reads en counters you end with a James Harden pick and roll at the top so you kind of run through all of your top options you get to him very easily and quickly and

As a defense you’re worried do I overload on the ISO on kawhai do I stay in position to guard the pick and roll do I chase Paul George off the screen it’s so simple that they can get into these actions over and over and get different looks every single time all

Right let’s look at kawai’s most recent game this was a game against the Dallas Mavericks and in this game kawhai had 30 points 10 rebounds five assists and he did this while shooting 54% from the field and if you’re watching this and think you’re a Kawhi Leonard fan you may

Be I’m not saying you’re not but I am saying you’re not as big as a Kawhi Leonard fan as the guy who hosts California Sports Clippers are a perfect 8 and0 in December with kawhai Leonard leading the charge I mean my man is scoring nearly 30 points a game on 62%

Shooting must be the workout routine because check out this picture that is exploding on social media I mean my man looks swole right there in Kawai he looks to continue his success against the Mavericks in a fourth quarter Clips down one with four to play Terence man

Up top to Kawai all the muscles and everything gives La a one-point lead now 3 minutes ago Leonard lows the defense to sleep and oh you’re old step now this time double team MJ fake Kawai finds Norman Powell and one Clippers take a four-point lead now under two to go

Check this out the diesel man that we showed you before the Highlight that’s going viral on the internet just took over left hand flush Mavs call a timeout the bench loves it and the clips went on a 13 of4 run and now check out Kawai

Spin Euro Lefty good he had 30 points so nice we got to see it twice James Harden knows it’s nasty too only two players in NBA history have had a six-game span with 30 points shooting 65% and 55% from behind the arc that’s Larry Bird and that dude right there Kawai this guy

Loves kawhai Leonard but I can’t leave out a big part of why kawh has been so great recently James Harden James Harden’s last four games 15 12 9 and 11 assist he’s also been getting buckets too he’s not washed he had 28 and 35 in two of those games James Harden is still

Going to get you buckets when he wants to and him and Kawhi Leonard have been playing great together so far you had a u i mean when you get to see a guy like James go and light up like that in the fourth quarter you know what what’s it

Like from your point of view to to kind of to see that no it’s great you know that’s why we brought him here you know to you know to score the basketball to make plays for other guys make it easier for Kawai and PG and um he’s done that

You know so um you know like said some nights he takes five shots some nights he takes 15 16 shots you know all he cares about is the win and so just having him here knowing he’s a special player can shoot the basketball can make plays and then defensively he’s been

Solid for us you know he’s been doing all the right things trying to be in all the right places and um like I said he’s been great you know and so you know hats off of James and you know getting in better shape you know the rotations are

Better um the combinations are better and um like I said we still got you know ways to go but I like what we’re doing and like I said the guys continue to keep put in the work the two of them have been great together recently but like I mentioned earlier kawhai set to

Miss his first game tonight if the Clippers lose this would snap their niname winning streak and kawh lard was obviously active for all nine of those games and it really is crazy how different a team of the Clippers are with Kawhi Leonard versus with without

Him this comes from 2020 but it was too interesting of a graphic not to show that season with kawh Leonard if cers were 41 and 16 when he was on the floor and when he wasn’t on the floor they were 8 and8 the games kawhai played they outscored their opponents by 7.2 points

Per game and when he didn’t play they basically went even without him a 0.3 difference maybe the Clippers tied 16 games while kawhai didn’t play but for real look at the three-point differential too when kawhai played the Clippers opponent shot 34% from Deep when he didn’t play that Rose to 37

That’s the difference having arguably the greatest perimeter defender of all time on the floor makes for the clippers but besides being one of the greatest Defenders of all time there’s one thing that makes kawh Leonard so special and it’s the fact that he shows up when it

Matters whether that be in the playoffs or the end of close games look at this this comes from last year but there were three players in the NBA to have four go-ahead field goals in the final 20 seconds of the game that’ be kawi Leonard Paul George and Trey young this

Is a weird stat though cuz I guess gu it means they have to be in close games for this to happen so either the Clippers were blowing teams out winning in the final seconds or getting blown out I guess two of the three leading to wins

Is a good thing though but it’s not even just close regular season games he’s dominant in the playoffs too check this out there graph is a little messy so let me break it down for you this are the 12 players who have averaged the most points per game in the playoffs since

2020 you can see kawh Leonard sits there number four but take a look at the rest of the list some of the best players in the NBA donic KD Donovan Mitchell Giannis Curry well out of anyone in the top 10 kawh Leonard has the highest true shooting percentage shooting

63.4% fourth in points per game at first and efficiency in the top 12 stepping up when it really matters and the reason Kawai so efficient he’s always going to get to his spot on the floor I remember played y this year I was telling young my young fell Pat Williams I’m like yo

He’s about to get to a spot every time every time it’s going to be very difficult for you to stop anything he do but don’t get frustrated it just be crazy watching him cuz some I’d be like I wouldn’t even tried that the fact that his hands is so big that

He just place that over there like he don’t go fast like for me I got to throw the ball through try to go get it bro he’ll walk and just place it through have no fear of anybody stealing it people don’t know how strong he is he’s

Strong as he’s so strong if he hits you it’s like you hurting yourself you know what I mean just solid like he’s just so solid and he going to do whatever want to get his shot off you just got to hope he missed you know that’s what makes it

So special with him because he would do that and run off a quick 20 like that facts don’t even look tired you know what I mean that really is one reason why I trust the Clippers come playoff time it really just boils down to whether kawh Leonard is healthy or not

He only picks it up when he has to look at this graph I know it looks confusing but here the Red Dot is the true shooting percentage of the player in the playoffs the blue dot is their true shooting percentage in the regular season the the further right the dot is

The higher their true shooting percentages and look at it basically every player’s Blue Dot is further right than the Red Dot except for kaai Leonard look how much further his Red Dot is meaning his true shooting percentage is drastically rais in the playoffs when the game matters most shout out to

Draymond Green though the only other player who raises his shooting percentages in the playoffs and that’s why we call Draymond Green the greatest scorer of all time but on a real note check this one out this is a list of the 10 players with the highest box plus

Minus in NBA playoff history a list of alltime great MJ LeBron magic CP3 KD Harden bird Curry hakee well out of the 10 players Kawai has the third highest box plus minus but when you look at their true shooting percentages in those games kawhai Leonard is the highest

Percentage out of all 10 of the all-time great and as we know Hawai Leonard in 2019 had one of the greatest playoff RS in history with the Toronto Raptors he was dominant in that playoffs this is a list of the players with the most 30-point Road games in a single single

Postseason in NBA history kawh Leonard is tied for number two just behind Kobe Bryant and it really didn’t matter if it was a home game or a away game kawh Leonard was going to go into the opposing team’s house and drop 30 on a nightly basis and recently he’s been

Playing on that level he was in Toronto for the past 10 games and if he’s on that level for the playoffs watch out look how bad ESPN messed up this graphic though this is MVP finals level Kawai if this stays this way it’s all on the

Table mhm here period I don’t know if it will I don’t have a glass ball I don’t know what’s going to happen but I know when Kawai is playing like this when his legs have this much Justin Fields is really about to lead the Clippers to a championship this season that’s crazy

But really kawh Leonard has been completely dominant as of recent and if this continues it’s going to be long nights for whoever has to play them that give night partum Paul George and Kawai seem to be fighting their groove they’re basically three players who are NBA legends really and they’ll be able to

Figure this out and it’s really all about health if these guy can say healthy I can see them going really far this year and I’d love to see the Clippers raise their first Banner to start next season let’s come back to this video in a couple months or so and

See if I look like an idiot I probably will

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  1. DID YOU SEE THT EURO STEP😱🫨🤯😤💯‼️ this man kawhi is in championship shape, bruh at this point it’s all about health and that’s all that matters not just for him but the whole team.

  2. They were known as LeBronto the year prior
    They were a good playoff team that could never make it all the way
    They traded their top 2 player for a controversial, injured, "system" player and then won in their 1st year against Steph – KD warriors
    He deserves a statue

  3. I wouldnt mind a kawhi statue, but i think it doesn't have as big of a value compared to other statues. take for example lebron in Cleveland, they both only won 1 championship for the team, except lebron has the legacy and tenure there.

  4. holy shit bro you’ve grown fast. i remember last time i watched one of your videos you had a couple hundred now you got 7k. keep grinding mane you make some good ass content

  5. Im same age as kawhi.. its his mental that significantly improve for sure.. more mature way of thinking

  6. Despite the stats, Kawhi is looking even better than his Raptors year. Just the eye test alone, you can see how much quicker and stronger he is. He's significantly faster and more explosive. Love seeing it.

  7. I'll always be grateful to Kawhi for the 19 Championship, but I was okay when he left Toronto because he is too prone to breaking down. History has played out exactly as I thought it would. He's a beast when on the floor, but how long can that last…

  8. The whole city of Toronto has offered it's Wine and Dine services to him and he still left. No way he's getting a statue.

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